A. & C. Black
A. & S. Arrowsmith
A. Arrowsmith
A. Brue
A. Constable & Co.
A. Fullarton
A. Kramer
A. Kuehn
A. Reichenbecher
A. Theinert
A.C. Shewey and Co.
A.J. Johnson
A.J. Johnson & Son.
A.J. Johnson.
A.T. Andreas
Aa, Pieter van der, 1659-
Academie Royale des Scien
Academie Royale des Scien
Adam & Charles Black
Adam et Giraldon
Aime Andre.
Alcedo, Antonio de, 1735-
Ales, Auguste Francois
Alpha, Tau Rho
Ambrosius, E.
American Stationer's Co.
Andreas, A. T. (Alfred Th
Andree, Richard
Andrews, J.
Andriveau-Goujon, E.
Andriveau-Goujon, J.
Annin & Smith
Anthony Finley
Antoine, Louis
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bo
Appleton & Co.
Appleton, D. & Co.
Appresso gli heredi di Me
Apud Joannem Janssonium
Arbuckle Bros.
Armand Aubree.
Armand Le Chevalier
Arrivet, J.
Arrowsmith, Aaron
Arrowsmith, Aaron Jr.
Arrowsmith, John
Arthus Bertrand
Atwood, J.M.
Aubert, L.
Ausfeld, Johann Carl
B. Marzolla
B.T. Welch & Co.
Baehr, Johann Leopold von
Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy
Bar, Johann Christoph
Barbie du Bocage, J.G.
Baron, B.
Barth, F.
Bartholomew, J.
Bartholomew, J. G. (John
Bartholomew, John
Bartholomew, John, 1831-1
Bartle, R.F. & Co.
Bauerkeller, Georg Leonha
Baur, Carl Friedrich
Bauza, F.
Bayer, Herbert
Beaupre, B. de
Belknap and Hamersley
Berghaus, Heinrich
Berghaus, Heinrich, 1797-
Berghaus, Hermann
Bibliographischen Institu
Bizet, A.
Black, Adam
Black, Adam & Charles
Black, Charles
Blackie & Son
Blackie, W.G.
Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673
Blakeman, Sheldon & Co.
Blondel la Rougery
Bludau, A.
Bonne, R.
Bonne, Rigobert, 1727-179
Bonne, Rigobert, 1727-179
Bonpland, Aime
Bonpland, Aime, 1773-1858
Bottius, Adrianus
Bourquin, Frederick
Bowen, Emanuel
Boyer, F.
Boynton, G.W. & Co.
Boynton, George W.
Bradbury & Evans
Bradford, Thomas G.
Bradstreet Co.
Bradstreet Company
Breese, S.
Breese, Samuel
Breese, Samuel, 1802-1873
Brion de La Tour, Louis,
Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786
Buache, Philippe
Buache, Philippe, 1700-17
Buchon, J. A. C.
Burr, David H., 1803-1875
Burroughs, H.N.
C. Flemming
C. Inselin
C. Picquet
C. Schmidt
C.G. Luderitz
C.S. Hammond & Co.
C.S. Hammond & Company
Cadell and Davies
Calcogr. Camerale
Campbell, R.A.
Carey and Hart
Carey, H. C.
Carey, Mathew
Carez, J.
Carl Flemming
Case, Tiffany & Co.
Cassell & Company
Cassini, Gio. Ma. (Giovan
Castera, Don Ignacio
Chambers, W. & R.
Chapman & Hall
Chapman and Hall
Chapman, F.A.
Charle, J.B.
Charles DeSilver
Charles Desilver
Charles Desilver.
Charles, Francois
Chas. Shober & Co.
Chatelain Henri, 1684-174
Chesneau, M.
Chez J. Andriveau-Goujon
Chez l'Auteur
Chez Lattre
Chez Nicolas Langlois
Chez Piere Du Val
Chez Pierre Van der Aa
Clason Map Company
Cloistre de S Nicolas du
Cloppenburg, Johannes, 15
Clouet, J. B. L. (Jean-Ba
Colby, Charles A.
Colton, G. Woolworth
Colton, G.W.
