A modern pilgrim's map of the British Isles : or more precisely, the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State. Designed by C.E. Riddiford. Done in the map and art studios of the National Geographic magazine. Gilbert Grosvenor, Editor. Washington, 1937. Copyright 1937 by the National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C. Printed by A. Hoen & Co., Baltimore, MD. U.S.A.
A modern pilgrim's map of the British Isles : or more precisely, the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State. Designed by C.E. Riddiford. Done in the map and art studios of the National Geographic magazine. Gilbert Grosvenor, Editor. Washington, 1937. Copyright 1937 by the National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C. Printed by A. Hoen & Co., Baltimore, MD. U.S.A.
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