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France, its provinces, rivers, canals, mountains, &c. No. 3
Las Cases, Emmanuel-Aug...
France, its provinces, ...
Historical Atlas
Las Cases, Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonne
2 color geographical maps of France on one sheet, with inset: Corsica. Shows provinces, towns, battle fields, rivers and mountains. Relief shown picotrially. Includes historical text and tables.
Tome 4. No. 27. Carte Genealogique des Ducs et Rois de Boheme et de Hongrie qui ont Regne ou Governe ces Differents Etats ...
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tome 4. No. 27. Carte G...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
2 engraved maps on folded sheet: Carte Du Royaume De Boheme. Carte Du Royaume De Hongrie, with engraved genealogical tree of the Dukes and Kings of Bohemia and Hungary. Includes historical text and coats of arms.
Tome 4. No. 26. Nouvelle carte genealogique des souverains et des familles illustres aliez a la maison ou aux decendans de la famille roialle : de Piaste roi de Pologne
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tome 4. No. 26. Nouvell...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Engraved folded genealogical tree of the royal families of Poland. Includes descriptive text and coats of arms.
Tome 4. No. 25. Carte genealogique des princes et rois de pologne
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tome 4. No. 25. Carte g...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
2 engraved maps on folded sheet, with Carte du Royume de Pologne and Carte du Duche de Silesie, with family tree of the Polish royal families. Includes descriptive text and coats of arms.
Tome IV. No. 22. Carte genealogique de Pologne
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tome IV. No. 22. Carte ...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Engraved genealogical tree of the royal families of Poland. Includes historical text and coats of arms.
Tome 4. No. 18. Carte de la genealogie de la maison roiale de Suede
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tome 4. No. 18. Carte d...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Engraved folded genealogical tree chart of the Royal families of Sweden and Germany. Includes 2 engraved maps: Carte de l'electorat du Rhin; Carte de l'electorat de Baviere et du Haut Palatinat, 6 coats of arms, and notes. .
Tome 4. No. 5. Nouvelle Carte Genealogique De La Maison De Schawenbourg
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tome 4. No. 5. Nouvelle...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
2 engraved maps on 1 folded sheet: Carte Du Royaume De Dan̄emarck. Carte Du Comté D'Oldembourg. Includes family tree of the noble Families of Schawnenbourg, Holstein, Oldembourg and Sleswick and their origins in the Royal family of Denmark. Includes 2 coats of arms, text and tables.
Tome 4. No. 2. Carte genealogique pour conduire a lhistoire des rois du nord
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tome 4. No. 2. Carte ge...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
2 engraved maps on 1 folded sheets, with a genealogical tree of the Kingdoms of the Scandinavian countries. Maps represent Scandinavia and Southern Sweden. Includes descriptive text. Relief shown pictorially.
Tome III. No. 71. Carte pour l'intelligence de l'histoire de Lorraine
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tome III. No. 71. Carte...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Map of Lorraine, surrounded by portraits of the rulers of Lorraine and order of government structure. Includes coat of arms and tables. Vol. 2 called "Tome II, Premiere partie". Vol. 3 called "Tome II, seconde partie."
Tome III. No. 70. Carte genealogique de la Maison de Lorraine
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tome III. No. 70. Carte...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Engraved genealogical tree of the house of Lorraine, with its different titles, weapons, and alliances. Includes coats of arms and text. Vol. 2 called "Tome II, Premiere partie". Vol. 3 called "Tome II, seconde partie."
Tome III. No. 67. Carte genealogique de la maison de Savoye,
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tome III. No. 67. Carte...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Engraved genealogical tree of the house of Savoy, with its different branches, titles, weapons, and alliances. Includes coat of arms and text. Vol. 2 called "Tome II, Premiere partie". Vol. 3 called "Tome II, seconde partie."
Tome III. No. 65.Carte Genealogique
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tome III. No. 65.Carte ...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Engraved Genealogical map in form of tree for the various controlling families of Neuchatel. With 2 insets: Principauté de Neuchatel and Baronie de Arley de la maison de Chalons. Vol. 2 called "Tome II, Premiere partie". Vol. 3 called "Tome II, seconde partie." Includes text.