Colton, J. H.
Colton, J.H.
Columbian World's Fair At
Conférence Suisse des Di
Conférence suisse des di
Container Corporation of
Corbould, H.
Cornell, S. S. (Sarah S.)
Coronelli, Vincenzo (1650
Costanzo, Don Miguel
Covens & Mortier
Covens et Mortier
Cowperthwait, Desilver &
Cram, George
Cram, George Franklin
Croome, W.
Cumming, J.
D. Appleton & Co.
D. McLellan & Bros.
D.S. Stone
Davalos, Raphael
Davies and Roberts
De Soye et Bouchet
Dean, T.A.
Debes, Ernst, 1840-1923
Debray Sucesores
Decaen Editor
Delahaye, Jean-Baptiste-H
Depot de la Marine
Desbuissons, L.E.
Desnos, Louis Charles
Desnos, Louis-Charles
Desray, Libraire-Editeur
Diercke, Carl
Diercke, Carl, 1842-1913
Dietrich Reimer
Dietrich, G.
Direccion de Estudion Ge
Direction & Administratio
Doepler, C.E.
Dower, J.
Dower, John
Dower, John Nicaragua
Drioux, Claude-Joseph
Du Val, Pierre, 1619-1683
Duflot de Mofras, Eugene
Dufour, Auguste-Henri (17
Dufour, F.
Dufour, H.
Dufrenoy (Firm)
Dumas-Vorzet, Er.
Duval, P.S.
Duval, P.S., & Co.
Duvotenay, T.
Dyonnet, Charles
E. Kuehn
E.H. Butler.
Eberhardt, H.
Edler, E.
Eduardo Murguia
Edward Stanford
Elfert, Paul
Endlich, M.
Estevanez, Nicolas, 1838-
Eugene Belin
Euler, Leonhard, 1707-178
Ewald, Ludwig 1813-1881
Ex officina Michaelis
Eymery Fruger et Cie
F. Bassermann
F. Schoell
F.A. Chapman
Faden, William, 1749-1836
Farnham, Thomas Jefferson
Fenner, Rest.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-172
Fielding Lucas
Fielding Lucas Jr.
Finlayson, J.
Finley, Anthony
Fisher, Richard Swainson
Fitch, George W.
Flemming, Carl
France. Conseil Royal de
France. Depot-general de
Francois Buisson
Francois Delarue, Bulla F
Francois Fabri
Fremin, A.R.
Freres Chatelain
Friese, R.
Friesen, F.
Friesen, Karl Friedrich,
Friesen, M.M., Oltmanns e
Furne Et Cie
G. Bonatti
G. W & C. B. Colton & Co.
G.F. Cram
G.F. Cruchley
G.R. French
G.W. & C.B. Colton
Gaebler, Eduard
Gaebler, Eduard, 1842-191
Gamble, W.H.
Garcia Conde, Dn. Dgo.
Garcia Cubas, Antonio,
García Cubas, Antonio, 18
Garnier Freres
Garnier, F. A., 1803-1863
Gastaldi, Giacomo
Geographia Map Co.
Geographia Map Company
Geographischen Instituts
Geographisches Institut (
George F. Cram
George F. Cram & Co.
George Joachim Goschen
George Russell & Co.
George Westermann
George, F.E.
Gibson, John
Gioan. Baptista Pedrezano
Giuseppe Moletti, M.
Global Press Corp.
Goodrich, S.G.
Goodspeed & Co.
Gordon, T.
Goulart, James
Graef, C.
Graf, Carl
Gray & Bowen
Gray, O.W.
Gray, Ormando Willis
Greenleaf, Jeremiah
Grenier, L., engraver
Grigg, John
Gross, Alexander
Grossmann, G.
Gueudeville, Nicolas
Guillaume De L'Isle, Quai
Guillot, E.
Guyot, A.
H. Habenicht
H. Iriarte y Ca.
H. Wagner & E. Debes
H.C. Carey & I. Lea
H.H. Bancroft
H.H. Lloyd & Co. for Henr
H.S. Tanner
H.S. Tanner & Co.
Haack, H.
Haase, F.
