Tiepolo was one of the most celebrated painters of the 18th century. Since his native Venice was a center for printmaking, it is not surprising that he became involved with etching, although he produced only 35 examples.The 23 prints included in the set of Scherzi are fanciful inventions lacking a narrative structure. Still, there are the recurring themes of the transitory nature of life and the 18th-century Venetian pre-occupation with magic, superstition, and witchcraft. Tiepolo improvised scenes of magicians and philosophers consulting horoscopes, skeletons, and snakes among ancient ruins. The emphasis on mys-terious magical incantations creates an eerie mood.The special quality of the Scherzi is the sensation of sunlight bathing each scene and dissolving form, an illusion created by the contrast of the nervous, broken etched lines against white paper. The subtleties of these prints can only be fully appreciated when they are seen in perfectly preserved, carefully inked and printed impressions, like this beautiful early proof.
Tiepolo was one of the most celebrated painters of the 18th century. Since his native Venice was a center for printmaking, it is not surprising that he became involved with etching, although he produced only 35 examples.The 23 prints included in the set of Scherzi are fanciful inventions lacking a narrative structure. Still, there are the recurring themes of the transitory nature of life and the 18th-century Venetian pre-occupation with magic, superstition, and witchcraft. Tiepolo improvised scenes of magicians and philosophers consulting horoscopes, skeletons, and snakes among ancient ruins. The emphasis on mys-terious magical incantations creates an eerie mood.The special quality of the Scherzi is the sensation of sunlight bathing each scene and dissolving form, an illusion created by the contrast of the nervous, broken etched lines against white paper. The subtleties of these prints can only be fully appreciated when they are seen in perfectly preserved, carefully inked and printed impressions, like this beautiful early proof.