Technical description: Rosewood with german silver ferrules and keywork. Five pieces: mouthpiece, barrel, upper section, lower section, bell. Keywork mounted in wooden blocks. Levers for L4 and keys for R4 mounted in rudimental bell-shaped swelling. Key for F₃/C₅ end-pivoted from below. Additional thumb G♯₃/E♭₅. 15|keys, no rings. L0: @I{T; speaker. L1: @I{T; throat A♮. L2: @I{T; throat A♭. L3: @I{T; cross E♭₄/B♭₅. L4: @I{C♯₄/G♯₅; E₃/B♮₄; F♯₃/C♯₅. R0: @I{additional thumb G♯₃/E♭₅. R1: @I{T; side F₄/C₆; side trill key for throat A-B♮ and B♭-C. R2: @I{T; alternative cross B♮₃/F♯₅. R3: @I{T; cross B♭₃/F♮₅; alternative side B♮₃/F♯₅. R4: @I{G♯₃/E♭₅; F₃/C₅. Keymount type: wooden blocks, Keyhead type: salt spoon Repair History: Mouthpiece and ligature probably not original.
Technical description: Rosewood with german silver ferrules and keywork. Five pieces: mouthpiece, barrel, upper section, lower section, bell. Keywork mounted in wooden blocks. Levers for L4 and keys for R4 mounted in rudimental bell-shaped swelling. Key for F₃/C₅ end-pivoted from below. Additional thumb G♯₃/E♭₅. 15|keys, no rings. L0: @I{T; speaker. L1: @I{T; throat A♮. L2: @I{T; throat A♭. L3: @I{T; cross E♭₄/B♭₅. L4: @I{C♯₄/G♯₅; E₃/B♮₄; F♯₃/C♯₅. R0: @I{additional thumb G♯₃/E♭₅. R1: @I{T; side F₄/C₆; side trill key for throat A-B♮ and B♭-C. R2: @I{T; alternative cross B♮₃/F♯₅. R3: @I{T; cross B♭₃/F♮₅; alternative side B♮₃/F♯₅. R4: @I{G♯₃/E♭₅; F₃/C₅. Keymount type: wooden blocks, Keyhead type: salt spoon Repair History: Mouthpiece and ligature probably not original.