(Composite map) A map of the Kingdom of Ireland, divided into provinces, counties and baronies. Southern section. Shewing the archbishopricks, bishopricks, cities, boroughs, market towns, villages, barracks, mountains, lakes, bays, rivers, bridges, ferries, passes, also the great, the branch & the by post roads together with the inland navigation, by J. Rocque, Chorographer to His Majesty. London, printed for Robt. Sayer, opposite Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, (1790?)
(Composite map) A map of the Kingdom of Ireland, divided into provinces, counties and baronies. Southern section. Shewing the archbishopricks, bishopricks, cities, boroughs, market towns, villages, barracks, mountains, lakes, bays, rivers, bridges, ferries, passes, also the great, the branch & the by post roads together with the inland navigation, by J. Rocque, Chorographer to His Majesty. London, printed for Robt. Sayer, opposite Fetter Lane, Fleet Street, (1790?)
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