Large map of the United States based on the Arrowsmith/Tardieu maps of the same period, with a similar "Falls of Niagara" cartouche. Engraved by Amos Doolittle. Interestingly, credit for the cartouche is given to Tardieu, who copied it from Arrowsmith (perhaps evidence of a prejudice against the British from the War of 1812?). This map is far superior to either the Arrowsmith or Tardieu maps: in the west it incorporates both of Pike's maps of the Upper Mississippi and the western tributaries of the Mississippi and the Missouri; east of the Mississippi, it uses much from the Bradley "Postal" map of the United States of 1804/1812, including public survey lines, county formations, township boundaries, roads, etc. There are two very interesting inset maps and a commentary on ancient fortifications along the Ohio River. This highly detailed and accurate map must be one of the best of its period. Outline color by states. Maps is dissected into 35 sections and folds into marbled paper end sheet, then into a new gray cloth folding case 28x23 with "United States Shelton And Kensett 1816" stamped in gilt on the spine.
Large map of the United States based on the Arrowsmith/Tardieu maps of the same period, with a similar "Falls of Niagara" cartouche. Engraved by Amos Doolittle. Interestingly, credit for the cartouche is given to Tardieu, who copied it from Arrowsmith (perhaps evidence of a prejudice against the British from the War of 1812?). This map is far superior to either the Arrowsmith or Tardieu maps: in the west it incorporates both of Pike's maps of the Upper Mississippi and the western tributaries of the Mississippi and the Missouri; east of the Mississippi, it uses much from the Bradley "Postal" map of the United States of 1804/1812, including public survey lines, county formations, township boundaries, roads, etc. There are two very interesting inset maps and a commentary on ancient fortifications along the Ohio River. This highly detailed and accurate map must be one of the best of its period. Outline color by states. Maps is dissected into 35 sections and folds into marbled paper end sheet, then into a new gray cloth folding case 28x23 with "United States Shelton And Kensett 1816" stamped in gilt on the spine.