Morris, Stephen A.
Timeline of 60 years of anthrax research literature / by Stephen A. Morris, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 2005
Engraved double hemisphere map and graph. Hand colored.
Strass, Friedrich
This timeline by Austrian chronologer Strass was highly influential and was translated into several languages, as well as spawning later variants by J.H. Colton and William Bell (see our copies). A second issue was published in 1804.
[Department of History, University of Michigan, DeConte, Alexander, Zahnizer, Marvin, Holli, Melvin]
Rowland, David J.
Perhaps the earliest American timeline. Uses a stream metaphor, time and events flowing toward the bottom. Middle Ages shows the "dark shades of error" as the truths of Christianity became obscured. Lots of historical text including key events and descriptions of various Christian sects.
[Eddy, Isaac, Wilson, James]
Designed to make history more comprehensible and to illustrate the flow of time and events. Explanatory text at bottom of chart. Depicted as a tree with newer times higher in the tree. Obscure parts of history hidden by leaves. Two vignettes: apparently Adam in the Garden of Eden and a Native American hunting party. The ends of particular lines of civilization shown by the limb being "amputated" at the appropriate date. Lacks any reference to East Asian or New World (except United States) governments.
Raisz, Erwin
Date estimated. Author presumed.
Johnson, A.J.
Dials in color and in five rings around the center dial showing Washington at 12:00.
Mellish, John
Detailed full color chart showing the history of the Empires from 2300 B.C. to 1800 A.D. Chart includes explanation and note. Map is hand colored, includes note. Relief shown by hachures.
Wilkinson, Robert
Includes Chrono-Genealogical Chart of the Kings of Jerusalem and Cyprus.
Wilkinson, Robert
Includes timeline of principal Mohamedan Sovereignties.
Wilkinson, Robert
Adams, Sebastian C.
A huge and impressive twenty three foot long chart showing 5,885 years of history, from 4004 B.C.. to 1881 A.D. First issued in 1871, Adams put out several editions in many formats. Rosenberg and Grafton in "Cartographies of Time" say that as a timeline, Adams Synchronological Chart "was ninetheenth-century America's surpassing achievement in complexity and synthetic power."
Adams, Sebastian C.
A huge and impressive twenty three foot long chart showing 5,885 years of history, from 4004 B.C.. to 1881 A.D. First issued in 1871, Adams put out several editions in many formats. Rosenberg and Grafton in "Cartographies of Time" say that as a timeline, Adams Synchronological Chart "was ninetheenth-century America's surpassing achievement in complexity and synthetic power."
Adams, Sebastian C.
A huge and impressive twenty three foot long chart showing 5,885 years of history, from 4004 B.C.. to 1881 A.D. First issued in 1871, Adams put out several editions in many formats. Rosenberg and Grafton in "Cartographies of Time" say that as a timeline, Adams Synchronological Chart "was ninetheenth-century America's surpassing achievement in complexity and synthetic power."
Adams, Sebastian C.
A huge and impressive twenty three foot long chart showing 5,885 years of history, from 4004 B.C.. to 1881 A.D. First issued in 1871, Adams put out several editions in many formats. Rosenberg and Grafton in "Cartographies of Time" say that as a timeline, Adams Synchronological Chart "was ninetheenth-century America's surpassing achievement in complexity and synthetic power."
Adams, Sebastian C.
A huge and impressive twenty three foot long chart showing 5,885 years of history, from 4004 B.C.. to 1881 A.D. First issued in 1871, Adams put out several editions in many formats. Rosenberg and Grafton in "Cartographies of Time" say that as a timeline, Adams Synchronological Chart "was ninetheenth-century America's surpassing achievement in complexity and synthetic power."
Adams, Sebastian C.
A huge and impressive twenty three foot long chart showing 5,885 years of history, from 4004 B.C.. to 1881 A.D. First issued in 1871, Adams put out several editions in many formats. Rosenberg and Grafton in "Cartographies of Time" say that as a timeline, Adams Synchronological Chart "was ninetheenth-century America's surpassing achievement in complexity and synthetic power."
Adams, Sebastian C.
A huge and impressive twenty three foot long chart showing 5,885 years of history, from 4004 B.C.. to 1881 A.D. First issued in 1871, Adams put out several editions in many formats. Rosenberg and Grafton in "Cartographies of Time" say that as a timeline, Adams Synchronological Chart "was ninetheenth-century America's surpassing achievement in complexity and synthetic power."
