Who What Where When



  1. Abbeville (France) (1)
  2. Aberdeenshire (Scotland) (1)
  3. Abu Qir Bay (Egypt) (1)
  4. Abydos (Egypt) (3)
  5. Acre (Israel) (1)
  6. Adriatic Sea (1)
  7. Aegean Sea (5)
  8. Aegean Sea Region (2)
  9. Afghanistan (4)
  10. Africa (21)
  11. Africa, North (9)
  12. Africa, Northeast (1)
  13. Africa, Northern (1)
  14. Alabama (1)
  15. Alameda County (Calif.) (3)
  16. Alaska (5)
  17. Albania (12)
  18. Albany the historic city (3)
  19. Aleutian Islands (Alaska) (1)
  20. Alexandria (Egypt) (2)
  21. Alexandria (Va.) (2)
  22. Algeria (6)
  23. Algers (Algeria) (1)
  24. Alps (1)
  25. Ambleteuse (France) (1)
  26. America (8)
  27. Amsterdam (Netherlands) (1)
  28. Ankara (Turkey) (2)
  29. Annapolis (Md.) (1)
  30. Antarctica (6)
  31. Antibes (France) (1)
  32. Antinoöpolis (Egypt) (9)
  33. Antioch (Classical) (2)
  34. Antioch Region (Turkey) (1)
  35. Antwerp (Belgium) (1)
  36. Arab Empire (2)
  37. Arabia (2)
  38. Arabian Peninsul (1)
  39. Arabian Peninsula (3)
  40. Arcis-sur-Aube Region (Fr … (1)
  41. Arctic (6)
  42. Arctic Regions (3)
  43. Argentina (1)
  44. Arizona (4)
  45. Arkansas (3)
  46. Armenia (2)
  47. Armenia (Republic) (21)
  48. Arra (France) (1)
  49. Asia (63)
  50. Asia Minor (46)
  51. Asia, Central (11)
  52. Asia, Southern (1)
  53. Asian; Far East Asian; Ja … (1)
  54. Asian; Indian Sub-Contine … (1)
  55. Asyut (Egypt) (7)
  56. Ath (Belgium) (1)
  57. Athens (Greece) (3)
  58. Atlantic (2)
  59. Atlantic Ocean (1)
  60. Atlantic Seaboard (1)
  61. Atlantic States (1)
  62. Auerstadt (Germany) (1)
  63. Augsburg (Germany) (1)
  64. Australia (8)
  65. Austria (47)
  66. Badajoz (Spain) (1)
  67. Baden-Wurttemberg (German … (1)
  68. Baghdad (Iraq) (1)
  69. Bagrationovsk Region (Rus … (2)
  70. Baja California (Mexico) (1)
  71. Balkan Peninsula (28)
  72. Balkan Penninsula (1)
  73. Balkan States (1)
  74. Baltic Sea Region (1)
  75. Baltic States (1)
  76. Baltimore (Md.) (4)
  77. Bangladesh (1)
  78. Barcelona (Spain) (2)
  79. Basel (Switzerland) (1)
  80. Basra (Iraq) (1)
  81. Bataan Peninsula (1)
  82. Bath (United Kingdom) (1)
  83. Bautzen (Germany) (1)
  84. Bavaria (1)
  85. Bavaria (Germany) (4)
  86. Bayonne (France) (2)
  87. Beijing (China) (3)
  88. Beirut (Lebanon) (1)
  89. Belarus (8)
  90. Belfort (France) (1)
  91. Belgium (50)
  92. Belgrade (Serbia) (1)
  93. Bell'Isle (France) (2)
  94. Bellegarde (France) (1)
  95. Benelux countries (5)
  96. Beni Hasan (Egypt) (7)
  97. Berezina River (Belarus) (1)
  98. Berks County (Penn.) (1)
  99. Besancon (France) (1)
  100. Bethune (France) (1)
  101. Birk City (Ky.) (1)
  102. Bisbee (Ariz.) (1)
  103. Black Sea (3)
  104. Blackstone Valley (Rhode … (1)
  105. Blaye (France) (1)
  106. Bohemia (Czech Republic) (1)
  107. Bolivia (1)
  108. Bonn (Germany) (1)
  109. Bordeaux (France) (1)
  110. Borodino (Russia) (1)
  111. Bosnia and Hercegovina (1)
  112. Bosnia and Herzegovina (2)
  113. Bosnia-Herzegovina (1)
  114. Bosporus (Turkey) (2)
  115. Boston (Mass.) (2)
  116. Brazil (1)
  117. Brest (France) (2)
  118. Brighton (United Kingdom) (1)
  119. Brisach (German) (1)
  120. British Columbia (1)
  121. British Empire (1)
  122. British Isles (23)
  123. Brown County (Wisconsin) (1)
  124. Brussels (Belgium) (1)
  125. Budapest (Hungary) (113)
  126. Bulgaria (14)
  127. Burgos (Spain) (1)
  128. Bussaco Region (Portugal) (1)
  129. Byron (Ind.) (1)
  130. Byzantine Empire (12)
  131. Cadiz (Spain) (2)
