Browse All : Composite Map of United States

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Composite: (24-29) Gli Stati Uniti dell'America.
Cassini, Gio. Ma. (Giov...
Composite: (24-29) Gli ...
World Atlas
Cassini, Gio. Ma. (Giovanni Maria), 1745-approximately 1824
Composite to maps 24 through 29 (as numbered in index) in Volume III. Includes decorative title cartouche on each of the 6 sheets: Primo, Secondo, Terzo, Quarto, Quinto and Sesto. With inset on Sesto foglio: (Terra Nuova; Golfo di S. Lorenzo).
Composite: (Map of the) United States.
Powell, John Wesley, 18...
Composite: (Map of the)...
National Atlas
[Powell, John Wesley, 1834-1902, United States Geological Survey (USGS), Gannett, Henry, 1846-1914, King, Harry]
Composite to 9-sheet USGS topographic map of the United States. Conveys topography with contour lines, which include elevation figures. Shows state boundaries, cities and towns, railroads, drainage, and national parks, as well as Native American territories and reservations. Title, statement of responsibility, and descriptive text at lower right. Map originally published in 1890; this edition 1891.
Composite: Colonie Unite dell' America Settentrle.
Mitchell, John ; Raynal...
Composite: Colonie Unit...
Geography Book
[Mitchell, John, Raynal, G.T., Zatta, Antonio]
Composite of maps Fogl. I-XI and the title page which includes the map of Bermuda.
Composite: Pennsylvania.
Rand McNally and Compan...
Composite: Pennsylvania...
National Atlas
Rand McNally and Company
Relief shown by hachures. Legends to railroads and chief cities.
Composite: New York.
Rand McNally and Compan...
Composite: New York.
National Atlas
Rand McNally and Company
Relief shown by hachures. Legend to railroads and chief cities.
Composite: United States of North America.
Johnston, W. & A.K.
Composite: United State...
World Atlas
Johnston, W. & A.K.
Countries and provinces outlined in color. Relief shown by hachures. Two scales.
Composite: North America.
Tanner, Henry S.
Composite: North Americ...
World Atlas
Tanner, Henry S.
Engraved. Countries and states differentiated by full color. Alternative Meridan Washington D.C.
Composite: Vereinigte Staaten von NordAmerika, nebst Mexico und Centralamerika.
Stein, Christ. Gottfr. ...
Composite: Vereinigte S...
World Atlas
Stein, Christ. Gottfr. Dan.
Digital composite of 2 hand colored maps. Relief shown by hachures. Shows populated places, Indian villages and missions, ports, railroads, canals, roads, etc. Prime meridians: Ferro and Greenwich. "Stein, Neuer Atlas der ganzen Erde."
Composite: Vereinigte Staaten v. Nordamerika.
Berghaus, Heinrich; Fle...
Composite: Vereinigte S...
World Atlas
Digital composite of 4 sheet hand colored lithographed map. Relief shown by hachures. Includes inset map of "Galapagos (Schildkroten In.)." Prime meridians: Ferro and Paris.
Composite: United States.
Bartholomew, J. G. (Joh...
Composite: United State...
World Atlas
[Bartholomew, J. G. (John George), 1860-1920, John Bartholomew & Co.]
Composite of 3 col. maps. Relief shown by hypsometric tints and spot heights; depths by bathymetric tints. Shows shipping routes with distances, etc. Includes insets. Contents: Pl. 90. Eastern section -- Pl. 91. Central section -- Pl. 92. Western section.
Composite: Canada 1:2,500,000.
Bartholomew, J. G. (Joh...
Composite: Canada 1:2,5...
World Atlas
[Bartholomew, J. G. (John George), 1860-1920, John Bartholomew and Son]
Composite of 6 col. maps. Relief shown by hypsometric tints and spot heights; depths by bathymetric tints. Includes insets. Contents: Pl. 85. Maritime Provinces & Newfoundland -- Pl. 86. Ontario & Quebec -- Pl. Manitoba & North-west Ontario -- Pl. 88. Alberta & Saskatchewan -- Pl. 89. British Columbia -- Pl. 93 North-eastern (United) States. Title from verso of maps. Pl. 85 by John Bartholomew & Co.
Composite Map: No. 99-102. Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-Amerika. No. I-IV
Berghaus, Heinrich, 179...
Composite Map: No. 99-1...
World Atlas
[Berghaus, Heinrich, 1797-1884, Sohr, Karl, Flemming, Carl]
Composite map of the United States, sheets I-IV.
