Cadastral map of Buenos Aires and vicinity. Colored lithograph on paper and mounted on linen, which is folded within a case made of maroon-colored board, with title and statement of responsibility in gilt. Map indexed to indicate different sections of the city. Shows roads and land ownership with boundaries and names of property owners. Includes compass rose and bar scale ("escala de metros"). Map 89 x 102 cm, on sheet 94 x 107 cm, folded to 31 x 22 cm, inside case 32 x 22 cm. With inset: (Rio Paraná de las Palmas).
Cadastral map of Buenos Aires and vicinity. Colored lithograph on paper and mounted on linen, which is folded within a case made of maroon-colored board, with title and statement of responsibility in gilt. Map indexed to indicate different sections of the city. Shows roads and land ownership with boundaries and names of property owners. Includes compass rose and bar scale ("escala de metros"). Map 89 x 102 cm, on sheet 94 x 107 cm, folded to 31 x 22 cm, inside case 32 x 22 cm. With inset: (Rio Paraná de las Palmas).