  132. Cairo (Egypt) (2)
  133. Caithness (Scotland) (1)
  134. Calais (France) (1)
  135. California (72)
  136. Cambrai (France) (1)
  137. Cambridge (England) (1)
  138. Cambridge (Mass.) (1)
  139. Campredon (Spain) (1)
  140. Canada (36)
  141. Canterbury (England) (2)
  142. Cape Cod (Mass.) (1)
  143. Caribbean (1)
  144. Caribbean Area (2)
  145. Carlsberg (Germany) (1)
  146. Carmagnola (Italy) (1)
  147. Carroll (Neb.) (1)
  148. Caspian Sea Region (1)
  149. Caucasus (2)
  150. Central America (3)
  151. Central Asia (3)
  152. Champaubert (Marne, Franc … (1)
  153. Charlemont (France) (1)
  154. Charleroi (Belgium) (2)
  155. Charlestown (S.C.) (1)
  156. Chelsea (Manhattan, New Y … (1)
  157. Chesapeake Bay (Md. and V … (1)
  158. Chesapeake Bay (Md.) (1)
  159. Chicago (Ill.) (2)
  160. Chile (2)
  161. China (21)
  162. Ciudad-Rodrigo (Spain) (1)
  163. Civitavecchia (Italy) (1)
  164. Cleveland (Ohio) (5)
  165. Cloudcroft (N.M.) (1)
  166. Cochise County (Ariz.) (1)
  167. Collioure (France) (1)
  168. Colombia (14)
  169. Colorado (3)
  170. Columbia County (Wisconsi … (1)
  171. Condé-sur-l'Escaut (Franc … (1)
  172. Connecticut (4)
  173. Copenhagen (Denmark) (1)
  174. Cornwall (England) (1)
  175. Corregidor Island (Philip … (2)
  176. Corsica (5)
  177. Corsica (France) (1)
  178. Corunna (Spain) (1)
  179. Crete (3)
  180. Crete (Greece) (3)
  181. Crimea (2)
  182. Croatia (3)
  183. Cuba (5)
  184. Cuneo (Italy) (1)
  185. Curupaity (Paraguay) (1)
  186. Curuzu (Paraguay) (1)
  187. Cyprus (8)
  188. Czech Republic (13)
  189. Dalmatian Coast (2)
  190. Damascus (Syria) (1)
  191. Danube River (2)
  192. Dardanelles Strait (Turke … (3)
  193. Daviess County (Ky.) (23)
  194. Delaware (7)
  195. Delmarva Peninsula (1)
  196. Dendarah (Egypt) (33)
  197. Dendermonde (Belgium) (1)
  198. Denmark (12)
  199. Dennewitz (Germany) (1)
  200. Devon (England) (1)
  201. Dieppe (France) (1)
  202. Dinant (Belgium) (1)
  203. District of Columbia (1)
  204. Door Peninsula (Wisconsin … (1)
  205. Dresden (Germany) (1)
  206. Dunkirk (France) (1)
  207. Duxbury (Mass.) (1)
  208. East Asia (2)
  209. East Indies (4)
  210. Easter Island (2)
  211. Eastern Hemisphere (37)
  212. Eastern United States (2)
  213. Ebernburg (Germany) (1)
  214. Ecuador (4)
  215. Edinburgh (Scotland) (2)
  216. Edirne (Turkey) (1)
  217. Edmonton (Canada) (2)
  218. Egypt (377)
  219. El Etmannyieh (Egypt) (4)
  220. Empire of Alexander the G … (1)
  221. England (38)
  222. Erzurum (urkey) (1)
  223. Essex (England) (2)
  224. Essling (Austria) (2)
  225. Estonia (2)
  226. Ethiopia (4)
  227. Europe (262)
  228. Europe, Cental (1)
  229. Europe, Central (31)
  230. Europe, Eastern (16)
  231. Europe, Southern (2)
  232. European; British; Scotti … (2)
  233. European; Dutch (1)
  234. European; Flemish (1)
  235. European; French (15)
  236. European; Southern Euro … (121)
  237. Faiyum Oasis (Egypt) (4)
  238. Far East (3)
  239. Far North Africa (1)
  240. Faroe Islands (2)
  241. Fere-Champenoise (Marne, … (1)
  242. Fife (Scotland) (1)
  243. Finland (2)
  244. Flanders (1)
  245. Florida (5)
  246. Fontarabia (Spain) (1)
  247. Fort Wayne (Ind.) (1)
  248. Fox River Valley (Wiscons … (1)
  249. France (311)
  250. Frankfurt (Germany) (2)
  251. Fredericksburg (Va.) (1)
  252. Freiburg (Germany) (1)
  253. Fremantle (W.A.) (1)
  254. French Colonial Empire (1)
  255. Fresno County (Calif.) (3)
  256. Galloway (Scotland) (1)
