Browse All : Data Visualization and Thematic and Atlas Map from 1979

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Chapter 11. Unresolved Questions for the Future (continued). San Francisco Bay and the Delta.
California Governor's O...
Chapter 11. Unresolved ...
State Atlas
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Map shows effluent dischargers into San Fancisco Bay and tributaries, 1978. Delta outflows shown.
Chapter 10. Water Quality (continued). Sewage Treatment Facilities. Capacities, Treatment Standards & Volumes, 1975.
California Governor's O...
Chapter 10. Water Quali...
State Atlas
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Text box: The 208 Non-Point Source Control Program. Detailed map of 165 treatment facilities with a graphical depiction of treatment levels.
Surface Water Quality, Water Year 1975.
California Governor's O...
Surface Water Quality, ...
State Atlas
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Maps of four river systems: Sacramento, Colorado, Klamath, and San Joaquin, comparing dissolved oxygen (DO), Nitrates (NO3), and total dissolved solids (TDS).
Chapter 9. Commercial and Recreational Water Use (continued). Hydroelectric Power Generation, 1972.
California Governor's O...
Chapter 9. Commercial a...
State Atlas
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Map of power installations showing installed capacities and average generation, and ownership.
Crop Patterns and Applied Water.
California Governor's O...
Crop Patterns and Appli...
State Atlas
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Maps of a 2 mile by 70 mile strip of land in Fresno County. Shows crop types and the amount of applied irrigation water.
Urban Water Use and Price. Chapter 8. The Economics of Water (continued).
California Governor's O...
Urban Water Use and Pri...
State Atlas
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Map graphically shows price vs. use for dozens of California urban areas. Text box: Trends in Urban Water Use, 1966-70.
Drought. Water Years 1976/1977. Chapter 7. The Operation of the Modern Water System (continued).
California Governor's O...
Drought. Water Years 19...
State Atlas
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Includes two maps: Percent of Average Precipitation and Snowpack, October 1, 1975 - September 30, 1976; Percent of Average Precipitation and Snowpack, October 1, 1976 - September 30, 1977. Also has graphics of water balances and reservoir storage, comparing average and drought years. Table: Urban Response to Drought.
Groundwater. Chapter 7. The Operation of the Modern Water System (continued).
California Governor's O...
Groundwater. Chapter 7....
State Atlas
[Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L., Bowen, William A.]
Shows undeveloped and developed basins with tables of statistics. Also shows Artifical Recharge in 1972, and Pumpage in 1972. Text portion: Chapter 7. The Operation of the Modern Water System (continued). Text box: The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.
Measured and Unimpaired Streamflows. Water Year 1975.
California Governor's O...
Measured and Unimpaired...
State Atlas
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Graphically compares unimpaired and impaired monthly streamflows for numerous streams.
Chapter 7. The Operation of the Modern Water System. Principal Lakes and Reservoirs.
California Governor's O...
Chapter 7. The Operatio...
State Atlas
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Text box: Subsidence and Salt Water Intrusion. Graphically and numerically shows volumes of principal lakes and reservoirs and has a table of other reservoir attributes.
Chapter 6. The Great Valley Systems (continued). Applied Irrigation Water 1972.
California Governor's O...
Chapter 6. The Great Va...
State Atlas
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Overlaid on a shaded relief map of California are 12 boxes, each representing an irrigated region, and showing water use by crop.
State Water Project. Water Year 1975. Chapter 6. The Great Valley Systems (continued).
California Governor's O...
State Water Project. Wa...
State Atlas
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Shaded relief map of the State Water Project connected to a unit-by-unit volumetric diagram of water deliveries. Additional diagrams show Energy Generation, Use, Water Pumped, and Reservoir Capacities. Includes table: Future Deliveries of the State Water Project.
Central Valley Project. Water Year 1975. Chapter 6. The Great Valley Systems (continued).
California Governor's O...
Central Valley Project....
State Atlas
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Shaded relief map of the Central Valley Project connected to a unit-by-unit volumetric diagram of water deliveries. Additional diagrams show Energy Generation, Use, Water Pumped, and Reservoir Capacities.
Colorado River Basin 1975. Chapter 5. The Colorado River (continued).
California Governor's O...
Colorado River Basin 19...
State Atlas
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Shows Consumptive uses and losses. Text box: The Apportionment and Use of the Colorado River Water Supply.
Southern California Urban Delivery Systems.
California Governor's O...
Southern California Urb...
State Atlas
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Shows water deliveries from the Colorado River Aqueduct, and the Los Angeles Aqueduct via Owens Valley; includes system longitudinal profiles. Includes table: MWD (Metropolitan Water District) Operations, 1974/1975.
Annual Runoff and Seasonality. Chapter 2. The Natural Endowment (continued).
California Governor's O...
Annual Runoff and Seaso...
State Atlas
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Map of runoff including table of principal drainage basin areas. Diagrams of seasonal (monthly) variability in runoff for 33 streams in seven basins.
Chapter 2. The Natural Endowment. Mean Annual Precipitation.
California Governor's O...
Chapter 2. The Natural ...
State Atlas
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Includes histograms for mean monthly precipitation for 24 California stations.
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