Habenicht, H.
Hall, S.
Hall, S. (Sidney)
Hall, Sidney
Hall, Sydney
Hamilton, John
Hamilton, T.H.
Handtke, Friedrich, 1815-
Harper & Brothers
Harper and Brothers
Hart & Mapother.
Hassel, Georg, 1770-1829
Hassel, S. G. H., 1779-1
Haubold, O.
Hazzard, J.L.
Heath, Chas.
Hebert, L.
Heck, G.
Henri Plon
Henry Tanner
Henry Teesdale & Co.
Hernandez, Antonio
Hewitt, N.R.
Heywood, A.
Higgins, W.M.
Hinrichs, Oscar
Hogenberg, Frans
Holmes, W.H.
Homann, Johann Baptist (1
Homann, Johann Baptist, 1
Hondius, Iodocus, 1563-16
Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-16
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Hubbe, Heinrich
Hubner, F.
Hughes, William
Humboldt, Alexander von,
Humphreys, F.
Humphrys, F.
Huot, Victor
Imp. de l'Institut Cartog
Imprenta de Jose Mariano
Imprimerie de Casimir
Institut Geographique de
Institute of Social and R
Instituto Geografico di A
Instituto Geographico di
International Boundary C
Ioannes Janssonius
Iohan Buxemacher
J. & C. Walker
J. & F. Tallis
J. Andriveau-Goujon
J. Carez
J. Claye
J. Conrad
J. David Williams
J. De Cordova
J. Greenleaf.
J. H. Colton.
J. Knight
J. Newberry
J. Polhemus.
J. Smith
J.C. Hinrichs'sche Buch-
J.H. Colton
J.W. Clement Co.
Jacobs, S.
James MacLeod and Francis
James Wyld
Jan Baptista Vrients
Janssonius van Waesberge,
Jattnig, Carl
Jean-Leonard Pellet
Jefferys, Thomas
Joan Blaeu
John Ainslie
John Arrowsmith
John Bartholomew & Co.
John Bartholomew & Son LT
John Cumming
John Grigg
John Hamilton
John Smith & Son
John Thomson
John Y. Huber & Co.
John Y. Huber Company
Johnson & Browning
Johnson and Browning
Johnson and Ward
Johnson, A.J.
Johnson, Alvin Jewett, 18
Johnston, A. Keith
Johnston, Alexander Keith
Johnston, Alexander Keith
Johnston, W. & A.K.
Jones, C.H.
Jones, Edward
Jonghaus & Venator's Kart
Joseph Thomas
Jungk, G.
Jungmann, C.
Justus Perthes
Justus Perthus
Kartographia Winterthur
Keen & Lee
Kehr, O.
Ketterer, W.
Kiepert, Heinrich, 1818-1
Kino, Eusebio Francisco
Kirkwood, Robert
Kitchin, Thomas
Klein, H.J.
Knight, J.
Knowles Hare, J.
Kocher, R.
Kramer, A.
Kuhn, E.
L'Honore & Chatelai
L'Imprimerie de la Republ
L'Isle, Guillaume de
L'Isle, Guillaume de, 167
L. Johnson & Co.
La Perouse, Jean-Francois
Lapie, Alexandre Emile
Lapie, M. (Pierre), 1779-
Lapie, Pierre
Lapie, Pierre, M. 1779-18
Lattre & Delalain
Lattre, Jean
Lattre, Jean, 1743 -1793
Laurie & Whittle
Lawson, A.
Layfield, Frank H.
Lea, I.
Lefevre, F.
Lemercier et Cie
Lempriere, C.
Leroy, Charles
Letts, Son & Co.
Levasseur, E.
Levasseur, V.
Lewis, Samuel
Librairie Hachette
Librairie Payot
Libreria de Garnier Herma
Lit. Giordana e Sabussoli
Lizars, Daniel
Lizars, W.H.
Lizars, William Home, 178
Lloyd, H.H.
Lobrot, R.
Longman & Compy
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orm
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brow
Lothian, John
Louis-Charles Desnos
Loven, C.E.
Lowry, J.W.