  257. Geneva (Switzerland) (1)
  258. Genoa (Italy) (1)
  259. Georgia (5)
  260. Germany (197)
  261. Gerona (Spain) (1)
  262. Gettysburg (Pa.) (3)
  263. Ghent (Belgium) (1)
  264. Gibraltar (1)
  265. Gibraltar, Bay of (1)
  266. Gibraltar, Strait of (1)
  267. Girona (Spain) (1)
  268. Goteburg (Sweden) (1)
  269. Granada (Spain) (1)
  270. Gravelines (France) (1)
  271. Great Britain (10)
  272. Great Lakes (1)
  273. Greece (77)
  274. Greek Colonies (1)
  275. Greek Isles (1)
  276. Green Bay (Wisconsin) (1)
  277. Greenland (2)
  278. Grenoble (France) (1)
  279. Gross Beeren (Germany) (1)
  280. Gulf of Venice (Italy) (1)
  281. Guyana (81)
  282. Haguenau (France) (1)
  283. Hamburg (Germany) (2)
  284. Hanau (Germany) (1)
  285. Hartford (Conn.) (1)
  286. Healdsburg (Calif.) (1)
  287. Heidelberg (Germany) (3)
  288. Heilbronn (Germany) (1)
  289. Heilsberg Region (Germany … (1)
  290. Hermopolis Magna (Egypt) (3)
  291. Historical (1)
  292. Holland (2)
  293. Holmesville (Ind.) (1)
  294. Holy Land (10)
  295. Holyland (1)
  296. Hong Kong (China) (1)
  297. Hudson River (N.Y. and N. … (1)
  298. Hudson River Valley (1)
  299. Humaita (Paraguay) (5)
  300. Hungary (13)
  301. Huningue (France) (1)
  302. Iberian Peninsula (11)
  303. Iceland (1)
  304. Idaho (1)
  305. Illinois (6)
  306. India (16)
  307. Indian Ocean (2)
  308. Indiana (13)
  309. Indonesia (4)
  310. Ionian Islands (1)
  311. Iowa (2)
  312. Iran (26)
  313. Iraq (11)
  314. Ireland (27)
  315. Isfahan (Iran) (1)
  316. Isle de Re (1)
  317. Israel (56)
  318. Istanbul (Turkey) (8)
  319. Istanbul Region (Turkey) (1)
  320. Italy (299)
  321. Itay (1)
  322. Jakarta (Indonesia) (2)
  323. Japan (32)
  324. Java (1)
  325. Java (Indonesia) (2)
  326. Jena (Germany) (1)
  327. Jerusalem (14)
  328. Jordan (8)
  329. Juliers (Germany) (1)
  330. Kaliningrad (1)
  331. Kamianets-Podilskyi (Ukra … (1)
  332. Kanawha Valley (W. Va.) (1)
  333. Kansas (2)
  334. Kars Region (Turkey) (1)
  335. Kashan (Iran) (1)
  336. Kaskaskia (Ill.) (1)
  337. Katzbach Region (Germany) (1)
  338. Kentucky (8)
  339. Koblenz (Germany) (1)
  340. Korea (1)
  341. Krasny (Russia) (1)
  342. Kulm (Germany) (1)
  343. Kyoto (Japan : Prefecture … (2)
  344. Kyoto (Japan) (3)
  345. La Albuera (Spain) (1)
  346. La Rochelle (France) (1)
  347. Lake Superior (1)
  348. Landau (Germany) (1)
  349. Laon (France) (1)
  350. LaPorte County (Ind.) (1)
  351. Latin America (9)
  352. Latium (Italy) (1)
  353. Latvia (3)
  354. Le Havre (France) (1)
  355. Lebanon (6)
  356. Leeds (England) (1)
  357. Leipzig (Germany) (2)
  358. Lesser Antilles (1)
  359. Leuze-en-Hainaut (Belgium … (1)
  360. Libya (4)
  361. Liege (France) (2)
  362. Ligny (Belgium) (1)
  363. Lille (Belgium) (1)
  364. Liri River (1)
  365. Lisbon Region (Portugal) (1)
  366. Lithuania (9)
  367. Livorno (Italy) (1)
  368. Lombardy (Italy) (1)
  369. London (England) (187)
  370. Long Island (1)
  371. Long Island (N.Y.) (3)
  372. Long Island Sound (N.Y.) (3)
  373. Longwy (France) (1)
  374. Lorraine, France (2)
  375. Los Angeles (Cal.) (1)
  376. Lothian (Scotland) (1)
  377. Louisiana (2)
  378. Louisville (Ky.) (1)
  379. Lutzen (Germany) (1)
  380. Luxembourg (1)
  381. Luxembourg (Luxembourg) (1)
  382. Luxemburg (1)
  383. Luxor (Egypt) (161)
  384. Lybia (2)
  385. Maastricht (Netherlands) (2)
  386. Macedonia (6)
  387. Madera County (Calif.) (3)
  388. Madison (Wis.) (1)
  389. Madras (India) (1)
  390. Madrid (Spain) (1)