Composite: 8 sheets of geologic and topographic profile of the United States along interstate 80
Raymo, Chet
Composite: 8 sheets of ...
Geologic Atlas
Raymo, Chet
Composite of 8 sheets of geologic cross section and topographic map. Covers the route along Interstate 80 from San Francisco to New York City.
Composite Map: 83-88. Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika in 6 Blaetten.
Stieler, Adolf; Peterma...
Composite Map: 83-88. V...
World Atlas
[Stieler, Adolf, Petermann, Habenicht, H.]
Composite Map: 79-82. West-Indien in 4 Blaetten, Bl. 1-4.
Stieler, Adolf; Peterma...
Composite Map: 79-82. W...
World Atlas
[Stieler, Adolf, Petermann, A., Lueddecke, R., Habenicht, H.]
Composite: Map of the United States.
Walker, John; Walker, J...
Composite: Map of the U...
Case Map
[Walker, John, Walker, John & Alexander]
Date estimated at 1835 based on additions to the Erie Canal, improved mapping around Lake of the Woods and norther Lake Superior, and the coastline east from Alaska. Map in outlinel color by state, region or territory. Highly detailed map showing county boundaries, court houses, the homes of doctors, and explanations of the topography ("These Rivers head in Flat Glady Land.") Includes two inset maps: one of the southern part of Florida, and the second of North America from Columbia in the south to Greenland in the north. On 4 sheets, dissected. See our other copy 1827 in full color, 5574.000
Composite Map: West-Indien in 4 Blaettern, Bl. 4.
Stieler, Adolf; Peterma...
Composite Map: West-Ind...
World Atlas
[Stieler, Adolf, Petermann, A., Lueddecke, R.]
Composite map: Vereinigte Staaten von Nordamerika
Sohr, Karl; Berghaus, H...
Composite map: Vereinig...
World Atlas
[Sohr, Karl, Berghaus, Heinrich, 1797-1884, Handtke, Friedrich, 1815-1879, Theinert, A., Hubner, F.]
Composite map of sheets 91-94 of North America: Northeastern sheet, Northwestern sheet, Southeastern sheet and Southwestern sheet.
Composite: Canada, Louisiane, Terres Angloises.
Anville, Jean Baptiste ...
Composite: Canada, Loui...
World Atlas
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d, 1697-1782
Engraved map on 4 sheets. Shows forts, missions, Native American villages and territories, etc. Relief shown pictorially. Ornamental cartouche designed by H. Gravelot and engraved by De Lafosse. Originally published with a 26 p. pamphlet entitled "Memoire sur la carte intitulee: Canada, Louisiane, & Terres angloises," 1756.
Composite Map: 95-100. Vereinigte Staaten.
Stieler, Adolf; Haack, ...
Composite Map: 95-100. ...
World Atlas
[Stieler, Adolf, Haack, H.]
Composite Map: 86-91. Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika in 6 Blaettern.
Stieler, Adolf; Habenic...
Composite Map: 86-91. V...
World Atlas
[Stieler, Adolf, Habenicht, H., Petermann, A.]
Composite: Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-Amerika in four sheets.
Sohr, Karl; Berghaus, H...
Composite: Vereinigte S...
World Atlas
[Sohr, Karl, Berghaus, Heinrich, 1797-1884, Handtke, Friedrich, 1815-1879, Klein, H.J.]
Composite map of Nord-America. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridians are Greenwich, Paris and Ferro. Includes legend and tables.
Composite Map: Passenger Air Map of the United States.
Annand, George
Composite Map: Passenge...
Annand, George
Composite map: San Francisco to Reno via U.S. 40
Harolds Club; Eddy, Ger...
Composite map: San Fran...
Separate Map
[Harolds Club, Eddy, Geraled A.]
Composite to sides 1-2. 1 pictorial map, both sides, on sheet 66.5 x 10, folded to 3 panels 22 x10, printed on yellow paper. Illustration signed by "Gerald A. Eddy." Shows cities, towns, landmarks, mountains and bridges. Includes legend and notes. On verso: Mileage chart and compass rose oriented with north to the upper right. Relief shown pictorially.
Composite map: Vereinigte Staaten von Nordamerika
Sohr, Karl; Berghaus, H...
Composite map: Vereinig...
World Atlas
[Sohr, Karl, Berghaus, Heinrich, 1797-1884, Handtke, Friedrich, 1815-1879]
Composite map of the United States, sheets 1-4. Engraved lithograph outline hand colored. Shows administrative boundaries. Includes legend and list of states. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridians are Paris and Ferro.
