Rare U.S. edition of Arrowsmith's Globular World. Says "The whole engraved under the immediate superintendence of, corrected and improved by, Samuel Lewis, Geographer...Plan work by Harrison, Hooker, Seymour & Boyd. The writing by William Harrison." The dedication to Dalrymple that appears on the English edition is not present here, and the U.S. is somewhat redrawn, with Ohio, Indiana, Michigan (with a redrawn peninsula), Illinois, and Mississippi added. Cook's portrait remains, but in a different location with the cartouche completely redrawn. The balance of the map is almost identical to the English ed., with small exceptions such as labeling Bass Strait in New Holland (not on Eng. ed.). Compare to our 1808 English edition.
Rare U.S. edition of Arrowsmith's Globular World. Says "The whole engraved under the immediate superintendence of, corrected and improved by, Samuel Lewis, Geographer...Plan work by Harrison, Hooker, Seymour & Boyd. The writing by William Harrison." The dedication to Dalrymple that appears on the English edition is not present here, and the U.S. is somewhat redrawn, with Ohio, Indiana, Michigan (with a redrawn peninsula), Illinois, and Mississippi added. Cook's portrait remains, but in a different location with the cartouche completely redrawn. The balance of the map is almost identical to the English ed., with small exceptions such as labeling Bass Strait in New Holland (not on Eng. ed.). Compare to our 1808 English edition.