  391. Maine (5)
  392. Malay Archipelago (2)
  393. Malaysia (1)
  394. Maloyaroslavets (Russia) (1)
  395. Malta (4)
  396. Manchuria (2)
  397. Manhattan (New York, N.Y. … (5)
  398. Manheim (Germany) (1)
  399. Manila Bay (Philippines) (1)
  400. Mantua Region (Italy) (1)
  401. Marengo (Piemont, Italy) (2)
  402. Marmara, Sea of, Region ( … (2)
  403. Marseille (France) (1)
  404. Maryland (10)
  405. Massachusetts (4)
  406. Maubeuge (Netherlands) (1)
  407. Mayence (Germany) (1)
  408. Medina de Rioseco Region … (1)
  409. Mediterranean (15)
  410. Mediterranean Region (11)
  411. Mediterranean Sea (2)
  412. Mediterranean Sea Region (2)
  413. Mexico (16)
  414. Mexico City (Mexico) (1)
  415. Meziers (France) (1)
  416. Michigan (2)
  417. Middle Atlantic States (3)
  418. Middle East (73)
  419. Minnesota (4)
  420. Mississippi (2)
  421. Missouri (2)
  422. Mohacs (Hungary) (1)
  423. Mongast (France) (2)
  424. Mongol Empire (2)
  425. Mongolia (2)
  426. Mons (Belgium) (2)
  427. Mont-Louis (France) (1)
  428. Montana (2)
  429. Montenegro (2)
  430. Monterey County (Calif.) (1)
  431. Monterey Peninsula Area ( … (1)
  432. Montgomery County (Ill.) (2)
  433. Montgomery County (Md.) (1)
  434. Montmedy (France) (1)
  435. Montmelian (France) (2)
  436. Montmirail (Marne, France … (1)
  437. Montreal (Canada) (2)
  438. Morocco (4)
  439. Morristown (N.J.) (1)
  440. Moscow (Russia) (2)
  441. Mosul (Iraq) (1)
  442. Mount Tabor Region (Israe … (1)
  443. Naarden (Netherlands) (1)
  444. Namur (Belgium) (3)
  445. Nancy (France) (1)
  446. Naples (Italy) (1)
  447. Naples Region (Italy) (2)
  448. Near East (4)
  449. Nebraska (2)
  450. Nepal (1)
  451. Netherlands (26)
  452. Netherlands. (1)
  453. Nevada (4)
  454. New England (3)
  455. New Granada (2)
  456. New Guinea (1)
  457. New Hampshire (2)
  458. New Jersey (11)
  459. New Mexico (3)
  460. New Orleans (La.) (1)
  461. New Windsor (N.Y. : Town) (1)
  462. New York (17)
  463. New York (N.Y.) (13)
  464. New York City Vicinity (1)
  465. New Zealand (2)
  466. Newburyport (Mass.) (1)
  467. Niagara Falls (N.Y. and O … (1)
  468. Nice (France) (3)
  469. Nieuport (Belgium) (1)
  470. Nikopol (Bulgaria) (1)
  471. Nile River (1)
  472. Nile River (Egypt) (339)
  473. Nivelles Region (Belgium) (1)
  474. North Africa (8)
  475. North America (19)
  476. North American; American (3)
  477. North Carolina (7)
  478. North Dakota (1)
  479. North Sea (1)
  480. Northern Hemisphere (1)
  481. Northern Italy (1)
  482. Northern Mexico (1)
  483. Northumberland County, (P … (1)
  484. Norway (3)
  485. Novi (Italy) (1)
  486. Nuremberg (Germany) (1)
  487. Oakland (Calif.) (1)
  488. Ocana (Spain) (1)
  489. Oceania (5)
  490. Ohio (3)
  491. Ohio City (Ohio) (5)
  492. Oklahoma (2)
  493. Orange County (Calif.) (1)
  494. Oregon (1)
  495. Orinoco-Essequibo Region (81)
  496. Orthez (Pyrenees-Atlantiq … (1)
  497. Ostend (Belgium) (1)
  498. Ottawa (Canada) (2)
  499. Ottoman Empire (91)
  500. Oudenaarde (France) (1)
  501. Pacific (4)
  502. Pacific Ocean (1)
  503. Pakistan (4)
  504. Palamos (Spain) (1)
  505. Palestine (61)
  506. Panama (3)
  507. Paraguay (20)
  508. Paraguay (Río) (1)
  509. Paris (France) (91)
  510. Paris Region (France) (1)
  511. Pasaia (Spain) (1)
  512. Peking (China) (2)
  513. Peloponnesus (1)
  514. Pennsylvania (11)
  515. Perpignon (France) (1)
  516. Persia (2)
  517. Perth (W.A.) (1)
  518. Peru (3)
  519. Petaluma (Calif.) (1)
