Browse All : Data Visualization and Thematic and Text Page and State Atlas from 1979
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[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Diagram showing Irrigation Methods and Crop Acreages shows methods and acres of irrigation for different crops and hydrologic basins. Text box: Irrigation Methods.
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Diagram of Water Use by Industry includes box: Value Added/Water Consumed (for various products). Also shows breakdown of water sources for electrical power plant cooling.
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Large graphic showing annual Instantaneous Peak Flows for each of fifteen major streams from 1905-1976. Flood Recurrence Frequencies also shown.
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Evapotranspiration diagrams compare crops, months, regions, and quantities of evapotranspiration.
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Diagrams and maps compare the natural surface water supply with demand for eleven hydrologic basins. Includes graphic for interregional transfers, 1972.
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Map shows effluent dischargers into San Fancisco Bay and tributaries, 1978. Delta outflows shown.
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Text box: The 208 Non-Point Source Control Program. Detailed map of 165 treatment facilities with a graphical depiction of treatment levels.
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Map of power installations showing installed capacities and average generation, and ownership.
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Map graphically shows price vs. use for dozens of California urban areas. Text box: Trends in Urban Water Use, 1966-70.
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Includes two maps: Percent of Average Precipitation and Snowpack, October 1, 1975 - September 30, 1976; Percent of Average Precipitation and Snowpack, October 1, 1976 - September 30, 1977. Also has graphics of water balances and reservoir storage, comparing average and drought years. Table: Urban Response to Drought.
[Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L., Bowen, William A.]
Shows undeveloped and developed basins with tables of statistics. Also shows Artifical Recharge in 1972, and Pumpage in 1972. Text portion: Chapter 7. The Operation of the Modern Water System (continued). Text box: The Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Text box: Subsidence and Salt Water Intrusion. Graphically and numerically shows volumes of principal lakes and reservoirs and has a table of other reservoir attributes.
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Overlaid on a shaded relief map of California are 12 boxes, each representing an irrigated region, and showing water use by crop.
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Shows Consumptive uses and losses. Text box: The Apportionment and Use of the Colorado River Water Supply.
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Statewide and annual variability is highlighted in graphs.
[Bowen, William A., Brand, Stewart, California Department of Water Resources, California Governor's Office of Planning and Research, Fuller, David L., Kahrl, William L., Ryan, Donald A., Shelton, Marlyn L.]
Includes histograms for mean monthly precipitation for 24 California stations.
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