Browse All : Data Visualization of Italy

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The Royal house of Savoy. No. 12
Las Cases, Emmanuel-Aug...
The Royal house of Savo...
Historical Atlas
Las Cases, Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonne
Timeline visualization, genealoy of Sardinia, with historical text of Revolution of Naples.
B.C. 529. Exhibiting The Empire Of Cyrus.
Quin, Edward
B.C. 529. Exhibiting Th...
Historical Atlas
Quin, Edward
Map covered primarily by clouds showing the known earth from the foundation of Rome, 753 B.C., to the death of Cyrus, 529 B.C. (A.M. 3251 to A.M. 3475). Fourth period. Visible through the clouds in full color is the Mediterranean from Italy to Persia.
(Sicily) La situazione coroidrografica doganale statistica moderna ed antica della Sicilia.
Arancio, Franco
(Sicily) La situazione ...
Separate Map
Arancio, Franco
Tom I. No. 23. Carte Genealogique Des Seconds Rois De Naples et de Sicile
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tom I. No. 23. Carte Ge...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Genealogical map of the Kings of Naples and Sicily and their alliances, on folded sheet, 45x98, with historical notes. Including 25 coats of arms and 2 maps: Carte du Royaume de Sicile. Carte du Royaume de Naples.
Fourth period : B.C. 529. The Empire Of Cyrus
Quin, Edward
Fourth period : B.C. 52...
Historical Atlas
Quin, Edward
Hand colored map on sheet 34x52. Showing through the clouds the Mediterranean region from Italy to Persia, from the foundation of Rome, 753 B.C., to the death of Cyrus, 529 B.C. Includes explanation.
Tableau genealogique des Rois de Portugal, de Navarre. No. XVII
LeSage, A. ; Las Cases,...
Tableau genealogique de...
Historical Atlas
[LeSage, A., Las Cases, Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonne]
Double page table: No. 17.
Grand' Albero Genealogico Storico Dei Popoli Italiani.
Flocchi, Pietro
Grand' Albero Genealogi...
[Wall Map, Timeline]
Flocchi, Pietro
Panorama orografico e pittoresco della citta e contorni di Milano
Zucoli, Leone; Pirola, ...
Panorama orografico e p...
Section Title Page
[Zucoli, Leone, Pirola, Gaetano]
Circular copper engraving map of the city, which is split up to three hundred and sixty degrees, with vignette of the main monuments, designed and specified at the center. Includes place names and pictorial views of buildings, landmarks, within city walls, and mountain names on the edge. Drawn and engraved by Leone Zucoli. Includes legend refers to various parts of the cathedral and two crossed swords tell us the places of battles of 1859. Date estimated.
Pianta topografica di Roma antica.
Canina, Luigi (1795-185...
Pianta topografica di R...
Separate Map
Canina, Luigi (1795-1856)
Topographic map of the middle part of Ancient Rome. Large scale map of the archeological ruins in Rome by Luigi Canina, an Italian architect and archeologist, whose work provides an important view of the condition of the city and ancient artifacts in the mid-nineteenth century. This is the smaller version of Canina's large map of ancient Rome, surrounded by 157 fragments of Severiana plan, a huge plan dating back to the emperor Septimius Severus (193-211), discovered in 1562 behind the church of St. Cosmas and Damian in the Forum Roman. The fragments of the Severiana plan are shown as shadows this map, the fragments are identified. See our 11228.000 for the larger map edition. Luigi Canina, an architect and archaeologist, born in Casale Monferrato on Oct. 23, 1795, died in Florence on October 17, 1856. He studied in Turin with Ferdinando Bonsignore.
Discus Chronologicus Regum Utriusque Siciliae et Ducum Principumque Italiae
Weigel, Christoph
Discus Chronologicus Re...
Weigel, Christoph
From Alex Johnson: This exceptionally attractive timewheel chronicles the reigns of the kings and dukes of 11 different jurisdictions in Italy over a period spanning from the 10th Century to the year 1720. Following the precedent set by the Eusabian Tables, the timetable permits one to cross-reference different rulers in the various regions, allowing one to make sense of the complex but interconnected dynastic politics of the Italian Peninsula and islands. The timewheel's volvelle, or turning hand, facilitates the "operation" of the piece, and the overall unusual circular arrangement of price is naturally inspired by a clock face. The peculiarity of the piece lies in the arrangement of the individual columns in the form of concentric circles. These are divided into 8 brightly-coloured segments each respectively corresponding to a century. As timetable was made in the early 1720s, the segment depicting the 18th Century is thus not even a quarter complete, such that blank space is sensibly left for one to add the names of future rulers, in their own hand. This way the timetable could be kept current, even for many years after its issue. While the present example is clean and free of notes, it appears that contemporary owners of the Weigel's timewheels took the availed themselves of opportunity to make additions. An example of a different edition of a Weigel timewheel, dated 1723, which chronicles the reigns of the rulers of the main states of Europe, found in the collections of Princeton University, features manuscript editions of subsequent rulers extending deep into the 18th Century (Rosenberg & Grafton, p. 105). Interestingly, the key to dating the present piece also represents a subtle, yet unambiguous, rhetorical message. The most recent ruler to be featured on the piece is Charles VI (1685-1740), the Austrian Habsburg who ruled as the Holy Roman Emperor and who, as labeled on the timewheel, became the King of Sicily in 1720. It is thus clear that the present piece dates from 1720 of later, but before Weigel's death in 1725. Date estimated. This chart was issued in some copies of Johann David Kohler's undated school atlas, Atlas Scholasticus et Itinerarius, and separately listed in his 1724 Anleitung zu der verbesserten Neuen Geographie.