  520. Phalsbourg (France) (1)
  521. Philadelphia (Pa.) (2)
  522. Philadelphia (Penn.) (6)
  523. Philippeville (Belgium) (1)
  524. Philippines (4)
  525. Philipsburg (German) (1)
  526. Pinerolo (Italy) (1)
  527. Po River Valley (Italy) (1)
  528. Poland (47)
  529. Polynesia (1)
  530. Pomerania (Germany and P … (13)
  531. Port Louis (France) (1)
  532. Portland (1)
  533. Portugal (42)
  534. Potomac River (1)
  535. Potomac Rivery (W. Va.) (1)
  536. Prats de Moliou (France) (1)
  537. Prince Edward Island (6)
  538. Prussia (4)
  539. Prussia (Germany) (4)
  540. Puigcerda (Spain) (1)
  541. Pultusk (Poland) (1)
  542. Quebec (1)
  543. Quebec (Canada) (5)
  544. Quesnoy (France) (1)
  545. Ratzeburg (Germany) (1)
  546. Renfrew (Scotland) (1)
  547. Rhode Island (5)
  548. Rhodes (Greece) (1)
  549. Rochfort (France) (1)
  550. Roman Empire (23)
  551. Romania (5)
  552. Rome (10)
  553. Rome (Italy) (57)
  554. Roses (Spain) (2)
  555. Rouen (France) (1)
  556. Rowan County (N.C.) (1)
  557. Russia (57)
  558. Russian Empire (2)
  559. Saint Esprit (France) (1)
  560. Saint Omer (France) (1)
  561. Saint Paul (Minn.) (1)
  562. Saint-Malo (France) (2)
  563. Salamanca (Spain) (1)
  564. Salt Lake City (Utah) (1)
  565. San Antonio (Tex.) (1)
  566. San Francisco (Calif.) (1)
  567. San Francisco Bay (2)
  568. San Francisco Bay Area (2)
  569. San Francisco Bay Area (C … (1)
  570. San Sebastian (Spain) (1)
  571. Santa Clara County (Calif … (3)
  572. Santa Rosa (Calif.) (1)
  573. Saragossa (Spain) (1)
  574. Sardinia (1)
  575. Sardinia (Italy) (4)
  576. Sarrelouis (Germany) (1)
  577. Saudi Araba (1)
  578. Saudi Arabia (8)
  579. Savoy Region (Italy) (1)
  580. Scandinavia (17)
  581. Scotland (23)
  582. Scottish Highlands (Scotl … (1)
  583. Sedan (France) (1)
  584. Selestat (France) (1)
  585. Serbia (8)
  586. Sicily (1)
  587. Sicily (Italy) (3)
  588. Silver City (N.M.) (1)
  589. Sinai (Egypt) (2)
  590. Slovakia (8)
  591. Slovenia (8)
  592. Smolensk (Russia) (1)
  593. Solano County (Calif.) (3)
  594. Sonoma (Calif.) (1)
  595. Sonoma County (Calif.) (45)
  596. South America (14)
  597. South Asia (2)
  598. South Atlantic States (1)
  599. South Carolina (3)
  600. South Dakota (1)
  601. Southeast Asia (4)
  602. Southern California (3)
  603. Southern Italy (1)
  604. Southern Mediterranean (1)
  605. Southwest United States (1)
  606. Spain (80)
  607. Springfield (Ill.) (2)
  608. Sri Lanka (1)
  609. St. Lawrence River (1)
  610. Steenkerque (Belgium) (1)
  611. Stony Point (N.Y.) (1)
  612. Strasbourg (France) (2)
  613. Sweden (15)
  614. Switzerland (25)
  615. Syracuse (Italy) (1)
  616. Syria (26)
  617. Szczecin (Poland) (1)
  618. Szigetvar (Hungary) (1)
  619. Talavera de la Reina (Spa … (1)
  620. Tarragona (Spain) (1)
  621. Tennessee (2)
  622. Texas (4)
  623. Thailand (4)
  624. The Lake District (Englan … (1)
  625. The West (1)
  626. Thionville (France) (1)
  627. Tilghman Island (Md.) (1)
  628. Tobruk (Libya) (1)
  629. Tokyo (Japan) (2)
  630. Toronto (Canada) (2)
  631. Toulon (France) (2)
  632. Toulouse (France) (1)
  633. Tournai (Belgium) (1)
  634. Trafalgar, Cape (Spain) (2)
  635. Trebbia River Valley (Ita … (1)
  636. Trenton (N.J.) (1)
  637. Trier (Germany) (1)
  638. Tripoli (Libya) (1)
  639. Trukey (1)
  640. Tunis (2)
  641. Tunisia (6)
  642. Turin (Italy) (1)
  643. Turkey (113)
  644. Tuscany (Italy) (1)
  645. U.S. Mid West (5)
  646. U.S. North East (8)
  647. U.S. South (2)
