JSC2003-E-59150 (16 October 2003) --- The Soyuz TMA-3 spacecraft and its booster rocket were transported on a rail car to the launch pad and raised to a vertical launch position at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan on October 16, 2003, in preparation for liftoff October 18 to carry C. Michael Foale, Expedition 8 commander and NASA science officer; Alexander Kaleri, Soyuz Commander and flight engineer; and European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Pedro Duque of Spain to the International Space Station (ISS). Photo Credit: "NASA/Bill Ingalls
JSC2003-E-59150 (16 October 2003) --- The Soyuz TMA-3 spacecraft and its booster rocket were transported on a rail car to the launch pad and raised to a vertical launch position at the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan on October 16, 2003, in preparation for liftoff October 18 to carry C. Michael Foale, Expedition 8 commander and NASA science officer; Alexander Kaleri, Soyuz Commander and flight engineer; and European Space Agency (ESA) astronaut Pedro Duque of Spain to the International Space Station (ISS). Photo Credit: "NASA/Bill Ingalls