When this painting was shown in the Salon of 1866, critics censured Courbet's "lack of taste" as well as his model's "ungainly" pose and "disheveled hair." Clearly, Courbet's woman was perceived as provocative. The picture, however, was admired by contemporary artists: Cézanne seems to have carried a small photograph of it in his wallet, and in 1866 Manet began his version of the subject, "Young Lady in 1866 (Woman with a Parrot)" (MMA, 89.21.3).
<P>When this painting was shown in the Salon of 1866, critics censured Courbet's "lack of taste" as well as his model's "ungainly" pose and "disheveled hair." Clearly, Courbet's woman was perceived as provocative. The picture, however, was admired by contemporary artists: Cézanne seems to have carried a small photograph of it in his wallet, and in 1866 Manet began his version of the subject, "Young Lady in 1866 (Woman with a Parrot)" (MMA, 89.21.3).</P>