Browse All : Gold of Rome

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Aureus with bust of Valerian I
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Val...
A.D. 254
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Valerian I
Creation Date
A.D. 254
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Valerian I
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Val...
A.D. 254
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Valerian I
Creation Date
A.D. 254
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Volusian
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Vol...
A.D. 251-253
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Volusian
Creation Date
A.D. 251-253
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Volusian
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Vol...
A.D. 251-253
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Volusian
Creation Date
A.D. 251-253
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Julia Maesa
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Jul...
A.D. 218-222/223
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Julia Maesa
Creation Date
A.D. 218-222/223
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Julia Maesa
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Jul...
A.D. 218-222/223
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Julia Maesa
Creation Date
A.D. 218-222/223
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Septimius Severus
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Sep...
A.D. 200-201
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Septimius Severus
Creation Date
A.D. 200-201
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Septimius Severus
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Sep...
A.D. 200-201
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Septimius Severus
Creation Date
A.D. 200-201
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Domitia
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Dom...
about A.D. 91-92
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Domitia
Creation Date
about A.D. 91-92
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Domitia
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Dom...
about A.D. 91-92
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Domitia
Creation Date
about A.D. 91-92
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Vitellius
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Vit...
A.D. 69
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Vitellius
Creation Date
A.D. 69
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Vitellius
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Vit...
A.D. 69
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Vitellius
Creation Date
A.D. 69
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Faustina
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Fau...
A.D. 141 and later
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Faustina
Creation Date
A.D. 141 and later
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Faustina
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Fau...
A.D. 141 and later
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Faustina
Creation Date
A.D. 141 and later
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus of C. Vibius Varus
Artist not recorded
Aureus of C. Vibius Var...
42 B.C.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus of C. Vibius Varus
Creation Date
42 B.C.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus of C. Vibius Varus
Artist not recorded
Aureus of C. Vibius Var...
42 B.C.
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus of C. Vibius Varus
Creation Date
42 B.C.
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with head of Nero
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Ner...
A.D. 64-68
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Nero
Creation Date
A.D. 64-68
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with head of Nero
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Ner...
A.D. 64-68
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Nero
Creation Date
A.D. 64-68
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Septimius Severus
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Sep...
A.D. 196
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Septimius Severus
Creation Date
A.D. 196
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Septimius Severus
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Sep...
A.D. 196
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Septimius Severus
Creation Date
A.D. 196
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Vespasian
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Ves...
A.D. 72-73
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Vespasian
Creation Date
A.D. 72-73
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Vespasian
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Ves...
A.D. 72-73
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Vespasian
Creation Date
A.D. 72-73
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with head of Domitian
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Dom...
A.D. 74, struck under V...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Domitian
Creation Date
A.D. 74, struck under Vespasian
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with head of Domitian
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Dom...
A.D. 74, struck under V...
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Domitian
Creation Date
A.D. 74, struck under Vespasian
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with head of Maximinus II
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Max...
A.D. 307
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Maximinus II
Creation Date
A.D. 307
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with head of Maximinus II
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Max...
A.D. 307
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Maximinus II
Creation Date
A.D. 307
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with head of Maxentius
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Max...
A.D. 307-312
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Maxentius
Creation Date
A.D. 307-312
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with head of Maxentius
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Max...
A.D. 307-312
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Maxentius
Creation Date
A.D. 307-312
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Medallion (two aurei) with head of Maxentius
Artist not recorded
Medallion (two aurei) w...
A.D. 307
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Medallion (two aurei) with head of Maxentius
Creation Date
A.D. 307
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Medallion (two aurei) with head of Maxentius
Artist not recorded
Medallion (two aurei) w...
A.D. 307
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Medallion (two aurei) with head of Maxentius
Creation Date
A.D. 307
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Medallion (two aurei) with head of Maxentius
Artist not recorded
Medallion (two aurei) w...
A.D. 307
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Medallion (two aurei) with head of Maxentius
Creation Date
A.D. 307
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Medallion (two aurei) with head of Maxentius
Artist not recorded
Medallion (two aurei) w...
A.D. 307
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Medallion (two aurei) with head of Maxentius
Creation Date
A.D. 307
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Medallion (four aurei) with bust of Maximianus Herculeus
Artist not recorded
Medallion (four aurei) ...
A.D. 306-307
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Medallion (four aurei) with bust of Maximianus Herculeus
Creation Date
A.D. 306-307
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Medallion (four aurei) with bust of Maximianus Herculeus
Artist not recorded
Medallion (four aurei) ...
A.D. 306-307
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Medallion (four aurei) with bust of Maximianus Herculeus
Creation Date
A.D. 306-307
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with head of Julius Caesar, struck under Trajan
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Jul...
about A.D. 107
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Julius Caesar, struck under Trajan
Creation Date
about A.D. 107
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with head of Julius Caesar, struck under Trajan
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Jul...
about A.D. 107
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Julius Caesar, struck under Trajan
Creation Date
about A.D. 107
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Septimius Severus
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Sep...
A.D. 203
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Septimius Severus
Creation Date
A.D. 203
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Septimius Severus
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Sep...
A.D. 203
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Septimius Severus
Creation Date
A.D. 203
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with head of Marcus Aurelius
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Mar...
A.D. 161
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Marcus Aurelius
Creation Date
A.D. 161
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with head of Marcus Aurelius
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Mar...
A.D. 161
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Marcus Aurelius
Creation Date
A.D. 161
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Pertinax
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Per...
A.D. 193
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Pertinax
Creation Date
A.D. 193
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Pertinax
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Per...
A.D. 193
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Pertinax
Creation Date
A.D. 193
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Hadrian
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Had...
A.D. 117
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Hadrian
Creation Date
A.D. 117
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Hadrian
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Had...
A.D. 117
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Hadrian
Creation Date
A.D. 117
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with head of Titus
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Tit...
A.D. 74
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Titus
Creation Date
A.D. 74
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with head of Titus
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Tit...
A.D. 74
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with head of Titus
Creation Date
A.D. 74
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Caracalla
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Car...
A.D. 201-206
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Caracalla
Creation Date
A.D. 201-206
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Caracalla
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Car...
A.D. 201-206
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Caracalla
Creation Date
A.D. 201-206
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Julia Domna
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Jul...
A.D. 193-196
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Julia Domna
Creation Date
A.D. 193-196
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Aureus with bust of Julia Domna
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Jul...
A.D. 193-196
Museum of Fine Arts, Bo...
Creator Name-CRT
Artist not recorded
Aureus with bust of Julia Domna
Creation Date
A.D. 193-196
AMICA Contributor
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
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