Composite: 12 Sheets Amerique septentrionale
Meissas, Achille; Binet...
Composite: 12 Sheets Am...
Separate Map
[Meissas, Achille, Bineteau, P.]
Composite map: 12 sheets. Engraved map of North and Central America.
Composite: Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika in 6 Blattern.
Stieler, Adolf; Peterma...
Composite: Vereinigten ...
World Atlas
[Stieler, Adolf, Petermann, A.]
The United States in 6 sheets in outline color. Northern Mexico and southern Canada also included. Includes 4 inset maps.
Composite Map: Rand McNally and Co's General Map of the United States.
Blanchard, Rufus
Composite Map: Rand McN...
[National Atlas, Histor...
Blanchard, Rufus
Composite Map: Historical Map of the United States.
Blanchard, Rufus
Composite Map: Historic...
[National Atlas, Histor...
Blanchard, Rufus
Composite Map: Map of the United States of America.
Colton, J.H.
Composite Map: Map of t...
World Atlas
Colton, J.H.
Elaborate border with vignettes.
Composite: Vereinigte Staaten. United States
Haack, H.; Stieler, Ado...
Composite: Vereinigte S...
World Atlas
[Haack, H., Stieler, Adolf]
Composite: Le cours de Missisipi, ou de St. Louis (with) Partie meridionale de la Riviere de Missisipi.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1...
Composite: Le cours de ...
World Atlas
[Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720, Compagnie des Indes occidentales]
A composite of two maps that De Fer published separately but also appeared joined together to show the entire course of the Mississippi River. From Ruderman: "De Fer's 2 sheet map is one of the most important maps of the region and one of the earliest maps to incorporate the reports of Jesuit missionaries and explorers active in the early 18th Century. De Fer's map is perhaps the most important and influential regional map of the period, providing significantly updated cartographic information in a number of regions. The map is the first printed map to provide the updated treatment of the Mississippi River later made famous by De L'Isle in his Carte de la Louisiane et du cours du Missisipi. . . (pre-dating De L'Isle's map) , the first to include the updated information along the Gulf Coast transmitted to France by Francoise Le Maire and the first to incorporate the revised and improved mapping of the Great Lakes derived from Jesuit missionary sources in the north. While its cartographic details rival the contemporary maps of Guillaume De L'Isle for primacy, De Fer's map was almost certainly the more influential work at the time it was published, having been commissioned by John Law's Compagnie d'Occident (Company of the West), to provide a graphic depiction of the vast and rich commercial potential of French Louisiana, for which commercial rights had just been ceded to Law's Company of the West. De Fer first began work on his map in 1715, when he issued his La Riviere de Missisipi, et ses Environs, dans l'Amerique Septentrionale ..., based upon a 1701 manuscript map by Guillaume De L'Isle . The 1715 map is essentially the proof state for the lower half of the 2-sheet map, lacking the internal embellishments intended to demonstrate the wealth of the region. With the founding of John Law's Company of the West and Law's being granted by the King of France the rights to commercial control of Louisiana in August 1717, Law commenced an advertising and promotional campaign to attract investors for his new company. A visual tool was undoubtedly needed to help potential investors understand the scope and commercial potential of France's holdings in Louisiana. To fill the need, De Fer was commissioned to create such a map.
Composite Map: The United States of North America. Atlantic States and Valley of the Mississippi.
Blackie, W.G.
Composite Map: The Unit...
World Atlas
Blackie, W.G.
Composite: Territory Of The United States From The Mississippi River To The Pacific Ocean
Freyhold, Edward; Warre...
Composite: Territory Of...
Separate Map
Freyhold, Edward; Warren, Gouverneur Kemble, 1830-1882
Composite of all four sheets. Alaska inset; 59 "authorities"; This copy consists of four separate sheets, unjoined. Similar to our case map copy 2919.000 (the Streeter copy). Wheat: "one of the great American maps, and one profoundly influential." The final revision of the original Warren map of 1857; largely redrawn, in substance, and style of hachuring. An earlier state of the same imprint is described in Streeter 3080. See Wheeler vol 1 reference. In 1879 Freyhold issued another larger version of this map (Wheat 1295) (see our copy). Without color.
Composite: United States.
Arrowsmith, Aaron
Composite: United State...
Regional Atlas
Arrowsmith, Aaron
Engraved map on 4 sheets. Outline hand col. Relief shown by pictorially and by hachures. Shows settlements, roads with distances, Indian tribes, rivers, etc. Title in cartouche with large illustration of "Falls of Niagara" that includes text.