  648. U.S. West (3)
  649. Ukraine (8)
  650. Ulm (Germany) (1)
  651. United Kingdom (1)
  652. United States (242)
  653. United Stattes (1)
  654. Uruguay (2)
  655. Utah (2)
  656. Valenciennes (France) (1)
  657. Valenza (Italy) (1)
  658. Valletta (Malta) (2)
  659. Vancouver (Canada) (2)
  660. Varna Region (Bulgaria) (1)
  661. Vatican City (1)
  662. Vauchamps (Marne, France) (1)
  663. Venezuela (87)
  664. Venice (Italy) (4)
  665. Verceil (Italy) (1)
  666. Verdun (France) (1)
  667. Vermont (3)
  668. Verplanck (N.Y.) (1)
  669. Verrua Savoia (Italy) (1)
  670. Verrue (Belgium) (1)
  671. Victoria (Canada) (2)
  672. Vienna (Austria) (5)
  673. Villefranche (France) (1)
  674. Virginia (11)
  675. Vitoria (Spain) (1)
  676. Wagram (Austria) (2)
  677. Walachia (Romania) (3)
  678. Wales (3)
  679. Washington (1)
  680. Washington (D.C.) (2)
  681. Washington D.C. (3)
  682. Waterloo (Belgium) (2)
  683. Watertown (N.Y.) (1)
  684. Wavre (Belgium) (1)
  685. West Asia (1)
  686. West Indies (8)
  687. West Point (N.Y.) (1)
  688. West Virginia (8)
  689. Western Australia (2)
  690. Western Hemisphere (4)
  691. Williamsburg (Va.) (1)
  692. Winchester (England) (2)
  693. Winchester (Va.) (1)
  694. Winnipeg (Canada) (2)
  695. Winoxbergen (Belgium) (1)
  696. Wisconsin (2)
  697. Wismar (Germany) (1)
  698. World (140)
  699. Wyoming (2)
  700. York (England) (1)
  701. York County (Penn.) (1)
  702. Yorktown (Va.) (1)
  703. Ypres (Belgium) (1)
  704. Zurich (Switzerland) (1)

Browse All : Historical

4,201-4,239 of 4,239
Frontispiece with Statue of Minerva, from vol. II of Vedute di Roma (Views of Rome)
Giovanni Battista Piran...
Frontispiece with Statu...
circa 1748
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Frontispiece with Statue of Minerva, from vol. II of Vedute di Roma (Views of Rome)
Creation Date
circa 1748
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Trajan between the City of Rome and Victory, from the Arch of Constantine
Marcantonio Raimondi
Trajan between the City...
16th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Marcantonio Raimondi
Trajan between the City of Rome and Victory, from the Arch of Constantine
Creation Date
16th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Trajan between the City of Rome and Victory, from the Arch of Constantine
Marcantonio Raimondi
Trajan between the City...
16th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Marcantonio Raimondi
Trajan between the City of Rome and Victory, from the Arch of Constantine
Creation Date
16th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Battle Scene
Marco Dente da Ravenna
Battle Scene
15th - 16th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Marco Dente da Ravenna
Battle Scene
Creation Date
15th - 16th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
The Laöcoon
Marco Dente da Ravenna
The Laöcoon
early 16th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Marco Dente da Ravenna
The Laöcoon
Creation Date
early 16th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
The Abduction of Helen, after the engraving by Marcantonio Raimondi
Marco Dente da Ravenna
The Abduction of Helen,...
early 16th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Marco Dente da Ravenna
The Abduction of Helen, after the engraving by Marcantonio Raimondi
Creation Date
early 16th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Bataille des Cimbres, after Decamps
Saro Cucinotta
Bataille des Cimbres, a...
