Browse All : Data Visualization and Commerce; Economics from 1928

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Streiks und Aussperrungen. (Strikes and lockouts).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Streiks und Aussperrung...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram, comparing strikes and lockouts in Great Britain, France and the German Empire, from 1913 to 1928. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 16 x 37 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Arbeitslose. (Unemployed).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Arbeitslose. (Unemploye...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram, comparing population of the unemployed in Great Britain, France and the German Empire, from 1913 to 1928. Includes explanatory text. Diagram is 37 x 22 cm, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Maschinenausfuhr vor dem Krieg und jetzt. (Machine export before the war and now).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Maschinenausfuhr vor de...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Two colored diagrams, comparing machinery exports across the world in 1909-1913 and 1928 (before and after World War I). Includes explanatory text. First diagram is 8 x 24; second is 10 x 38 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Auswärtige Kapitalsanlagen und Verfremdung. (Foreign investments and alienation).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Auswärtige Kapitalsanla...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Two colored diagrams, comparing foreign investments across the world in 1914 and 1928. Includes explanatory text. Each diagram is 18 x 24, on sheet 46 x 31 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Gewerkschaften der Erde. (Unions of the earth).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Gewerkschaften der Erde...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Two colored diagrams, comparing unions across the world in 1912 and 1928. Includes explanatory text. First diagram is 6 x 20 cm; second is 16 x 20 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Erwerbstätige Bevölkerung der Erde. (Working population of the earth).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Erwerbstätige Bevölkeru...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored diagram showing the working population across the world, as of 1928. Includes a legend. Diagram is 23 x 32 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Aussenhandel wichtiger Handelsstaaten. (Foreign trade of important trading countries).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Aussenhandel wichtiger ...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Three colored diagrams, comparing foreign trade across the world, from 1900 to 1928. Includes explanatory text. First diagram is 13 x 7; second is 19 x 11 cm; third is 19 x 14 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
Reallöhne 1928. (Real wages 1928).
Neurath, Otto, 1882-194...
Reallöhne 1928. (Real w...
[World Atlas, Statistic...
Neurath, Otto, 1882-1945
Colored map showing wages across the world in 1928. Includes explanatory text. Map is 21 x 40 cm, on sheet 31 x 46 cm. Information depicted with Isotype (International system of typographic picture education), a method for assembling, configuring and disseminating information and statistics through pictorial means, invented by Otto and Marie Neurath.
A vásárcsarnokokba és piacokra behozott fontosabb élelmiszerek mennyisége vármegyék szerint. (Vége.) = Menge der in die Markthallen und auf die Märkte Eingeführten Wichtigeren Lebensmittel nach Komitaten. (Schluss.) 1928 (2).
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
A vásárcsarnokokba és p...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Four colored maps representing significant food imports in Budapest, in 1928. Map "e" shows greens, vegetables and legumes; "f" shows tomatoes; "g" shows fruit; and "h" shows melons. Second of two pages: set continues series from previous page (174). Maps share a legend. In both Hungarian and German. Together, maps are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
A vásárcsarnokokba és piacokra behozott fontosabb élelmiszerek mennyisége vármegyék szerint. = Menge der in die Markthallen und auf die Märkte Eingeführten Wichtigeren Lebensmittel nach Komitaten. 1928 (1).
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
A vásárcsarnokokba és p...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Four colored maps representing significant food imports by county, in 1928. Map "a" shows meat; "b" shows poultry; "c" shows eggs; and "d" shows potatoes. First of two pages: set continues on next page (175), with maps "e" through "h". Maps share a legend. In both Hungarian and German. Together, maps are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
A föváros külkereskedelmi forgalma a fontosabb európai országokkal. - Aussenhandelsverkehr der Hauptstadt mit den Wichtigeren Europäischen Ländern. 1928.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
A föváros külkereskedel...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Colored map, overlaid with data visualization, representing foreign trade with the main European countries, in 1928. Includes a legend and an explanation. In both Hungarian and German. Map is 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
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