Tome III. No. 47. Carte genealogique de la maison de Plantagenette et des Ducs de Normandie
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tome III. No. 47. Carte...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Folded genealogical chart of royal families, with 14 coats of arms of Edward the Confessor, Edward III, the Plantagenets, the Duke of Normandy and others. Vol. 2 called "Tome II, Premiere partie". Vol. 3 called "Tome II, seconde partie."
Tome III. No. 46. Nouvelle carte pour introduire a la geographie et a la genealogie des Rois D'Angleterre et d'Ecosse
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tome III. No. 46. Nouve...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
4 engraved folded historical and genealogical maps of Ireland, England, Scotland and France: Carte d'Angleterre ... Carte d'Ecosse ... Carte d'Irlande ... Carte de la France ... Includes Genealogical tree for the Royal Families of Britain, Scotland, and France, 4 coasts of arms, text and tables. Vol. 2 called "Tome II, Premiere partie". Vol. 3 called "Tome II, seconde partie."
Tom II. No. 2C. Carte Genealogique des Souverains de l’Europe ...
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tom II. No. 2C. Carte G...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Engraved timeline map and genealogical chart detailing the genealogy of Europe. With descriptive text and a detailed key identifying some of the more noted figures.
Tom II. No. 2B. Carte Genealogique des Principaux Souverains de l’Empire Issus de Witikind le Grand
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tom II. No. 2B. Carte G...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Engraved timeline map and genealogical charts of the entire royal line of the great Saxon chief Witttekind. With a detailed key identifying some of the more noted figures. Includes descriptive text.
Tom II. No. 2. Carte Genealogique de Tous les Souverains de l’Europe. Page 1. No. 2
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tom II. No. 2. Carte Ge...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Engraved timeline map and genealogical chart detailing the genealogy of the entire royal line of Charlemagne, encompassing most of the French nobility. Includes descriptive text and a detailed key identifying some of the more noted figures.
Tom II. No. 1. Carte de l'etendue de l'Empire Romain
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tom II. No. 1. Carte de...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Engraved folded historical map of Roman Empire, surrounded by Genealogical charts of Julius Ceasar, Augustus Ceasar, etc., back nearly 2000 years. Relief shown pictorially. Includes text and compass rose.
Tome V. No. 35. Page 110. Genealogie des Empereurs Mogols
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tome V. No. 35. Page 11...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Two engraved maps: Carte de l'empire du grand Mogol; Carte nouvelle du royaume de Kachemire, with genealogical tree in the center and in the lower part three scenes: : an elephant fight; the king measuring his weight in gold; and the ceremony of cremation. Includes descriptive text.
Tome V. No. 34. Page 94. Genealogie Des Anciens Empereurs Tartares
Chatelain Henri, 1684-1...
Tome V. No. 34. Page 94...
Historical Atlas
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Engraved map of Tartaria Magna, with genealogical tree of the descendants of Ghengis Khan. Includes historical text.
Carte geographique, historique de Russie. No. XXVIII
LeSage, A. ; Las Cases,...
Carte geographique, his...
Historical Atlas
[LeSage, A., Las Cases, Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonne, Kardt, Hacq]
Hand colored map, with textual detail and table pertaining to the area at the times. Shows administrative and political divisions. Includes legend. Relief shown by hachures.
L'Allemagne politique actuelle, ou confederation Germanique et celle de Suisse
LeSage, A. ; Las Cases,...
L'Allemagne politique a...
Historical Atlas
[LeSage, A., Las Cases, Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonne, Kardt, Hacq, Renourd, J.]
Hand colored map, with textual details and tables pertaining to the area at the times. Shows administrative and political divisions. Includes brief descriptions of Napoleon's campaigns in Saxony, 1813 and their aftermath. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridian is Paris.
Allemagne legistative et politique en 1812 No. XXVI
LeSage, A. ; Las Cases,...
Allemagne legistative e...
