This is the traditional inflight crew portrait, on the aft flight deck, of the Space Shuttle Discovery. Front row (left to right) astronauts Bernard A. Harris, Jr., payload commander; C. Michael Foale, mission specialist. Back row (left to right) Janice E. Voss, mission specialist; cosmonaut Vladimir G. Titov, mission specialist; James D. Wetherbee, mission commander; and Eileen M. Collins, pilot.
This is the traditional inflight crew portrait, on the aft flight deck, of the Space Shuttle Discovery. Front row (left to right) astronauts Bernard A. Harris, Jr., payload commander; C. Michael Foale, mission specialist. Back row (left to right) Janice E. Voss, mission specialist; cosmonaut Vladimir G. Titov, mission specialist; James D. Wetherbee, mission commander; and Eileen M. Collins, pilot.