Color map and chart, on sheet 114.5x56.5. Includes text and "Latitude of the sun" chart." Below map: The harp scale. On verso: Tables to determine "Latitude by the duration of the day," " To find your longitude," and "How to recognize the stars" which also includes text on determining directions from the stars and sun. Table A for northern and southern latitudes includes, by date and latitude, time of sun rise and set, duration of the day, and the sun's noon height.
Color map and chart, on sheet 114.5x56.5. Includes text and "Latitude of the sun" chart." Below map: The harp scale. On verso: Tables to determine "Latitude by the duration of the day," " To find your longitude," and "How to recognize the stars" which also includes text on determining directions from the stars and sun. Table A for northern and southern latitudes includes, by date and latitude, time of sun rise and set, duration of the day, and the sun's noon height.