Browse All : Military of Virginia from 1864
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[Bachmann, John, Magnus, Charles]
2nd edition published with additions, by Magnus. Stevenson lists a second issue by Bachmann (showing smoke over the Manassas battlefield) but not this second edition by Magnus. Many towns and battlefields have been added, especially around Richmond, Petersburg, and Fredericksburg. The lithographic printing is not as good as the Bachmann edition and the color yellow which Bachmann used effectively to show topography is not employed to much advantage here. Relief shown by shadings and pictorially. Showing battlefields, military fortifications and battleships.
Magnus, Charles
Illustrated in Stephenson (10th edition). This must have been a popular map - Stephenson shows 12 editions (but not this 11th edition). The central circular map shows the country around Richmond, and is surrounded by nine smaller circular maps of other battle areas. Map in blue with red border and title.
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