On the cover: Tanner's Travelling Map of N. & S. Carolina With The Roads, Canals, Railroads, Counties, &c. 1840. First issued with the American Atlas of 1823. Changes from the 1827 issue in the American Atlas of (1833) include the appearance of two new counties in western North Carolina (Macon and Yancy) and the addition of several railroads in North and South Carolina. The copyright notice has been removed from the lower left corner. Full color by county, map is folded into dark brown cloth covers 15x9.5 titled "Tanner's Travelling Map Of N.&S. Carolina With The Roads. Canals. Railroads. Counties.&c 1840" stamped in gold. Prime meridians are Washington D.C. and Greenwich. Relief shown by hachures.
On the cover: Tanner's Travelling Map of N. & S. Carolina With The Roads, Canals, Railroads, Counties, &c. 1840. First issued with the American Atlas of 1823. Changes from the 1827 issue in the American Atlas of (1833) include the appearance of two new counties in western North Carolina (Macon and Yancy) and the addition of several railroads in North and South Carolina. The copyright notice has been removed from the lower left corner. Full color by county, map is folded into dark brown cloth covers 15x9.5 titled "Tanner's Travelling Map Of N.&S. Carolina With The Roads. Canals. Railroads. Counties.&c 1840" stamped in gold. Prime meridians are Washington D.C. and Greenwich. Relief shown by hachures.