19th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Saro Cucinotta
Bataille des Cimbres, after Decamps
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
The Elephants, from the series The Triumphs of Caesar, after the paintings for the Palazzo Ducale of Mantua, now in Hampton Court Palace, England
after Andrea Mantegna
The Elephants, from the...
1485 - 1500
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
after Andrea Mantegna
The Elephants, from the series The Triumphs of Caesar, after the paintings for the Palazzo Ducale of Mantua, now in Hampton Court Palace, England
Creation Date
1485 - 1500
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Roman Senators, after a design for an unexecuted (tenth) canvas for the series The Triumphs of Caesar for the Palazzo Ducale of Mantua
after Andrea Mantegna
Roman Senators, after a...
1485 - 1500
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
after Andrea Mantegna
Roman Senators, after a design for an unexecuted (tenth) canvas for the series The Triumphs of Caesar for the Palazzo Ducale of Mantua
Creation Date
1485 - 1500
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Frieze with a Battle of Antique Ships, after Polidoro da Caravaggio's fresco for the façade of the Palazzo Gaddi, Rome
Michaeli Grechi Lucches...
Frieze with a Battle of...
mid 16th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Michaeli Grechi Lucchese
Frieze with a Battle of Antique Ships, after Polidoro da Caravaggio's fresco for the façade of the Palazzo Gaddi, Rome
Creation Date
mid 16th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Interior of the Church of S. Lorenzo, Florence, from the series Funeral of the Emperor Ferdinand II
Stefano della Bella
Interior of the Church ...
17th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Stefano della Bella
Interior of the Church of S. Lorenzo, Florence, from the series Funeral of the Emperor Ferdinand II
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Banquet Of The Piacevoli
Stefano della Bella
Banquet Of The Piacevol...
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Stefano della Bella
Banquet Of The Piacevoli
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Francesco De Medici, from the book Esequie del Serenissimo Principe Francesco celebrate in di 30 d'agosto 1634...
Stefano della Bella
Francesco De Medici, fr...
circa 1634
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Stefano della Bella
Francesco De Medici, from the book Esequie del Serenissimo Principe Francesco celebrate in di 30 d'agosto 1634...
Creation Date
circa 1634
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
St. Prosper Delivering The City Of Reggio Emilia from an Attacking Army
Stefano della Bella
St. Prosper Delivering ...
circa 1647 - 1675
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Stefano della Bella
St. Prosper Delivering The City Of Reggio Emilia from an Attacking Army
Creation Date
circa 1647 - 1675
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Plan and view of the city of Arras
Stefano della Bella
Plan and view of the ci...
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Stefano della Bella
Plan and view of the city of Arras
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Plan Of The Siege Of La Rochelle in 1628
Stefano della Bella
Plan Of The Siege Of La...
circa 1641
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Stefano della Bella
Plan Of The Siege Of La Rochelle in 1628
Creation Date
circa 1641
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Emperor Ferdinand II
Stefano della Bella
Emperor Ferdinand II
17th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Stefano della Bella
Emperor Ferdinand II
Creation Date
17th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Judith With The Head Of Holofernes
Jacopo de' Barbari
Judith With The Head Of...
late 16th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Jacopo de' Barbari
Judith With The Head Of Holofernes
Creation Date
late 16th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Queen Elizabeth Receiving the News of the Death of her Sister Queen Mary, after R. Westall
Luigi Schiavonetti
Queen Elizabeth Receivi...
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Luigi Schiavonetti
Queen Elizabeth Receiving the News of the Death of her Sister Queen Mary, after R. Westall
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
The Battle of Cascina (The Cartoon of Pisa), after Michelangelo
Luigi Schiavonetti
The Battle of Cascina (...
18 - 19th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Luigi Schiavonetti
The Battle of Cascina (The Cartoon of Pisa), after Michelangelo
Creation Date
18 - 19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
L'abandon d'Ariane no. 24 from the series Histoire ancienne
Honoré Daumier
L'abandon d'Ariane no. ...
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Honoré Daumier
L'abandon d'Ariane no. 24 from the series Histoire ancienne
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Athalie./"Aux petits des oiseaux il donne la pâture"/"Et sa bonté s'étend sur toute la nature!" no.5 from the series Physionomies tragiques
Honoré Daumier
Athalie./"Aux petits de...
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Honoré Daumier
Athalie./"Aux petits des oiseaux il donne la pâture"/"Et sa bonté s'étend sur toute la nature!" no.5 from the series Physionomies tragiques
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Equestrian Portrait of Louis XIV
Bernard Picart
Equestrian Portrait of ...
early 18th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Bernard Picart
Equestrian Portrait of Louis XIV
Creation Date
early 18th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Le fantôme plate 488 published in La Caricature 7 May 1835
Honoré Daumier
Le fantôme plate 488 pu...