Discus Chronologicus in quo Omnes Imperatores et Reges Orbis Europaei
Weigel, Christoph
Discus Chronologicus in...
Weigel, Christoph
Circular historical diagram with movable paper pointer, dial is arranged in concentric circles, hand moves chronologically from the Holy Roman Emperors, Popes and kings of Europe from AD to 1721. Chart shows a chronology of princes and dukes from the most important Italian duchies and kingdoms from 1000 to 1800. Each century spans 45 degrees. The spheres of influence include the Kingdom of Naples, Kingdom of Sicily, and Duchy of Savoy. The names of the noblemen appear in fourteen concentric rings, one for each title, with 20 degrees for each century. The titles appear at the appropriate positions on the pointer, so that one can turn the pointer to any date to see the names of the noblemen at that date. Includes cherubs hold the drape style title at top and explanatory text at bottom. Date estimated. This chart was issued in some copies of Johann David Kohler���s undated school atlas, Atlas Scholasticus et Itinerarius, and separately listed in his 1724 Anleitung zu der verbesserten Neuen Geographie.
Geological phenomena.
Johnston, Alexander Kei...
Geological phenomena.
Physical Atlas
Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871
Hand col. lithograph. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Contents: Plan of the volcanoes of Pichincha and Antisana surveyed by A. von Humboldt. Scale 1:200,000 -- Plans of the craters of Vesuvius and Etna by H. Abich, 1834. Scale 1:20,000 -- Physical map of the island of Teneriffe, by Leopold von Buch. Scale 1:550,000 -- Southern view of Etna from M.P.O. near Catania by W.S. Waltershausen -- View of the summit of the peak of Teneriffe and of the crater of elevation which surrounds it, from the east, by Leopold von Buch -- Chart of South Keeling Islands surveyed by the officers of H.M.S. Beagle. Scale 1:200,000 -- Chart of Ascension Island, surveyed by Lieutenant Campbell, R.N. Scale [1:200,000] -- View of Ascension Island from the mountain road -- Plan of the Crater of Cedee in the island of Java trigonometrically surveyed by Dr. Salomon Muller, 1836. Scale 1:20,000 -- Plan of Graham Island by Capt. C.H. Swinburne, 1831. Scale 1:20,000 -- Comparative view of the elevation of the principal active volcanoes on the globe -- Plan of Arthurs Seat, from an original survey. Scale 1:20,000. -- Samson's Ribs. "Geology no. 11."
Instituto Geographico d...
World Atlas
Instituto Geographico di Agostini
Several maps and graphics showing forests, manufacturing, minerals, etc.
Italia. Campania. Calabria. Fuglia. Basilicata.
Instituto Geographico d...
Italia. Campania. Calab...
World Atlas
Instituto Geographico di Agostini
Several maps and graphics showing forests, manufacturing, minerals, etc.
Italia. Trentino-Alto Arige. Venezia. Emilia-Romagna.
Instituto Geographico d...
Italia. Trentino-Alto A...
World Atlas
Instituto Geographico di Agostini
Several maps and graphics showing forests, manufacturing, minerals, etc.
Italia. Piedmonte, Valle d'Aosta. Liguria. Lombardia.
Instituto Geographico d...
Italia. Piedmonte, Vall...
World Atlas
Instituto Geographico di Agostini
Several maps and graphics showing forests, manufacturing, minerals, etc.
Instituto Geographico d...
World Atlas
Instituto Geographico di Agostini
Several thematic maps and graphics about Italy.
Instituto Geographico d...
World Atlas
Instituto Geographico di Agostini
Several maps and graphics of livestock, agriculture, forests, fish, industrial production, and energy.
Instituto Geographico d...
World Atlas
Instituto Geographico di Agostini
Several maps and graphics show population, precipitation, climate, elevations, rivers, and lakes. Includes index maps to Italy sheets. Two historic facsimiles of Italy include maps by Angelino Delorto (1325) and a second from the Accademia delle Scienze di Parigi (1752). Includes a profile of the elevations of the Alps.
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