Historical Atlas
[LeSage, A., Las Cases, Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonne]
2 hand colored maps, with textual details and tables pertaining to the area on exploration, history, and discoveries at the time. Shows administrative and political divisions. Includes legend and notes. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridian is Paris.
De l'Allmagne, 1re partie, completee en 8 No. No. XXI.
LeSage, A. ; Las Cases,...
De l'Allmagne, 1re part...
Historical Atlas
[LeSage, A., Las Cases, Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonne]
2 hand colored maps, with textual details and tables pertaining to the area on exploration, history, and discoveries at the time. Continues: "Histoire des souverains d'Allemange". Includes legend and notes. Relief shown pictorially.
De l'Allmagne, 1re partie, completee en 8 No. No. XIX.
LeSage, A. ; Las Cases,...
De l'Allmagne, 1re part...
Historical Atlas
[LeSage, A., Las Cases, Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonne]
2 hand colored maps, with textual details and tables pertaining to the area on exploration, history, and discoveries at the time. Text: "Histoire des souverains d'Allemange". Includes legend and notes. Relief shown pictorially.
Geographie d'Espagne et de Portugal. No. XVIII
LeSage, A. ; Las Cases,...
Geographie d'Espagne et...
Historical Atlas
[LeSage, A., Las Cases, Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonne]
2 hand colored maps, with textual details and tables pertaining to the area on exploration, history, and discoveries at the time. Includes legend and notes. Relief shown pictorially.
Carte geographique et politique d'Italie. No. XVI
LeSage, A. ; Las Cases,...
Carte geographique et p...
Historical Atlas
[LeSage, A., Las Cases, Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonne]
Hand colored map, with textual details and tables pertaining to the area on exploration, history, and discoveries at the time. Includes legend and list of administrative divisions. Relief shown pictorially.
Carte geographique d'Angleterre. No. XIV
LeSage, A. ; Las Cases,...
Carte geographique d'An...
Historical Atlas
[LeSage, A., Las Cases, Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonne]
Hand colored map of British Isles, with textual details and tables pertaining to the history, and discoveries at the time. Includes legend and list of administrative divisions. Relief shown pictorially. Prime meridian is Paris.
Carte geographique de France. No. XII
LeSage, A. ; Las Cases,...
Carte geographique de F...
Historical Atlas
[LeSage, A., Las Cases, Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonne]
2 hand colored maps of France, with textual details and tables pertaining to the area on exploration, history, and discoveries at the time. Includes legend. Relief shown by hachures.
L'Invasion des Barbares. No. VIII
LeSage, A. ; Las Cases,...
L'Invasion des Barbares...
Historical Atlas
[LeSage, A., Las Cases, Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonne, Kardt, Hacq]
Hand colored map of the transmigration of Barbarians, with textual detail and table pertaining to the area at the times. Shows the route of their establishment or destruction. Includes legend. Relief shown by hachures.
L'Empire Romain. No. VII
LeSage, A. ; Las Cases,...
L'Empire Romain. No. VI...
Historical Atlas
[LeSage, A., Las Cases, Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonne, Kardt, Hacq]
Hand colored map of Roman Empire, with textual details and tables pertaining to the area on exploration, history, and discoveries at the time. Includes legend. Relief shown by hachures.
La Grece ancienne, fabuleuse et historique. No. VI
LeSage, A. ; Las Cases,...
La Grece ancienne, fabu...
Historical Atlas
[LeSage, A., Las Cases, Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonne]
Hand colored map of Greece and Greek Islands, with textual detail and tables pertaining to the area at the times. Includes legend. Prime meridian is Paris. Relief shown by hachures.
Le monde connu des anciens. No. V
LeSage, A. ; Las Cases,...
Le monde connu des anci...
Historical Atlas
[LeSage, A., Las Cases, Emmanuel-Auguste-Dieudonne, Gosselin, Pascal François Joseph, Tyrus, Marinus van]
Hand colored map, shows the Ancient World from the Atlantic Ocean to Burma in Asia and from the Indian Ocean to the North Sea. Includes all of Europe, Arabia, part of Asia and the northern part of Africa. Includes textual details and tables pertaining to the area at the time. Includes legend.
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