Browse All : Atlas Map and Data Visualization and City Atlas from 1933 and 1932

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Autobuszvonalak menetsürüsége. = Fahrdichte der Autobuslinien. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Autobuszvonalak menetsü...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing the frequency of bus travel on the Budapest lines, in 1932. Includes a legend. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Egyházközségek. = Kultusgemeinden.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Egyházközségek. = Kultu...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Four colored maps representing religious communities in Budapest, in 1932. Map "a" shows Roman Catholic parishes; "b" shows Protestant parishes; "c" shows Reformed parishes; and "d" shows Jewish communities. Each map includes a legend. In both Hungarian and German. Together, maps are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Népoktatási intézmények. = Volksunterrichtseinrichtungen. 1931/1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Népoktatási intézmények...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Four colored maps representing public schools in Budapest, in 1931 and 1932. Map "a" shows preschools; "b" shows elementary schools; "c" shows commercial, apprentice and vocational schools; and "d" shows civic schools. Each map includes a legend. In both Hungarian and German. Together, maps are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Magasabb fokú közoktatási intézmények. = Höhere Unterrichtsinstitutionen. 1931/1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Magasabb fokú közoktatá...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Four colored maps representing higher public education institutions in Budapest, in 1931 and 1932. Map "a" shows secondary schools; "b" shows upper secondary schools; "c" shows technical schools; and "d" shows universities and colleges. Each map includes a legend. In both Hungarian and German. Together, maps are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Tejfelhozatal községenkint. Vásárcsarnokok és élelmiszerpiacok. = Milcheinfuhr nach Gemeinden. Markthallen und Lebensmittelmärkte.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Tejfelhozatal községenk...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Two colored maps representing milk imports by municipality, over time. Map "a" shows the average daily milk imports by municipality, in 1930; "b" shows food markets, in 1932. Maps share a legend and an explanation. Additionally, map "b" is indexed. In both Hungarian and German. Together, maps are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Távbeszélöelöfizetök alkerületek szerint. = Fernsprechabonnenten nach Unterbezirken. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Távbeszélöelöfizetök al...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing telephone service subscribers within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
A belföldröl érkezö idegenek állandó lakóhelyük szerint. = Fremdenverkehr aus dem inland nach dem Ständigen Wohnort der Fremden. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
A belföldröl érkezö ide...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Two colored maps representing domestic tourism in Budapest according to the residential locations of the tourists, in 1932. Map "a" shows the number of tourists staying in Budapest hotels and pensions; "b" shows the number of nights spent by tourists. Each map includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Together, maps are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Budapest idegenforgalma európai országok szerint. = Fremdenverkehr der Hauptstadt Budapest nach d. Europäischen Staaten. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Budapest idegenforgalma...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map and two diagrams representing foreign tourists in Budapest, from other European cities, in 1932. Map shows the European cities from which foreign tourists have traveled. Diagram "a" shows the total number of foreign tourists staying in Budapest hotels and pensions; "b" shows the number of foreign tourists in relation to the number of inhabitants in their home countries. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Together, map and diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Küzlekedési balesetek. = Verkehrsunfälle. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Küzlekedési balesetek. ...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Two colored maps representing traffic accidents in Budapest, in 1932. Map "a" shows all accidents; "b" shows accidents involving injuries. Includes an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Together, maps are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Pályaudvarok forgalma. Postahivatalok. Légiforgalmi vonalak. = Verkehr der Bahnhöfe. Postämter. Luftverkehrslinien. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Pályaudvarok forgalma. ...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Four colored maps representing railway stations, post offices and airlines in Budapest, in 1932. Map "a" shows the number of trains departing and arriving at stations; "b" shows the number of departures per station; "c" shows post offices; and "d" shows airlines. Maps include legends and explanations. In both Hungarian and German. Together, maps are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Budapest székesfövárosi közlekedési részvénytársaság villamos vonalainak menetsürüsége. = Fahrdichte der Bahnlinien der Budapester Hauptstädtischen Verkehrs-Aktiengesellschaft. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Budapest székesfövárosi...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing the frequency of tramcar travel on the Budapest Main City Transport Company lines, in 1932. Includes a legend. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Jármüforgalom a fontosabb forgalmi gócpontokon. = Fahrzeugverkehr an den Wichtigeren Verkehrspunkten. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Jármüforgalom a fontosa...