Lowry, Joseph Wilson
Lucas, Fielding Jr.
Lueddecke, R.
M. Carey and Son
Maedel, Karl Joseph, 1823
Magimel, Anselin, et Poch
Magini, Giovanni Antonio
Maison Basset
Malaspina, Alessandro, 17
Malte-Brun, Conrad, 1775-
Mardelet, H.
Marmocchi, Francesco C.
Martin, Don Louis
Martin, Don Luis
Martin, R.M.
Marzolla, Benedetto
Mathew Carey
Matthaeus Seutter
Matthews-Northrup Co.
Matthews-Northrup Divisio
Mattioli, Pietro Andrea,
McLellan, D. & Bros.
Mea, P.
Meḥmed Remzi
Mekteb-i Funun-ı Harbiye-
Melish, John
Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1
Metzeroth, C.
Mexico. Direccion de Est
Mexico. Secretería de A
Meyer, Herrmann Julius, 1
Meyer, Joseph, 1796-1856
Michaelis, H.
Michaelis, L.
Migeon, J.
Mitchell, Samuel Augustu
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus
Mondhare et Jean
Monin, C.V.
Monte (Monti), Urbano, 15
Montemont, A.
Montufar, Carlos
Morse, Charles W.
Morse, Jedidiah
Morse, Sidney E. (Sidney
Muller, C.
Munozguren, J. M.
Murray-Aaron, Eugene, 185
N. De Fer
N. Sanson
Neele, Samuel John, 1758-
New-York Observer
Nicolaus, Cornelius
Nicollet, J.N.
No publisher.
O. Haubold jun.
O.W. Gray & Son
Ode, Henri
Ohmann, C.L.
Orr & Smith
Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1
P. C. Lehuby
P.-A. Bourdier et Cie.
Pantoja y Arriaga, Juan
Paolo Rivara
Pedrezano, Giovanbattista
Pelton, C.
Pergamon Press
Perkins, Joseph
Perkins, Joseph.
Perpillou, A.
Perthes, J.
Peter, B.
Petermann, A.
Petri, Girolamo
Peyrounin, Abrahim
Ph. Vandermaelen
Pickersgill, H.W.
Picquet, C.
Pinchon, J.P.
Pinkerton, John, 1758-182
Pitteri, Giovanni Marco
Plath, A.
Poirson, J.B.
Polish Army Topography Se
Popple, Henry
Pownall, Thomas
Presso Antonio Zatta, e F
Prieto, sotero
Ptolemy, Claudius
Quad, Matthias, 1557-1613
R.A. Campbell
Radefeld, Carl Christian
Radefeld, Carl Christian
Raisz, Erwin
Ramirez, Jose Fernando, 1
Rand McNally
Rand McNally and Company
Rapkin, J.
Ravenstein, Ernst Georg
Ravenstein, Ludwig
Raynal, G.T.
Reichard, Christian Gottl
Reveles, Jose, Jr.
Richardson & Lord
Riege, O.
Risch, M.
Rivera, Pedro de
Robert Jennings
Robert Kirkwood
Robert Laurie & James Whi
Robt. Kirkwood
Rogers, H.D.
Rogers, Henry Darwin
Rogers, J.
Rosaccio, Giuseppe
Ruhle von Lilienstern, Au
Ruscelli, Girolamo
Russell (Firm)
S. Augustus Mitchell.
S. Highley; W. Curry, Jun
S.A. Mitchell
S.A. Mitchell Jr.
S.A. Mitchell, Jr.
S.A. Mitchell.
Salazar Ylarregui, Jose
Saltonstall, Wye
Sanchez, Pedro C.
Sandoval y Vazquez
Sanson, Guillaume (1633-1
Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-166
Sarazin (Firm)
Sayer and Bennett
Scanla, Santiago
Schlieben, Wilhelm Ernst
Schlitz Brewing Company
Schmidt, Reinhold
Schonberg & Co.
Scobel, Albert
Selves Fils
Selves, Henry Antoine Aug
Sequier, E.G.
Seutter, Matthaeus, 1678-
Sharpe, J.
Shell Oil Company
Sidney E. Morse & Co.
