Detail View: David Rumsey Historical Map Collection: Nord-America

Kiepert, Heinrich, 1818-1899
Short Title: 
Dietrich Reimer
Publisher Location: 
Atlas Map
Obj Height cm: 
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Double page hand colored in outline map. Color coded by political and administrative boundaries. Includes legend and text. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridians are Ferro, Greenwich and Paris.
World Area: 
North America
Full Title: 
Nord-America. Neue Bearbeitung. Berichtgt 1867. Stich. v. J. Sulzer. Durck v. F. Barth. (to accompany) H. Kiepert's Neuer Handatlas No. 36. Berlin BEI Dietrich Reimer.
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Engraver or Printer: 
Sulzer, J.
Engraver or Printer: 
Barth, F.
Publication Author: 
Kiepert, Heinrich, 1818-1899
Pub Date: 
Pub Title: 
Neuer Hand-Atlas uber alle Theile der Erde : Entworfen und bearbeitet von Dr. Heinrich Kiepert. Zweite vollstandig berichtigte und vermehrte Auflage. Berlin Verlag von Dietrich Reimer 1871.
Pub Note: 
The 2nd completely revised and expanded edition, 1871 printing of Kiepert's New Hand Atlas of the entire World. Published by D. Reimer in Berlin. The atlas has a double page engraved title page with the table of contents, printed in light blue, 42 maps, 4 pages of preface and descriptive text and 2 pages of text to the revised map of eastern France. "Berichtigungen zur karte von Ost Frankreich". Maps are hand colored in outline, dated 1866-1870. Showing political and administrative divisions, cities, towns, villages, canals, bridges, roads, rivers and mountains. All maps have names of the engraver or printer. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridian is Paris. Atlas is bound in half leather, dark green covers with gilt title "Kiepert's Hand-Atlas". Heinrich Kiepert (1818-1899) is known as one of the more important scholarly cartographers of the second half of the 19th century. His Hand Atlas has several additional compilations. The title of the 1st and 2nd editions is "Neuer Hand-Atlas uber alle Theile der Erde". The title of the 3rd edition is "Kiepert's Grosser Hand-Atlas". The 2nd edition published in 2 printings, 1871 and 1877. In the 1871 printing the header of the preface is "Zweite vollstandig berichtigte und erweiterte Auflage." in the 1877 printing the header of preface is "Dritte umgearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Neuer berichtigter Abdruck. In 1845 he became a cartographer of the Bertuchian Geographical Institute in Weimar, and in 1852 he moved to Berlin in the same capacity as Dietrich Reimer, and designed maps for the Berlin Society for Geography.
Pub List No: 
Pub Type: 
World Atlas
Pub Maps: 
Pub Height cm: 
Pub Width cm: 
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Kiepert, Heinrich, 1818-1899