Lithographed drawing with 2 ancillary views showing buildings, carriages, wagon, farm animals, dogs, pedestrians, etc. Freeman Block owned by F.S. Freeman, O. Schluer, A.D. Porter, T.M. Prior, Dr. Ross, Alex Porter and Frazer & Co. It shows shops of F.S. Freeman & Co., farming implements and machinery; H. Kuhn & Bro., roofing & gas fitting; A. Butz, merchant tailor; G.W. Green, jeweler & stationer; Mrs. W.W. Porter & Co., dress makers & milliners; Frazer & Co., dealers in fresh meats & live stock. Knuppe ranch is in T.7 N., R. 3 E., sec. 6.
Lithographed drawing with 2 ancillary views showing buildings, carriages, wagon, farm animals, dogs, pedestrians, etc. Freeman Block owned by F.S. Freeman, O. Schluer, A.D. Porter, T.M. Prior, Dr. Ross, Alex Porter and Frazer & Co. It shows shops of F.S. Freeman & Co., farming implements and machinery; H. Kuhn & Bro., roofing & gas fitting; A. Butz, merchant tailor; G.W. Green, jeweler & stationer; Mrs. W.W. Porter & Co., dress makers & milliners; Frazer & Co., dealers in fresh meats & live stock. Knuppe ranch is in T.7 N., R. 3 E., sec. 6.