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Two colored maps, overlaid with data visualization, representing vehicle traffic at the main traffic points in Budapest, in 1932. First map shows hourly fluctuations in traffic; and second shows the distribution of traffic according to the type of vehicles. Each map includes a legend. First map also includes a bar scale indicating the volume of traffic. Maps share an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Together, maps are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Felhajtás a budapesti állatvásárokra vármegyék szerint. = Auftrieb auf die Budapester Viehmärkte, nach Komitaten. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Felhajtás a budapesti á...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Two colored maps, overlaid with data visualization, representing livestock markets in Hungary, in 1932. Map "a" shows cattle markets and map "b" shows pig markets. Each map includes a legend and a bar scale indicating the volume of livestock. In both Hungarian and German. Together, maps are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Küzlekedési hálózat. = Verkehrsnetz. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Küzlekedési hálózat. = ...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing the transportation network in Budapest and vicinity, in 1932. Map belongs to a pair (pages 146 and 147), which together represent transportation over time, from 1873 to 1932. Includes a legend and an explanation, as well as a bar scale. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Gyáripari telepek. (Folytatás.) = Fabrikindustrieanlagen. (Fortsetzung.) 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Gyáripari telepek. (Fol...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing a variety of materials produced in factories within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Map "XII" belongs to set "I" through "XII" (pages 130 to 136), which together represent the manufacturing industry. "XII" shows the arts and crafts industry. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Gyáripari telepek. (Folytatás.) = Fabrikindustrieanlagen. (Fortsetzung.) 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Gyáripari telepek. (Fol...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing a variety of materials produced in factories within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Map "IX" belongs to set "I" through "XII" (pages 130 to 136), which together represent the manufacturing industry. "IX" shows the food (including luxury) industry. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Gyáripari telepek. (Folytatás.) = Fabrikindustrieanlagen. (Fortsetzung.) 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Gyáripari telepek. (Fol...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing a variety of materials produced in factories within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Maps "VI" and "VII" belongs to set "I" through "XII" (pages 130 to 136), which together represent the manufacturing industry. "VI" shows the textile industry; and "VII" shows the clothing industry. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Gyáripari telepek. (Folytatás.) = Fabrikindustrieanlagen. (Fortsetzung.) 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Gyáripari telepek. (Fol...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing a variety of materials produced in factories within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Maps "VIII" and "X" belongs to set "I" through "XII" (pages 130 to 136), which together represent the manufacturing industry. "VIII" shows the paper industry; and "X" shows the chemical industry. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Gyáripari telepek. (Folytatás.) = Fabrikindustrieanlagen. (Fortsetzung.) 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Gyáripari telepek. (Fol...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing a variety of materials produced in factories within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Maps "III", "IV" and "V" belongs to set "I" through "XII" (pages 130 to 136), which together represent the manufacturing industry. "III" shows the stone, clay, asbestos and glass industries; "IV" shows the wood and bone industries; and "V" shows the leather, bristle, animal hair, feather and rubber industries. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Gyáripari telepek. = Fabrikindustrieanlagen. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Gyáripari telepek. = Fa...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing representing a variety of materials produced in factories within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Map "I" belongs to set "I" through "XII" (pages 130 to 136), which together represent the manufacturing industry. "I" shows the iron and metal industries. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Gyáripari telepek. (Folytatás.) = Fabrikindustrieanlagen. (Fortsetzung.) 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Gyáripari telepek. (Fol...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing a variety of materials produced in factories within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Map "II" belongs to set "I" through "XII" (pages 130 to 136), which together represent the manufacturing industry. "II" shows the machines industry. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Az élelmezési ipar és kereskedelem föbb csoportjai, alkerületenkint. (Vége.) = Wichtigere Berufsgruppen des Approvisionierungsgewerbes und - Handels, nach Unterbezirken. (Schluss.) 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Az élelmezési ipar és k...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing grocers within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Map "d" belongs to set "a" through "d" (pages 121 to 124), which together represent the food industry. Includes a legend. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Az élelmezési ipar és kereskedelem föbb csoportjai, alkerületenkint. (Folytatás.) = Wichtigere Berufsgruppen des Approvisionierungsgewerbes und - Handels, nach Unterbezirken. (Fortsetzung.) 