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Honoré Daumier
Le fantôme plate 488 published in La Caricature 7 May 1835
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Citoyennes... on fait courir le bruit... no. 1 from the series Les divorceuses
Honoré Daumier
Citoyennes... on fait c...
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Honoré Daumier
Citoyennes... on fait courir le bruit... no. 1 from the series Les divorceuses
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
? l'instar d'Henri IV... no. 6 from the series tOUT CE QU'ON VOUDRA
Honoré Daumier
? l'instar d'Henri IV.....
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Honoré Daumier
? l'instar d'Henri IV... no. 6 from the series tOUT CE QU'ON VOUDRA
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Prends un siège, Cinna!... no. 3 from the series Croquis dramatiques
Honoré Daumier
Prends un siège, Cinna!...
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Honoré Daumier
Prends un siège, Cinna!... no. 3 from the series Croquis dramatiques
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Romain s'apprêtant à transpercer sa propre soeur pour cause de rimes inconvenantes. no 1 from the series Physionomies tragiques
Honoré Daumier
Romain s'apprêtant à tr...
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Honoré Daumier
Romain s'apprêtant à transpercer sa propre soeur pour cause de rimes inconvenantes. no 1 from the series Physionomies tragiques
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
C‚sar./ C‚sar. - Si vous n'avez su vaincre apprenez … servir!.../Brutus. - C‚sar, aucun de nous n'apprendra qu'… mourir!... no.7 from the series Physionomies tragiques
Honoré Daumier
C‚sar./ C‚sar. - Si vou...
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Honoré Daumier
C‚sar./ C‚sar. - Si vous n'avez su vaincre apprenez … servir!.../Brutus. - C‚sar, aucun de nous n'apprendra qu'… mourir!... no.7 from the series Physionomies tragiques
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Andromaque./ "J'ai vu trancher les jours de ma famille entière"/ "Et mon époux sanglant traîné sur la poussière!" no.6 from the series Physionomies tragiques
Honoré Daumier
Andromaque./ "J'ai vu t...
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Honoré Daumier
Andromaque./ "J'ai vu trancher les jours de ma famille entière"/ "Et mon époux sanglant traîné sur la poussière!" no.6 from the series Physionomies tragiques
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Le voyage en chemin de fer est moins amusant que ne l'espèrait Rifolard. no. 2 from the series Les banqueteurs
Honoré Daumier
Le voyage en chemin de ...
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Honoré Daumier
Le voyage en chemin de fer est moins amusant que ne l'espèrait Rifolard. no. 2 from the series Les banqueteurs
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
"Venez, dignes soutiens de la grandeur romaine," "Compagnons de César, approchez!..." no. 2 from the series La tragédie
Honoré Daumier
"Venez, dignes soutiens...
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Honoré Daumier
"Venez, dignes soutiens de la grandeur romaine," "Compagnons de César, approchez!..." no. 2 from the series La tragédie
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
La première blessure!, pl. 455 from La Caricature (Journal) No. 218, published 8 January 1835
Honoré Daumier
La première blessure!, ...
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Honoré Daumier
La première blessure!, pl. 455 from La Caricature (Journal) No. 218, published 8 January 1835
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Dryburgh Abbey, the High Altar
James Valentine
Dryburgh Abbey, the Hig...
circa 1850
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
James Valentine
Dryburgh Abbey, the High Altar
Creation Date
circa 1850
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Dryburgh Abbey, from East
James Valentine
Dryburgh Abbey, from Ea...
circa 1850
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
James Valentine
Dryburgh Abbey, from East
Creation Date
circa 1850
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
The Baptism of Pocohontas
Currier and Ives
The Baptism of Pocohont...
19th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Currier and Ives
The Baptism of Pocohontas
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
The U.S. Frigate United States Capturing H.B.M. Frigate Macedonian. Fought, Octr 25th 1812.
Nathaniel Currier
The U.S. Frigate United...
19th century
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Nathaniel Currier
The U.S. Frigate United States Capturing H.B.M. Frigate Macedonian. Fought, Octr 25th 1812.
Creation Date
19th century
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
U.S. Frigate Independence, 64 Guns
Nathaniel Currier
U.S. Frigate Independen...
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Nathaniel Currier
U.S. Frigate Independence, 64 Guns
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
Rue Royale, Paris
Rue Royale, Paris
Fine Arts Museums of Sa...
Creator Name-CRT
Francois-Marie-Louis-Alexandre Gobinet de Villecholle Franck
Rue Royale, Paris
Creation Date
AMICA Contributor
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
4,201-4,239 of 4,239