STS109-349-027 (4 March 2002) --- Astronauts John M. Grunsfeld and Richard M. Linnehan, STS-109 payload commander and mission specialist, respectively, wearing the liquid cooling and ventilation garment that complements the Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) space suit, are photographed on the mid deck of the Space Shuttle Columbia after the mission?s first session of extravehicular activity (EVA). The EVA-1 team replaced one of the telescope?s two second-generation solar arrays, which is also known as SA2, and a Diode Box Assembly. The solar array was replaced with a new, third-generation solar array, which is called SA3. The space walkers also did some prep work for STS-109?s other space walks.
STS109-349-027 (4 March 2002) --- Astronauts John M. Grunsfeld and Richard M. Linnehan, STS-109 payload commander and mission specialist, respectively, wearing the liquid cooling and ventilation garment that complements the Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) space suit, are photographed on the mid deck of the Space Shuttle Columbia after the mission?s first session of extravehicular activity (EVA). The EVA-1 team replaced one of the telescope?s two second-generation solar arrays, which is also known as SA2, and a Diode Box Assembly. The solar array was replaced with a new, third-generation solar array, which is called SA3. The space walkers also did some prep work for STS-109?s other space walks.