Browse All : Atlas Map and Manuscript Map and Boundaries from 1693
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Engraved map. Hand colored. Relief shown pictorially. Title from table of contents. Place names and notes in pen-and-ink. "105" on verso.
Engraved map. Hand colored. Relief shown pictorially. Title from verso. Place names and notes in pen-and-ink. "104" on verso.
Engraved map. Hand colored. Relief shown pictorially. Place names and notes added in pen-and-ink Title from verso. "103" on verso.
Engraved map. Hand colored. Relief shown pictorially. Place names added in pen-and-ink for Silesia, Bohemia, Moravia, Swabia, Austria, Tyrol, Carinthia, Styria and Carniola. Title from table of contents. "102" on verso.
Engraved map. Hand colored. Relief shown pictorially. Place names added in pen-and-ink for Westphalia, Lower Rhine, Hessen, Franconia, Bavaria and Lower and Upper Palatinate. Title from table of contents. "101" on verso.
Engraved map. Hand colored. Relief shown pictorially. Place names added in pen-and-ink for Holstein, Pomerania, Upper and Lower Saxony and Brandenburg. Title from table of contents. "100" on verso.
Engraved map. Hand colored. Prime meridian: Ferro. On verso "58" and title "Eaux & forets."
Engraved map. Hand colored. Includes notes. Columns of text in side margins. Prime meridian: Ferro. On verso "57" and title "Etats Generaus."
Engraved map. Hand colored. Includes table and text. Prime meridian: Ferro. On verso "56" and title "Departemens des 4. secretaires d'etat."
Engraved map. Hand colored. Prime meridian: Ferro. On verso "55" and title "Duchez & pairies."
Engraved map. Hand colored. Column of text in left margin. Prime meridian: Ferro. On verso "51" and title "Intendances."
Engraved map. Boundaries hand colored. Columns of text in side margins. Prime meridian: Ferro. On verso "50" and title "Generalitez & elections."
Engraved map. Boundaries hand colored. Includes note. Prime meridian: Ferro. On verso "49" and title "Generalitez & elections."
Engraved map. Boundaries hand colored. Prime meridian: Ferro. On verso "47" and title "Presidiaus."
Engraved map. Boundaries hand colored. Prime meridian: Ferro. On verso "46" and title "Parlemens."
Engraved map. Province and subdivision boundaries hand colored. Outline map to be filled in by student. Prime meridian: Ferro. On verso "29."
Engraved map. Boundaries hand colored. Prime meridian: Ferro. Columns of text in side margins. On verso "27" and title "Gouvernemens de provinces."
Engraved map. Province and subdivision boundaries hand colored. Prime meridian: Ferro. On verso "26" and title "Subdivisions de quelques provinces."
Engraved map. Province boundaries hand colored. Outline map to be filled in by student. Prime meridian: Ferro. On verso "23."
Engraved map. Province boundaries hand colored. Prime meridian: Ferro. On verso "22."
Engraved map. Continental boundaries hand colored. Outline map to be filled in by student. On verso "E 1 R" and "9 ."
Engraved map. Continental boundaries hand colored. Includes column of text at left. On verso "E 1" and "8 ."
Engraved map. Boundaries in outline color. Outline map: names of countries and water bodies to be filled in by student. The title "Confins" on verso. Sheet number from verso.
Engraved map. Hand colored. Shows boundaries, and major cities and rivers. Includes columns of text in side margins. Title from table of contents. "93" on verso.
Engraved map. Country boundaries hand colored. Outline map to be completed to student. On verso "E 4 R" and "15 ."
Engraved map. Country boundaries hand colored. Has country and island names for Southern Europe and Southern Russia. Includes column of text at left. On verso "E 4" and "14 ." David Rumsey Collection copy: has revisions in pen-and-ink to 1755.
Engraved map. Country boundaries hand colored. Outline map to be filled in by student. On verso "E 3 R" and "13 ."
Engraved map. Country boundaries hand colored. Has country names for Central, Northern and eastern Europe. Includes column of text at left. On verso "E 3" and "12 ." David Rumsey Collection copy: has pen-and-ink revisions to text, 1755.
Engraved map. Continental boundaries and Western European boundaries hand colored. Outline map to be filled in by student. On verso "E 2 R" and "11 ."
Engraved map. Continental boundaries and Western European boundaries hand colored. Only place names are for some Western European countries. Includes column of text at left. On verso "E 2" and "10 ."
Engraved map. Boundaries in outline color. Has names of countries and water bodies, and columns of text in right and left margins. The title "Confins" on verso. Sheet number from verso. With revisions of 1754 in pen-and-ink.
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