"Geographia" Limited
"Geographia" Ltd.
"Geographia" Ltd., Hutchi
(Ancient Arabic Order of
(Cunard Lines)
(Curtis Publishing Compan
(Girl Scouts of America)
(Jain Culture)
(Levy, Gus)
(Long Beach) Chamber of C
(North Carolina) State Ad
(Palo Alto) Chamber of C
(Ruth Taylor)
(Terrail, A.)
(Vic and Sade Radio Progr
1104 Engineer Combat Grou
5 Associates
654 Engineer Topographic
666th Engr. Top. Co., U.S
A Fisher Company
A. Bagel
A. Bourdilliat
A. Hocquart
A. Hoen & Co.
A. Hoen & Co. Lith.
A. Karcher
A. Marsens
A. Ruffoni
A. Trub & Co.
A. Trueb & Cie,
A.C. Ltd.
A.E. Hanson Company
A.E.Hanson Co.
A.J. Nystrom and Company
A.M. Robertson
AA Graphics, Inc.
Aaron Blake Publishers
Aaron Bohard
Abbot, Kerns & Bell
Abbott Laboratories
Abbott, Jacob Bates
Abel, A.A.
Abercrombie & Fitch
Academie Francaise
Achelli y Cia
Acker Press
Acme Newspictures, Inc.
Adam and Charles Black
Adams, C.F.
Adams, C.J.
Adams, C.L.
Adams, Katherine Payne
Adams, Norm
Adams, Sebastian C.
Adamson, Amy
Adickes, William
Adprint Ltd.
ADSEC (Advance Section)
ADSEC Engineers Section
Advertiser Publishing Co.
Advertising and Promotion
Aetna Casualty and Surety
Afro-American Newspapers
Agence Francaise de Propa
Agentur, Bauer
Ahrens, Paul
Air Afrique
Air Express Division, Rai
Air France
Air India
Air Transport Association
Airaghi, Vivanco Sofia
Aitchison, R. T.
Aitchison, R.T.
Aitchison, Robert T.
Aitchison, Robert T. (188
Alaska News Agency
Alaska Steamship Co.
Albert Richard Co.
Albert Richard Company
Albert Richard Sportswear
Albert, Allen D.
Albertus, George
Albright, Raymond W.
Alcoa Map Department, Alu
Alexander Litho.
Alexandria Chamber of Com
Alexis Coquillard
Alf Cooke, Ltd.
All-Year Club of Southern
All-Year Club of Southern
Allem, Jamie
Allen, I.
Allen, Rosalind M. Sturge
Alley Workshops
Allied Artists
Allon, Ryzinski and Marti
Allyn and Bacon
Altissimo Battaglia Stefa
Aluminum Company of Ameri
Alward, Leetta Eaton
American Airlines Inc.
American Airlines, Inc.
American Airlines, inc.
American Association of U
American Association of U
American Association of U
American Association of U
American Automobile Assoc
American Book & Printing
American Geographical Soc
American Institute of Arc
American Junior Red Cross
American Lithographic Co.
American Lithographing an
American Oil Company (AMO
American Pioneer Trail As
American Pioneer Trails A
American Pioneer Trails A
American Publishing Compa
American Trust Company
Amerikanischen Aussenmini
Ames, Jean Goodwin (1903-
Amos Doolittle
Amschewitz, J.H.
Anderson Isometric Maps
Anderson, Constantine
Anderson, Constantine A.
Anderson, Irene
Anderson, John D.
Andrew, Louis
Andrews, Louis
Anglo-American Oil Co.
Anglo-American Oil Co. Lt
Anglo-American Oil Co., L
Anglo-American Oil Compa
Anheuser-Busch, Inc.
Annand, George
Ansett Travel Service
Antoine Chiris
Antoncich, Frank
Antoncich, Frank M.
Appleton, LeRoy
Applicon Incorporated
Arab Tourist Agency, Ltd.
Arbuckle Bros.
Archar Inc.
Architectural Forum
Arizona Color Card Corp.
Armadillo Trading Co.
Armitage, George
Armour & Co.
Armour and Company
Army Information Branch
Army Information Branch,
Army Orientation Course,
Army Orientation Course.
Army Orientation Courses
Arnold, Oren
Arnquist, Kathryn
ARS Editiones
Art Corner
Art Department of the Ame
Art Maps
Art Maps Pty. Ltd.
Art Service Studio
Art. Institut Orell Fussl
Artcraft Lithograph and P
Arthur B Suchy
Arthur B. Suchy
Arthur Crisp
Arthur Crosby Service
Arthur Zaidenberg
Arthur, Stanley Clisby
Artist Publication, Inc.
