Date estimated. Images provided by the State Library of New South Wales where the original printed globe gores reside. From the catalog record of the library: "24 gores and 2 polar calottes to make up a 42 inch (107 cm.) celestial globe. Gores for Coronelli's Celestial globe were printed in Paris by J. B. Nolin in 1693. This work is part of terrestrial and celestial gores set acquired by Mitchell Library in 1961. Jean Baptiste Nolin, a cartographer, was the engraver to the King of France; Arnold Deuvez painted the Nolin's globe. Georeferencing of globe gores done by Cartography Associates in 2020. Gores georeferenced in Polyconic projection, then converted to Geographic, and other projections. Accompanied by a set 26 Terrestrial Globe Gores and Calottes dated 1688 (see our 10070.000).
Date estimated. Images provided by the State Library of New South Wales where the original printed globe gores reside. From the catalog record of the library: "24 gores and 2 polar calottes to make up a 42 inch (107 cm.) celestial globe. Gores for Coronelli's Celestial globe were printed in Paris by J. B. Nolin in 1693. This work is part of terrestrial and celestial gores set acquired by Mitchell Library in 1961. Jean Baptiste Nolin, a cartographer, was the engraver to the King of France; Arnold Deuvez painted the Nolin's globe. Georeferencing of globe gores done by Cartography Associates in 2020. Gores georeferenced in Polyconic projection, then converted to Geographic, and other projections. Accompanied by a set 26 Terrestrial Globe Gores and Calottes dated 1688 (see our 10070.000).
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