Composite: Mexico The British Possessions In North America And The United States.
Wyld, James, 1812-1887
Composite: Mexico The B...
Case Map
Wyld, James, 1812-1887
Composite of north and south sheets. Dissected in north and south sheets, each in 30 sections. This map is a reduction and reissue of Wyld's famous 1824 Map of North America (Stevens and Tree 63 - four editions from 1824 to 1856) - it does not have the top sheet showing the Arctic, it moves the title from the lower left to middle right (and changes title of course), and it updates some of the western geography, showing the Tule Lakes in California, Fremont's or South Pass, Fts Hall and Boise and the Oregon Trail. However, it keeps the outdated topography of the Great Basin and California used in the 1824 edition - the two large rivers running from the interior of the basin to the Pacific, and the mountain ranges running almost east to west instead of north to south in the basin. Nonetheless, it is a very beautiful map in the best of Wyld's cartographic style. Two insets in the lower right and left, of North America and Islands in the Pacific Ocean (both of which appear in the small General Atlas). Map comes from the family of Kit Carson's clerk. Has paste down catalogue. Wheat 658 (1849) is listed in our copy of Radford's Catalogue, 1975. Though smaller, it is likely derived from this map. With outline color. Sheets fold with marbled end sheets into original brown cloth slip case 25x15.5 with label reading "Canada Mexico &c. United States" (ms) and "James Wyld, Geographer To Her Majesty. Charing Cross, East ..."
Composite: NE coast North America, N.Y. to Cape Canso.
Blunt, Edmund M. (Edmun...
Composite: NE coast Nor...
Chart Atlas
[Blunt, Edmund M. (Edmund March), 1770-1862, Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet), 1722-1824, Taber, W. C., Wadsworth, A. S. (Alex. S.)]
Three sheet engraved nautical chart, with three insets. Depths shown by soundings. Light house coloring added by hand in red. Guthorn notes subsequent eds. in 1844, 1847 and 1848.
Composite: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika in 6 Blattern (United Sates).
Stieler, Adolf; Peterma...
Composite: Vereinigte S...
World Atlas
[Stieler, Adolf, Petermann, A.]
Composite: West-Indien in 4 Blattern (West Indies in 4 Sheets)
Stieler, Adolf; Peterma...
Composite: West-Indien ...
World Atlas
[Stieler, Adolf, Petermann, A.]
Composite: Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-Amerika in 6 Blattern, (North America).
Stieler, Adolf; Peterma...
Composite: Vereinigte S...
World Atlas
[Stieler, Adolf, Petermann, A.]
Composite: (Lake of the Woods to the Rocky Mountain Divide).
U.S. Northern Boundary ...
Composite: (Lake of the...
Exploration Book
[U.S. Northern Boundary Commission, Campbell, Archibald, Twining, W.J.]
Composite: Sheets No. 1-7. Photo-Lithographic Copy Of The Detailed Maps Of The North West Boundary
U.S. North West Boundar...
Composite: Sheets No. 1...
Separate Map
[U.S. North West Boundary Survey, Campbell, Archibald]
Date estimated. Loose sheets form set of 7. Paper mounted on muslin. Relief shown in hachures.
Composite: United States with the contiguous British & Spanish Possessions.
Melish, John
Composite: United State...
Case Map
Melish, John
Composite image with all linen breaks removed. The last edition of Melish's map of the United States, first published in 1816, and the 25th state identified by Martin/Ristow. This edition has the three additional sheets at the bottom of the map (added in the second state of the 1822 edition) that expand the coverage of Mexico and the West Indies. Compared to the first 1816 edition, there are many changes in the Great Plains area of the U.S. (that first appeared in the 1822 edition) based on Long's Map of 1822 (although Melish does not mention Long in his preface to the Geographical Description edition of 1822). Ristow (A la Carte) says there are no changes between between the 1823 edition and the second state of the 1822 edition, other than the change in publisher and date. Outline color by state or territory. The map is dissected into 50 sections, backed with linen, and edged in white silk. It folds into a new dark blue cloth folding case 25x17 with black ties; the spine is embossed with "Map Of The United States. John Melish. 1823" in gold.
Composite: Centennial Map Of The United States and Territories.
U.S. General Land Offic...
Composite: Centennial M...
Case Map
U.S. General Land Office
Composite map of all 16 sheets.
Composite: Map of the United States with the contiguous British & Spanish Possessions.
Melish, John
Composite: Map of the U...
