Two Mende secret societies regulate each community or village: Poro for men, Sande for women. The Sowo mask is worn by women of the secret Sande Society during and after the initiation rites when girls are introduced to womanhood. Sowo is a dancing spirit from the water comprised of an all black helmet and full-length fiber robe. The masks also perform at lesser civic and social functions. All Mende women must belong to Sande in order to function in Mende society. It is a regulatory group that guards and transmits feminine ideals and responsibilities while girls are secluded in the Bundu, the initiation house in the bush. There the girls are circumcised, taught ideals of beauty (a fundamental Mende concern), domestic skills, marriage responsibilities, medicine, history, and dancing. Sowo influences every aspect of a woman's life. Sowei are high ranking Sande leaders esteemed in the community as healers, judges, priestesses, and educators. Other women are Sowololimo, expert dancers who teach and perform.
Sowo masks are usually of bombax wood patinated with shiny black paint, shoe polish or oil. The masks are also worn by the Temne, Vai, Gala and other peoples in Sierra Leone and Liberia.
Two Mende secret societies regulate each community or village: Poro for men, Sande for women. The Sowo mask is worn by women of the secret Sande Society during and after the initiation rites when girls are introduced to womanhood. Sowo is a dancing spirit from the water comprised of an all black helmet and full-length fiber robe. The masks also perform at lesser civic and social functions. All Mende women must belong to Sande in order to function in Mende society. It is a regulatory group that guards and transmits feminine ideals and responsibilities while girls are secluded in the Bundu, the initiation house in the bush. There the girls are circumcised, taught ideals of beauty (a fundamental Mende concern), domestic skills, marriage responsibilities, medicine, history, and dancing. Sowo influences every aspect of a woman's life. Sowei are high ranking Sande leaders esteemed in the community as healers, judges, priestesses, and educators. Other women are Sowololimo, expert dancers who teach and perform.<br><br>Sowo masks are usually of bombax wood patinated with shiny black paint, shoe polish or oil. The masks are also worn by the Temne, Vai, Gala and other peoples in Sierra Leone and Liberia.