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[Rosenberg, Daniel, Archibald, Sasha, Schori, Tal]
Historical Chronology, a comprehensive cartographic representations of time, features a wide variety of timelines by Daniel Rosenberg for Cabinet Magazine. From 2nd century AD. through the late 20th century. In 1765, Joseph Priestley published a chart representing the lives of famous men by means of lines arrayed chronologically against a scale of 2,950 years. After Priestley, the form of the timeline caught on. In addition to its visual effectiveness, the timeline amplified conceptions of historical progress. The poster accompanied a pamphlet with title " The Trouble with Timelines : an Educational Pamphlet". The article considers the nature of narrative, and of chronology specifically, as well as the history of the timeline. Daniel Rosenberg is assistant professor of history in the Robert D. Clark Honors College at the University of Oregon. Cabinet is published by Immaterial Incorporated, a non-profit organization. Date estimated.
Nesbitt, Kevin V.
Ph.D. thesis map / by Keith V. Nesbitt, Newcastle, Australia, 2004
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