STS-65 Japanese Payload Specialist Chiaki Mukai, wearing launch and entry suit (LES), prepares to participate in a training session in the Johnson Space Center's (JSC's) Mockup and Integration Laboratory (MAIL) Bldg 9NE. The entire STS-65 crew was on hand for egress training and countdown rehearsals. Representing Japan's National Space Development Agency (NASDA) Mukai will join six NASA astronauts for the International Microgravity Laboratory 2 (IML-2) mission aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 102, later this year.
STS-65 Japanese Payload Specialist Chiaki Mukai, wearing launch and entry suit (LES), prepares to participate in a training session in the Johnson Space Center's (JSC's) Mockup and Integration Laboratory (MAIL) Bldg 9NE. The entire STS-65 crew was on hand for egress training and countdown rehearsals. Representing Japan's National Space Development Agency (NASDA) Mukai will join six NASA astronauts for the International Microgravity Laboratory 2 (IML-2) mission aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia, Orbiter Vehicle (OV) 102, later this year.