Case Map
Melish, John
Composite of dissected map. With insets of the West Indies and a Statistical Table. This map has the distinction of being the first large scale detailed map made in the U.S. that showed the entire country from the Atlantic to the Pacific. This copy is an early state of the first edition -this is Martin's third state of the first edition and Ristow's fourth state (Ristow discovered a town and trail added in Ohio - Adelphi - making for a sub state of Martin's third state). The first state was an incomplete proof copy, making this the second/third state of the completed copy. The differences between this and the first complete state are small: Mansfield, Wooster, and Adelphi (and a trail from Adelphi to Athens and Chillicothe) added in Ohio, and "Vevay or" added before "Swiss Vineyards" in southeastern Indiana. Martin and Ristow identify seven states of the 1816 edition. Melish published new editions in 1818 (five states), 1819 (two states), 1820 (eight states), 1822 (two states), and 1823 (one state) for a total of twenty five different issues. Notwithstanding the many issues, the map has become extremely rare. A book accompanied the map (though issued separately) titled "A Geographical Description of the United States..." (see our #2424). Outline color by state or territory. This copy is dissected into 40 sections, backed with linen, and edged in brown cloth. It folds with marbled end sheets into new blue cloth folding boards and slip case 24.5x16.5 with leather label on spine reading "Melish. Map Of The United States. 1816" in gold.
Composite: United States and U.S. Territories And Pacific States
Lloyd, H.H.
Composite: United State...
Pocket Map
Lloyd, H.H.
Interesting combination of two separately published maps in one pocket map folder. When opened side by side they form a complete map of the U.S. on the same scale, a western half and an eastern half. The western map is of greater interest - Wheat calls the 1865 edition "a worthwhile map, and a good deal more enlightening than the 1865 production of the General Land Office, 'Map of the Public Land States and Territories.'" Wheat mentions that the 1865 edition does not show Boise City - the 1866 edition does, which probably means there were other updates made for this edition. The copyright date on this map is 1862, but we can find no record of that edition, only the 1865 edition. Wheat and Phillips list Bourquin as the lithographer, but his name is removed on this edition. The influence of Bancroft's Map of the Pacific States is strong. In the west this is a very impressive map, and in the east there is the normal overabundance of detail typical of Lloyd's work. An interesting and useful feature of both the east and west maps is the inclusion in many counties of their date of organization (first time we have seen this). Both maps are folded into dark brown cloth covers 16x11.5 with "H.H. Lloyd & Co.'s New County Map Of The United States." stamped in gold. Outline color by state.
Composite: United States, British Provinces, Mexico and the West Indies
Colton, G.W. & C.B.
Composite: United State...
Pocket Map
Colton, G.W. & C.B.
A very late edition of and reformatting of a Colton "standard" U.S. In two halves, unjoined. Entered in 1884, this is an entirely new map of the U.S., still using the title used since 1850. The hachuring is particularly detailed, probably influenced by Freyhold's map of 1879. A former owner has inked in some railroad routes in the west. Full color by state. Map is folded into dark brown cloth covers 20.5x10 stamped with "Colton's Map Of The United States. G.W. & C.B. Colton & Co., New York." in gilt. Prime meridians are Greenwich and Washington D.C.
Composite: Map Of The United States And Territories
Blanchard, Rufus
Composite: Map Of The U...
Pocket Map
Blanchard, Rufus
First map of the U.S. engraved in Chicago (Karrow). Printed both sides (eastern half and western half). Inset map of a 1795 map of the western territories, several vignettes, and an inset map of the world. Public land surveys and mineral deposits shown. Scarce. Also published in a larger version without the printing on both sides (see Blanchard catalogue). Blanchard has copied almost exactly (he does say "compiled from government maps" but he should say "copied") the U.S. General Land Office "Map of the Public Land States and Territories" 1867 edition. Some additions are made, i.e. the Black Hills are drawn in and Wyoming is shown as "proposed" but basically it is the same map. Full color. Folded into dark brown stamped cloth covers 15.5x10 with "Cabinet Map of the United States and Territories." in gilt.
Composite: United States, Canada, Plate 100 - 102, 104 - 111, Vol. V
Bartholomew, John
Composite: United State...
World Atlas
Bartholomew, John
Composite map of plates 100 to 102 and 104 to 111, Vol V.
Composite: Eastern United States.
Vandermaelen, Philippe,...
Composite: Eastern Unit...
World Atlas
Vandermaelen, Philippe, 1795-1869
Composite of 15 hand col. lithographed maps. Relief shown pictorially; depths by soundings. Prime meridian: Paris. Covers eastern United States.
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