Simon, O.
Simonneau, Charles
Simpkin, Marshall & Co.
Smith, J. Calvin
Smith, L.
Sociedad Mexicana de Geog
Society for the Diffusion
Sohr, Karl
Sonnet, L.
Sorcini, Luciano Lopez
Spain. Marina
Sparke, Michael
Stanford, Edward
Starckman, P.
Starling, T.
State Farm Insurance Comp
Stedman & Brown
Stedman, Brown & Lyon
Stein, Christ. Gottfr. Da
Stemmers, Jan
Stieler, Adolf
Stockley, S.
Story & Atwood
Story & Atwood.
Stulpnagel von, F.
Stulpnagel, F. von
Stulpnagel, F.v.
T. Cotes for Michael Spar
Taintor Brothers & Merril
Tait, William
Tallis, J. & F.
Tanner's Geographical Est
Tanner, H.S.
Tanner, Henry S.
Tardieu, Ambroise
Tardieu, J.B.
Tardieu, Pierre
Teesdale, Henry
Testard, A.
Testarode, E.
The Office of The Times
The Times
Theinert, A.
Theodor Fischer
Thomas & Andrews
Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co
Thomas, Joseph, publisher
Thompson, George Alexande
Thomson & Hall.
Thomson, John
Times (London, England)
Tipografia della Reverend
Tisdale, E.
Toms, W.H.
Touring club italiano
Tpscano, Ricardo
U.S. Geological Survey
U.S.C.S. Dept.
Umbreit, E.
USSR (Union of Soviet Soc
Vancouver, George, 1757-1
Vandermaelen, Philippe,
Velasquez, Don Joaquin
Velhagen & Klasing
Veuve Jules Renouard, Lib
Vicq, engraver.
Vilpou, A.
Vincenzo Valgrisi
Vivien de St Martin, L.
Vivien St Martin, L.
Vogel, C.
Voisin, S.
von Sydow, E.
Vrients, Jan Baptista
Vuillemin, A.
Vuillemin, Alexandre
W. & A.K. Johnston
W. & A.K. Johnston Limite
W. Curry, Jun. & Co.
W.& A.K. Johnston
W.H. Lizars
W.S. Orr
Wagner, A.
Walling, H. F.
Walling, Henry Francis, 1
Walter, T.U.
Walther, B.
Warren, H.
Weeks, Jordan & Co.
Weiland, Carl Ferdinand,
Weimar Geo Inst.
Weimar Geographisches Ins
Weller, Edward.
Weller, Edwd.
Werner, W.
Whittaker, Treacher & Co.
Whittaker, Treacher, & Co
Wiley & Long
Wiley and Putnam.
William Clowes & Son Ltd.
William D. Ticknor
William Faden
William Innys [et al.]
Williams, C.S.
Williams, J.David
Williams, W.
Williams, W. (Wellington)
Willm. Henry Toms & R.W.
Willm. Henry Toms & R.W.
Wise, C.
Wissler, J.
Wittich, F.
Wm. Faden
Wm. Jas. Hamersley
Wm. M. Bradley & Bro.
Wm. M. Bradley & Bros.
Wojskowe Zaklady Kartogra
Wood Brothers
Woodbridge, William C.
World Publishing Company
Wyld, James, 1790-1836
Wyld, James, 1812-1887
Wytfliet, Corneille
Young & Delleker
Young, J.
Young, J. H.
Young, J. H. (James Hamil
Young, J.H.
Zatta, Antonio, active 17
Browse All
Atlas Map of Mexico
Rand McNally and Company
Shows railroads and distances. Includes table of railroads and principal cities keyed to map. Inset at scale 1:1,521,000. Relief shown by hachures. States colored.
Cassini, Gio. Ma. (Giovanni Maria), 1745-approximately 1824
Relief shown pictorially. Includes decorative title cartouche. In Volume III.
Cassini, Gio. Ma. (Giovanni Maria), 1745-approximately 1824
Relief shown pictorially. Includes decorative title cartouche and bar scales. In Volume III.
