Large color railway network map of Osaka and surrounding cities of Kyoto, Kobe, Nara and Wakayama. Designed and produced by Zero Per Zero. Osaka metropolitan area is visualized as an octopus, the main ingredient of octopus dish Osaka is known for, with the head being Osaka and the legs sprawling out to the other four cities. Famous landmarks and tourist attractions are incorporated into the map. Showing JR lines, subways, private railways, cable tram, Tokyo Bay, tourist attractions, train stations, airports and rivers. Landmarks shown pictorially. Includes legend and key to symbols. For copies of this map see
Large color railway network map of Osaka and surrounding cities of Kyoto, Kobe, Nara and Wakayama. Designed and produced by Zero Per Zero. Osaka metropolitan area is visualized as an octopus, the main ingredient of octopus dish Osaka is known for, with the head being Osaka and the legs sprawling out to the other four cities. Famous landmarks and tourist attractions are incorporated into the map. Showing JR lines, subways, private railways, cable tram, Tokyo Bay, tourist attractions, train stations, airports and rivers. Landmarks shown pictorially. Includes legend and key to symbols. For copies of this map see