[Ministere des Travaux Publics, Cheysson, Émile]
Graph type: flow.
[Ministere des Travaux Publics, Cheysson, Émile]
Graph type: flow.
[Ministere des Travaux Publics, Cheysson, Émile]
Graph type: flow.
[Ministere des Travaux Publics, Cheysson, Émile]
Graph type: flow.
[Ministere des Travaux Publics, Cheysson, Émile]
Graph type: flow.
[Ministere des Travaux Publics, Cheysson, Émile]
Graph type: flow.
[Ministere des Travaux Publics, Cheysson, Émile]
Graph type: flow.
[Ministere des Travaux Publics, Cheysson, Émile]
Graph type: flow.
[Ministere des Travaux Publics, Cheysson, Émile]
Graph type: flow.
[Ministere des Travaux Publics, Cheysson, Émile]
Graph type: flow.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Gerland, Georg]
Full color map of Africa with 6 insets. Showing the geographical distribution of major ethnic groups in Africa. Inset:1. Senegambien. 2. Kilima Njaro. 3. Heuctige und fruhere Staatenbildungen in Africa. 4. Bevolkerung des TSAD-See. 5. Capland um 1650. 6. Nubien. Includes explanatory tables. Prime meridian is Greenwich.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Gerland, Georg]
Color lithograph map. Showing the geographical distribution of major ethnic group in Southeast Asia. Includes explanatory tables and notes. Prime meridian is Greenwich.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Neumayer, Georg]
4 color geomagnetism maps on 1 sheet. Shows change in the magnetic declination in the period of 1600-1858. Prime meridian is Greenwich.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Risch, M.]
Color lithograph hydrographic map of West Indies. With 7 inset maps and 2 depth gradient diagram. Showing tides, current system, river basins, canals, delta, etc. Includes explanation and abbreviation tables. Depth shown by isolines, bathymetric tints and soundings. Prime meridian is Greenwich.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Barich, C.]
Color lithograph hydrographic map of Southeast Asia. With 9 inset maps and 1 depth gradient diagram. Showing tides, current system, canals, etc. Includes table. Depth shown by isolines, bathymetric tints and soundings. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Prime meridian is Greenwich.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Luddecke, R., Geyer, F.]
Color lithograph map. Insets: Victoria -- Tasmanien -- Landenge von Auckland -- Maunga Rei -- Das Seenland -- Hawaii-Vulkane -- Roto-Mahana -- Honolulu -- Makatea -- Bolabola -- Totoya -- Niuafu -- Tova Riff -- Vuata Vatua -- Nukufetau -- Taiara -- Washington -- Jervis -- Enderbury.Showing majorrivers and river basins. Principal geological features are shown by color or symbols. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Depth shown by isolines and soundings. Includes table of geologic formations. Prime meridian is Greenwich.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Risch, M., Reichenbecher, A., Kogel, F.]
Color lithograph map. Insets: Pic von Tenerife -- Bu-Chail-Gebirge (Algerien) -- Kamerun-Gebirge -- Gebirgslauf des Congo -- Atlas-Lander -- Capland -- Kilima-Ndsharo -- Oase Chargeh nach K. v. Zittel -- Abyssinien -- Amba-Landschaft -- Magdala. Showing major cities, ports, canals and river basins. Principal geological features are shown by color or symbols. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Depth shown by isolines and soundings. Includes table of geologic formations. Prime meridian is Greenwich.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Risch, M., Hess, O., Kogel, F.]
21 color lithograph maps on 1 sheet. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Insets: Inlandeis des Frederickshaab-Glets chers nach J.A.D. Jensen -- Gronlandisches Binnen-Eis -- Justedals Bra -- Jotun Fjeld -- Berner Oberland -- Gletscher des Halbinsel Kenai (Alaska) -- Aus dem sudlichen Gronland n. G. Holm -- Gletscher des Mount Tacoma (nach dem Northern Transcontinental Survey) von Bailey Willis -- Gletscher des Mount Shasta (nach dem U.S. Geological Survey) von J.S. Diller -- Gletscher von Oisans -- Nevado de Chillan nach A. Philippi -- San Rafael Gletscher -- Oetzthaler Gruppe -- Glockner Gruppe -- Ross-Gletscher (Sud-Georgien) -- Gletscher des Adai Choch (Kaukasus) nach M. v. Dechy -- Hohe von Schneegrenzen und Gletscher-Enden -- Gletscher des Kasbek -- Serafschan Gletscher (Turkestan) nach I.W. Muschketow -- Neuseelandische Alpen nach R. v. Lendenfield.