Hand-colored, engraved map showing the ecclesiastical provinces of Mexico. Text in delicate script circling land. Accompanied by descriptive text on facing page. In Volume III.
Black and white outline map of United States and Mexico on 2 pages. Relief shown by hachures.
Black and white outline map of United States and Mexico on 2 pages, with manuscript geographical names. Relief shown by hachures.
Black and white outline map of Central America and Caribbean sea region on 2 pages. Relief shown by hachures.
Black and white outline map of Central America and Caribbean sea region on 2 pages, with manuscript geographical names. Relief shown by hachures.
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Engraved 2 maps and 4 views on 1 sheet. Including Carte du Mexique. Environs du Lac de Mexique, and views of: Le Grand Temple de Mexique. Danc appelees Mitoles. Idole de vitzili Putztli. La Ville de Mexique. Maps showing cities, churches, landmarks, rivers and roads. Relief shown pictorially.
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Engraved map of North America and the West Indies, from Newfoundland and the Great Lakes to northern South America, based on de L'Isle's map of the southern part of North America. Covers New Mexico, Louisiana, from Florida through present-day Texas and the Gulf Coast region. Shows political boundaries, Indian settlements, cities, towns, ports, rivers, and notes the discoveries along the Gulf Coast and Mississippi River. Includes text. Relief shown pictorially.
Uncolored map section includes Mexico south to the Yucatan Peninsula. Boats show "The Course of the Spanish Galeons from Vera Crux to the Havana to avoid the Trade Winds."
Northern Mexico, New Mexico, and Louisiana shown. The area around Santa Fe is especially detailed with the Spanish settlements noted all along the Rio Grande. Uncolored.
[Martin, R.M., Tallis, J. & F.]
Mexico in outline color by county. New or Upper California and Texas shown in outline color. California's "newly discovered GOLD districts" are highlighted in bright yellow following the paths of the R. Sacramento and the Rio San Joaquin. The accompanying illustrations include gold washing, Mexican peasants and the ruins of Uxmal, Yucatan. The decorative border includes vegetation, fruits and vegetables from the region.
Lucas, Fielding Jr.
Mexican States shown in full color.
[Carey, H. C., Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859, Lea, I.]
In full color by region surrounded by text.
In full color by region.
Full color by state.
Pinkerton, John, 1758-1826
Engraved map. Full hand col. Shows mines, farms, shoals, etc. Relief shown by hachures. Covers central and southern Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador and part of Honduras. "Pinkerton's modern atlas."
Pinkerton, John, 1758-1826
Engraved map. Full hand col. Shows mines, farms, station of muleteers, garrisons or military posts, tribes, etc. Relief shown by hachures. "Pinkerton's modern atlas."
Hand colored map with 5 insets. Relief shown by hachures. Shows states, settlements, railroads, rivers, etc. Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington.
Vivien de St Martin, L.
Engraved. Countries and provinces outlined in color. In French. Relief shown by hachures. Four scales shown.
Johnston, Alexander Keith
Countries and provinces outlined in color. Relief shown by hachures. Three scales.
Johnston, Alexander Keith
Countries and districts outlined in color. Relief shown by hachures. Four scales.
Rand McNally and Company
Relief shown by hachures. Tables of railroads and chief cities keyed to map.
Johnston, W. & A.K.
Countries and states outlined in color. Relief shown by hachures. Three scales.
Johnston, W. & A.K.
Countries and states outlined in color. Relief shown by hachures. Three scales.
[Black, Adam & Charles, Hall, Sidney, Hughes, William]
Engraved. Counties shown by tinting. Inset of Guatemala or Central America. Relief shown by hachures.
[Lowry, J.W., Sharpe, J.]
Relief shown by hachures. Countries and states outlined in color.
[Lowry, J.W., Sharpe, J.]
Relief shown by hachures. Countries outlined in color.
Rand McNally and Company
States tinted in color. Meridians Washington and Greenwich. Relief shown by hachures.
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus Jr.
Hand colored map with 5 insets. Relief shown by hachures. Shows states, settlements, railroads, rivers, etc. Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington.
Johnston, Alexander Keith
Countries and districts outlined in color. Relief shown by hachures. Three scales.