Adams, Sebastian C.
A huge and impressive twenty three foot long chart showing 5,885 years of history, from 4004 B.C.. to 1881 A.D. First issued in 1871, Adams put out several editions in many formats. Rosenberg and Grafton in "Cartographies of Time" say that as a timeline, Adams Synchronological Chart "was ninetheenth-century America's surpassing achievement in complexity and synthetic power."
Adams, Sebastian C.
A huge and impressive twenty three foot long chart showing 5,885 years of history, from 4004 B.C.. to 1881 A.D. First issued in 1871, Adams put out several editions in many formats. Rosenberg and Grafton in "Cartographies of Time" say that as a timeline, Adams Synchronological Chart "was ninetheenth-century America's surpassing achievement in complexity and synthetic power."
Adams, Sebastian C.
A huge and impressive twenty three foot long chart showing 5,885 years of history, from 4004 B.C.. to 1881 A.D. First issued in 1871, Adams put out several editions in many formats. Rosenberg and Grafton in "Cartographies of Time" say that as a timeline, Adams Synchronological Chart "was ninetheenth-century America's surpassing achievement in complexity and synthetic power."
Adams, Sebastian C.
A huge and impressive twenty three foot long chart showing 5,885 years of history, from 4004 B.C.. to 1881 A.D. First issued in 1871, Adams put out several editions in many formats. Rosenberg and Grafton in "Cartographies of Time" say that as a timeline, Adams Synchronological Chart "was ninetheenth-century America's surpassing achievement in complexity and synthetic power."
Willard, Emma
Showing Roman Empire at its greatest extent A.D. 107. The first edition. Woodbridge's section on Modern Geography was accompanied by his Modern Atlas (first edition was 1824, P337 - see our later editions). Willard did not yet have an atlas to accompany her Ancient Geography - she first issued that atlas in 1827. Woodbridge and Willard discovered that they shared similar approaches to teaching geography and so decided to collaborate on this book. Maps uncolored and integrated with the text. Book bound with quarter leather with the remainder paper covered with title printed on front.
Schonberg & Co.
Relief shown in hachures. Prime meridians are Greenwich and Washington D.C. States differentiated by full color. Relief shown by sketches. Map surrounded by illustrations of 49 clocks representing the relative times of cities around the world. Time information entitled, "Time Indicator Showing the Different Parts of the World when it is Noon at New York." Prime meridians Washington D.C. and Greenwich.
[Gray, Ormando Willis, Colton, G. Woolworth]
Depicts ranking from 1790 - 1870. Includes tables of population for 1790 and 1870.
[Colton, G.W., Fisher, Richard Swainson]
Timeline begins 1498. Tells of European settlement and development; no discussion of Native American Indians.
[Colton, G.W., Fisher, Richard Swainson]
Includes populations by state and list of presidents.
[Colton, G.W., Fisher, Richard Swainson]
Timeline begins 1896, no information on Native American Indians.
[Garcia Cubas, Antonio, 1832-1912, Ramirez, Jose Fernando, 1804-1871]
Lithographed pictorial map. Surrounded by explanatory text. "Atlas mexicano, por Antonio Garcia y Cubas Cuadro I."
Blanchard, Rufus
Shows historical events on a large map of the Eastern United States from Columbus to about 1840. Six inset facsimiles of early maps. A tablet of history is mounted on the verso. The map was published for the Centennial celebrations and reflects Blanchard's growing interest in American history during the mid 1870's. With land hand painted in full color, and water printed in blue color. Map is dissected into 4 long horizontal sections and mounted on linen. Folds into brown leather end boards 37x27 with "Historical Map Of The United States. Blanchard" stamped in gilt.
Colton, J. H.
Stream of Time maps were popular in the second half of the 19th century (see our 1858 Tableau De L'Histoire Universelle by Pick) and later, but this map or diagram by Colton is an early example, at least in the United States. The period covered starts with the Creation in 4004 BC and extends down to 1842. The bottom of the map has an Explanation which states that "Each Nation is represented by a stream which is broken in upon or flows on undisturbed as it is influenced by the accession of Territory or the remaining at Peace." With hand painted color and black top and bottom rollers.