JSC2004-E-24534 (1 June 2004) --- Astronaut Charles J. Camarda, STS-114 mission specialist, participates in Return to Flight training aboard NASA?s KC-135 aircraft. The aircraft, based at Ellington Field near Johnson Space Center (JSC), frequently flies a series of parabola patterns over the Gulf of Mexico to afford opportunities for astronauts and investigators to experience brief periods of weightlessness.
JSC2004-E-24534 (1 June 2004) --- Astronaut Charles J. Camarda, STS-114 mission specialist, participates in Return to Flight training aboard NASA?s KC-135 aircraft. The aircraft, based at Ellington Field near Johnson Space Center (JSC), frequently flies a series of parabola patterns over the Gulf of Mexico to afford opportunities for astronauts and investigators to experience brief periods of weightlessness.