[Bartholomew, John, Black, Adam & Charles]
Currents shown. Land tinted. Shows four routes for the Proposed Pacific Railway.
[Bartholomew, John, Black, Adam & Charles]
States outlined in color. Land tinted. Inset of Panama Railway.
[Rand McNally and Company, Schlitz Brewing Company]
Full color. List of Mexican localities keyed to map location. Overprint in red shows distribution of American and Mexican fleets, locations of territories of Mexican rebel leaders, and forts. Inset of State of Mexico.
International Boundary Commission
Title also in Spanish. U.S. and Mexican Commissioners listed with signatures. Map in black and white and showing 20-foot contours, railroads, survey markers, landmarks, vegetation, watercourses, roads, hachures for edges of mesas, and boundary line.
International Boundary Commission
Title also in Spanish. U.S. and Mexican Commissioners listed with signatures. Map in black and white and showing 20-foot contours, railroads, survey markers, landmarks, vegetation, watercourses, roads, hachures for edges of mesas, and boundary line.
International Boundary Commission
Title also in Spanish. U.S. and Mexican Commissioners listed with signatures. Map in black and white and showing 20-foot contours, railroads, survey markers, landmarks, vegetation, watercourses, roads, hachures for edges of mesas, and boundary line.
International Boundary Commission
Title also in Spanish. U.S. and Mexican Commissioners listed with signatures. Map in black and white and showing 20-foot contours, railroads, survey markers, landmarks, vegetation, watercourses, roads, hachures for edges of mesas, and boundary line.
International Boundary Commission
Title also in Spanish. U.S. and Mexican Commissioners listed with signatures. Map in black and white and showing 20-foot contours, railroads, survey markers, landmarks, vegetation, watercourses, roads, hachures for edges of mesas, and boundary line.
International Boundary Commission
Title also in Spanish. U.S. and Mexican Commissioners listed with signatures. Map in black and white and showing 20-foot contours, railroads, survey markers, landmarks, vegetation, watercourses, roads, hachures for edges of mesas, and boundary line.
International Boundary Commission
Title also in Spanish. U.S. and Mexican Commissioners listed with signatures. Map in black and white and showing 20-foot contours, railroads, survey markers, landmarks, vegetation, watercourses, roads, hachures for edges of mesas, and boundary line.
International Boundary Commission
Title also in Spanish. U.S. and Mexican Commissioners listed with signatures. Map in black and white and showing 20-foot contours, railroads, survey markers, landmarks, vegetation, watercourses, roads, hachures for edges of mesas, and boundary line.
International Boundary Commission
Title also in Spanish. U.S. and Mexican Commissioners listed with signatures. Map in black and white and showing 20-foot contours, railroads, survey markers, landmarks, vegetation, watercourses, roads, hachures for edges of mesas, and boundary line.
International Boundary Commission
Title also in Spanish. U.S. and Mexican Commissioners listed with signatures. Map in black and white and showing 20-foot contours, railroads, survey markers, landmarks, vegetation, watercourses, roads, hachures for edges of mesas, and boundary line.
International Boundary Commission
Title also in Spanish. U.S. and Mexican Commissioners listed with signatures. Map in black and white and showing 20-foot contours, railroads, survey markers, landmarks, vegetation, watercourses, roads, hachures for edges of mesas, and boundary line.
International Boundary Commission
Title also in Spanish. U.S. and Mexican Commissioners listed with signatures. Map in black and white and showing 20-foot contours, railroads, survey markers, landmarks, vegetation, watercourses, roads, hachures for edges of mesas, and boundary line.
International Boundary Commission
Title also in Spanish. U.S. and Mexican Commissioners listed with signatures. Map in black and white and showing 20-foot contours, railroads, survey markers, landmarks, vegetation, watercourses, roads, hachures for edges of mesas, and boundary line.
International Boundary Commission
Title also in Spanish. U.S. and Mexican Commissioners listed with signatures. Map in black and white and showing 20-foot contours, railroads, survey markers, landmarks, vegetation, watercourses, roads, hachures for edges of mesas, and boundary line.