[Geological Survey of Great Britain and Ireland, Great Britain, Ordnance Survey Office]
Sheet absent in our collection; image provided by the British Geological Survey. Image contains British Geological Survey materials © NERC 2013. For more information on the Historical Geological Maps of the British Geological Survey and the uses that may be made of these images, see
[Geological Survey of Great Britain and Ireland, Great Britain, Ordnance Survey Office]
Sheet absent in our collection; image provided by the British Geological Survey. Image contains British Geological Survey materials © NERC 2013. For more information on the Historical Geological Maps of the British Geological Survey and the uses that may be made of these images, see
[Geological Survey of Great Britain and Ireland, Great Britain, Ordnance Survey Office]
Sheet absent in our collection; image provided by the British Geological Survey. Image contains British Geological Survey materials © NERC 2013. For more information on the Historical Geological Maps of the British Geological Survey and the uses that may be made of these images, see
[Geological Survey of Great Britain and Ireland, Great Britain, Ordnance Survey Office]
Sheet absent in our collection; image provided by the British Geological Survey. Image contains British Geological Survey materials © NERC 2013. For more information on the Historical Geological Maps of the British Geological Survey and the uses that may be made of these images, see
[Geological Survey of Great Britain and Ireland, Great Britain, Ordnance Survey Office]
Sheet absent in our collection; image provided by the British Geological Survey. Image contains British Geological Survey materials © NERC 2013. For more information on the Historical Geological Maps of the British Geological Survey and the uses that may be made of these images, see
[Geological Survey of Great Britain and Ireland, Great Britain, Ordnance Survey Office]
[Geological Survey of Great Britain and Ireland, Great Britain, Ordnance Survey Office]
Paper on linen.
[Geological Survey of Great Britain and Ireland, Great Britain, Ordnance Survey Office]
Cut into 8 panels mounted on linen.
[Geological Survey of Great Britain and Ireland, Great Britain, Ordnance Survey Office]
[Geological Survey of Great Britain and Ireland, Great Britain, Ordnance Survey Office]
Cut into 4 panels, mounted on linen.
[Geological Survey of Great Britain and Ireland, Great Britain, Ordnance Survey Office]
Paper on linen.
[USGS (U.S. Geological Survey), Walcott, Charles D., Sudworth, George B.]
Color. Relief shown in contours.
Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme
Separate panels are joined in this composite image. Mounted on linen in 4 panels. Edition of 1888. Publishing bookstore and distributor: R. Eisenschmidt, Verlags-Buchhandlung. Haupt-Vertrieb der Karten der Konigl. Landes-Aufnahme. Armee- und Marine-Haus. Berlin N.W., 7. Comparing our sheets to those at the Library of Congress shows that most of our sheets were published 5 to 10 years before the stamped acquisition date. A few sheets are duplicated and placed under similar list numbers. This map series is remarkable for the level of fine detail. As a consequence, it was scanned at 800 PPI providing four times the resolution of the typical detailed map scan of 400 PPI. At least ten separate symbols for special buildings were utilized, a method enhanced by placing an abbreviation next to the symbol. Structures with special symbols include: churches, chapels, monuments, windmills, water mills, stamp mills, forester's lodges, watchtowers, ruins, forts, quarries, clay pits, lime kilns, and coke-ovens. Factories, brick works, powder magazines electric power plants, and many other important buildings are differentiated by means of abbreviation. Houses appear as black blocks, either rectangular or shaped like the ground plan of the building. Many other features are differentiated, for example there are four different qualities of roads plus bridle paths and footpaths. Vegetation is minutely classified including separate symbols for broadleaf trees, evergreens, underbrush, heather, dry meadows, wet meadows, swamps, orchards, gardens, vineyards, and parks. Relief is shown by hachures. Spot elevations are given in meters above sea level.
Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme
Mounted on linen in 4 panels. Edition of 1888. Publishing bookstore and distributor: R. Eisenschmidt, Verlags-Buchhandlung. Haupt-Vertrieb der Karten der Konigl. Landes-Aufnahme. Armee- und Marine-Haus. Berlin N.W., 7. Comparing our sheets to those at the Library of Congress shows that most of our sheets were published 5 to 10 years before the stamped acquisition date. A few sheets are duplicated and placed under similar list numbers. This map series is remarkable for the level of fine detail. As a consequence, it was scanned at 800 PPI providing four times the resolution of the typical detailed map scan of 400 PPI. At least ten separate symbols for special buildings were utilized, a method enhanced by placing an abbreviation next to the symbol. Structures with special symbols include: churches, chapels, monuments, windmills, water mills, stamp mills, forester's lodges, watchtowers, ruins, forts, quarries, clay pits, lime kilns, and coke-ovens. Factories, brick works, powder magazines electric power plants, and many other important buildings are differentiated by means of abbreviation. Houses appear as black blocks, either rectangular or shaped like the ground plan of the building. Many other features are differentiated, for example there are four different qualities of roads plus bridle paths and footpaths. Vegetation is minutely classified including separate symbols for broadleaf trees, evergreens, underbrush, heather, dry meadows, wet meadows, swamps, orchards, gardens, vineyards, and parks. Relief is shown by hachures. Spot elevations are given in meters above sea level.
Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme
Separate panels are joined in this composite image. Mounted on linen in 4 panels. Publishing bookstore and distributor: R. Eisenschmidt, Verlags-Buchhandlung. Haupt-Vertrieb der Karten der Konigl. Landes-Aufnahme. Armee- und Marine-Haus. Berlin N.W., 7. Comparing our sheets to those at the Library of Congress shows that most of our sheets were published 5 to 10 years before the stamped acquisition date. A few sheets are duplicated and placed under similar list numbers. This map series is remarkable for the level of fine detail. As a consequence, it was scanned at 800 PPI providing four times the resolution of the typical detailed map scan of 400 PPI. At least ten separate symbols for special buildings were utilized, a method enhanced by placing an abbreviation next to the symbol. Structures with special symbols include: churches, chapels, monuments, windmills, water mills, stamp mills, forester's lodges, watchtowers, ruins, forts, quarries, clay pits, lime kilns, and coke-ovens. Factories, brick works, powder magazines electric power plants, and many other important buildings are differentiated by means of abbreviation. Houses appear as black blocks, either rectangular or shaped like the ground plan of the building. Many other features are differentiated, for example there are four different qualities of roads plus bridle paths and footpaths. Vegetation is minutely classified including separate symbols for broadleaf trees, evergreens, underbrush, heather, dry meadows, wet meadows, swamps, orchards, gardens, vineyards, and parks. Relief is shown by hachures. Spot elevations are given in meters above sea level.
Reichsamt fur Landesaufnahme
Mounted on linen in 4 panels. Publishing bookstore and distributor: R. Eisenschmidt, Verlags-Buchhandlung. Haupt-Vertrieb der Karten der Konigl. Landes-Aufnahme. Armee- und Marine-Haus. Berlin N.W., 7. Comparing our sheets to those at the Library of Congress shows that most of our sheets were published 5 to 10 years before the stamped acquisition date. A few sheets are duplicated and placed under similar list numbers. This map series is remarkable for the level of fine detail. As a consequence, it was scanned at 800 PPI providing four times the resolution of the typical detailed map scan of 400 PPI. At least ten separate symbols for special buildings were utilized, a method enhanced by placing an abbreviation next to the symbol. Structures with special symbols include: churches, chapels, monuments, windmills, water mills, stamp mills, forester's lodges, watchtowers, ruins, forts, quarries, clay pits, lime kilns, and coke-ovens. Factories, brick works, powder magazines electric power plants, and many other important buildings are differentiated by means of abbreviation. Houses appear as black blocks, either rectangular or shaped like the ground plan of the building. Many other features are differentiated, for example there are four different qualities of roads plus bridle paths and footpaths. Vegetation is minutely classified including separate symbols for broadleaf trees, evergreens, underbrush, heather, dry meadows, wet meadows, swamps, orchards, gardens, vineyards, and parks. Relief is shown by hachures. Spot elevations are given in meters above sea level.