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Az élelmezési ipar és k...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing restaurants, pubs and cafes within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Map "c" belongs to set "a" through "d" (pages 121 to 124), which together represent the food industry. Includes a legend. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Az élelmezési ipar és kereskedelem föbb csoportjai, alkerületenkint. = Wichtigere Berufsgruppen des Approvisionierungsgewerbes und - Handels, nach Unterbezirken. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Az élelmezési ipar és k...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing meat smokers and butchers within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Map "a" belongs to set "a" through "d" (pages 121 to 124), which together represent the food industry. Includes a legend. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Az élelmezési ipar és kereskedelem föbb csoportjai, alkerületenkint. (Folytatás.) = Wichtigere Berufsgruppen des Approvisionierungsgewerbes und - Handels, nach Unterbezirken. (Fortsetzung.) 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Az élelmezési ipar és k...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing bakers and confectioners within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Map "b" belongs to set "a" through "d" (pages 121 to 124), which together represent the food industry. Includes a legend. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Mezögazdasági viszonyok. = Landwirtschaftliche Verhältnisse. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Mezögazdasági viszonyok...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing agriculture within Budapest, in 1932. Includes a legend. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Villamos áramszolgáltatással ellátott terület. = Mit Elektrischem Strom Versehene Gebiete. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Villamos áramszolgáltat...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing areas provided with electricity within Budapest, in over time. Includes a legend and an explanation. With three diagrams representing the amount of electricity generated by electricity systems in 1914, 1918 and 1932. Also includes a legend pertaining to the diagrams. In both Hungarian and German. Together, map and diagrams are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Vízvezetékkel ellátott terület. = Mit Wasserleitung Versehene Gebiete. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Vízvezetékkel ellátott ...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing areas provided with water pipes within Budapest, in 1932. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Gázvezetékkel ellátott terület. = Mit Gasleitung Versehene Gebiete. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Gázvezetékkel ellátott ...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing areas provided with gas pipes within Budapest, in 1932. Includes an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
A gázchöhálózat fejlödése. = Entwicklung des Gasröhrennetzes. 1910-1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
A gázchöhálózat fejlödé...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing the development of the gas pipe network within Budapest, from 1910 to 1932. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Csatornázott terület. = Kanalisierte Gebiete. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Csatornázott terület. =...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing water channels within Budapest, in 1932. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Budapest és környékének beépített területe. = Verbaute fläche der Hauptstadt Budapest und ihrer Umgebung. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Budapest és környékének...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing the built area of Budapest and its surroundings, over time. Map belongs to a pair (pages 103 and 104), which together represent construction over time, from 1873 to 1932. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Építési övezetek. = Bauzonen. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Építési övezetek. = Bau...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing construction zones within the districts of Budapest, in 1932. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
A M. Kir. Rendörség Budapesti fökapitányságának területi tagozódása. = Territoriale Einteilung der Budapester Oberstadthauptmannschaft der kgl. ung. Polizei. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
A M. Kir. Rendörség Bud...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing the territorial divisions for police within the districts of Budapest, in 1932. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Egyenesadóbevételek alakulása adókerületenkint. = Gestaltung der Einnahmen an direkten Steuern nach Steuerbezirken. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Egyenesadóbevételek ala...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map, overlaid with data visualization, representing tax revenues by tax districts in Budapest, in 1932. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Közegészségügyi intézmények. = Sanitäre Einrichtungen. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Közegészségügyi intézmé...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map, overlaid with data visualization, representing the number of public health facilities, within the districts of Budapest, in 1932. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Orvosi rendelök megoszlása alkerületenkint. = Anzahl der Ärztlichen Ordinationsstellen nach Unterbezirken. 1932.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Orvosi rendelök megoszl...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map representing the number of doctor's offices, within the sub-districts of Budapest, in 1932. Includes an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
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