Browse All : Data Visualization and Historical and Atlas Map from 1930 and 1933

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Épületek megoszlása az építkezés éve szerint, városrészenkint. = Verteilung der Gebäude der einzelnen Stadtteile nach dem Baujarh. 1930
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Épületek megoszlása az ...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Four colored maps representing distribution of buildings - according to year of construction - in districts of Budapest, over time. Map "a" shows buildings built before January 1, 1921; "b" shows buildings built from 1921 to 1925; "c" shows buildings built from 1926 to 1930; and "d" shows the ratio of buildings built before and after January 1, 1921. Map "d" is overlaid with data visualization. Each map includes a legend. In both Hungarian and German. Together, maps are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Építkezések kerületenkint a bel- és kültelek megkülönböztetésével. = Bautätigkeit nach Bezirken mit Unterscheidung des Intra- und des Extravillans. 1921-1930.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Építkezések kerületenki...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Four colored maps, overlaid with data visualization, representing construction sites per district within Budapest (with a distinction between the inner city and surrounding areas), over time. First map shows the number of new buildings, from 1921 to 1930; second shows the number of dwellings built, from 1921 to 1930; third shows the number of rooms created, from 1921 to 1930; and fourth shows the she size of the built-up area, from 1921 to 1930. Each map includes two legends. In both Hungarian and German. Together, maps are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Népsürüség 86 statiszitikai alkerület szerint. = Volkdichtigkeit nac 86 Statistischen Unterbezirken. 1910-1930.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Népsürüség 86 statiszit...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Four colored maps representing the growth of population density within the eighty-six statistical sub-districts of Budapest, over time. Map "a" (pink) shows the population density within the eighty-six statistical sub-districts, in 1910; "b" (pink) shows the population density within the eighty-six statistical sub-districts, in 1930; "a" (pink and blue) shows the population density within the eighty-six statistical sub-districts from 1911 to 1920; and "b" (pink and blue) shows the population density within the eighty-six statistical sub-districts from 1921 to 1930. Each map includes a legend. In both Hungarian and German. Together, maps are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
Kibérletlen üres lakások. = Leerstehende Unvermietete Wohnungen. 1910-1930.
Budapest (Hungary). Föv...
Kibérletlen üres lakáso...
[City Atlas, Statistica...
[Budapest (Hungary). Föváros Statisztikai Hivatal, Illyefalvi, Lajos I., 1881-1944]
Four colored maps representing the distribution of vacant apartments, as well as the population of rental units in districts of Budapest, in 1930. Map "a" (brown) shows the ratio of vacant apartments, in 1930; "b" (brown) - overlaid with data visualization - shows the ratio of vacant apartments to the housing stock of the districts, compared to the increase in apartments, in 1930, compared to 1910 and 1920; "a" (green) shows the ratio of residents in institutional rental units, compared to the total population, in 1930; and "b" (green) shows the ratio of residents in "other rental units", compared to the total population, in 1930. Each map includes a legend. In both Hungarian and German. Together, maps are 23 x 30 cm, on sheet 26 x 35 cm.
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