Artists and Writers Guild
Artists Representative In
Ashburton Tripp
Ashby, Janice
Ashley, Fred
Asia Weekly
Ask Mr. Foster Travel Ser
Associated American Artis
Associated Artists
Athenaeum Fischgrund Publ
Atherton, Jack
Atlantic Card Company
Atlee F. Hunt Co.
Atwood, Mary Hall
Atwood, Mary Hall (1894-1
Aug, Chevalier
Aug. Chevalier
August Chevalier
Augusta Press
Augustine Mathewes, John
Austin, Margaret B.
Australian National Airwa
Automobile Club of South
Automobile Club of Southe
Automovil Club Argentino.
Automovil-Club Argentino
Avey, George M.
Aviation Department, Shel
Aviation Research Associa
Ayres, Sidney E.
Azienda Autonoma Soggiorn
B. Ashburton Tripp
B. May y Ca
B. May y Ca.
B. N. & E. Power Corp.
B/C Associates, Inc.
Babessian, Hovhannes K.
Bacon, Cecil Walter
Badger Paper Mills, Inc.
Baille, Herve 1896-1974
Baishou Xie
Baker, Ernest Hamlin
Baker, Susan
Ball, Robert
Ball, Stuart F.
Baltimore American
Baltimore Association of
Baltimore Convention Bure
Baltimore Morning Sun
Baltimore: Enoch Pratt Fr
Bancroft Company
Bank of America
Bank of America National
Barabino & Graeve
Barcus, Frank
Barnard, Edward S.
Barnes, C.
Barnes, Carroll
Barnes, Myra Zimmerman
Barseghyan, L.
Barter, Marjouri
Bartholomew, K.C.
Barton, Duer & Koch Paper
Barton-Cotton, Inc.
Bates, Ernest Sutherland
Bawden, Edward, 1903-1989
Bayle, Luc Marie
Baynard Press
Baynes, Pauline
Bean, Caroline van H.
Beck Engraving Company
Beck, H.C.
Beck, Henry C.
Beck, Henry Charles
Beckman, Anders
Beer editeur, Lith. Janni
Behncke, Nile J. (1892-19
Belknap & Hamersley
Bell, Barbara
Belloguet, Andre
Bemidji Civic and Commerc
Bemis, Waldo Edmund (1891
Ben Johnson & Co. Ltd.
Bend Chamber of Commerce
Benedict, Bozidar Damjano
Bentley, Phyllis
Berann, Heinrich C.
Berann, Heinrich Caesar
Berannn, Heinrich
Berannn, Heinrich Caesar
Berry, Charles
Berry, William D.
Bettius, Basil
Betts, J.C.
Bezzera, Paolo
Bibler Feature Service
Bibler, Richard
Bibliographische Institut
Bieder, M.
Bill Skacel
Billboard Barn
Binfords & Mort
Binyon Studio
Bisch, Charlene
Bishop & Sims
Bishop, Richard
Bishop, Richard Evett
BKS Air Transport Ltd.
Black Hills - Badlands As
Blackburn, Harold
Blackman, D.
Blackstone Valley Tourism
Blair, Don
Blanchard, Ed.
Blondel la Rougery
Blondel La Rougery
Bloodgood, Don
Bloomenthal, Leonard J.
BMT Lines
BOAC British Overseas Air
Board of Trustees of the
Bobbie Nichols
Bode, Johann Elert, 1747
Bodensiek, K.H.
Bodley, Helen
Boehmer, Ed.
Bohrod, Aaron
Bollmann Bildkarten Verla
Bollmann, Herman, 1911-19
Bollmann, Hermann (1911
Bolte & Braden Co.
Bonfant & Rampelberg
Boniface, Lee
Book Enterprises Inc.
Book Nook
Booth, Philllips O.
Booth, William
Bord Failte Eireann
Borglum, Gutzon (1867–194
Bormann, G.
Boston Elevated Railway C
Boston, Mass.: Ernest Dud
Boucher, Lucien
Boucher, Lucien (1889-19
Bourie, M.
Bourne, Emma
Bowers, David
Bowers, M.L.
Bowles, John
Bowles, Thomas
Boy Scouts of America
Boyle, Stuart
Bradbury-Waring Inc.
Bradford Robinson PTG Co.
Bradford-Robinson Printin
Bradshaw, Bob
Brags Publishing Co.
Brainard, Noble E.
Brandstrup, Max
Brandywine Valley Associa
Brangwyn, Frank
Braniff Airways
Braniff Internation Airwa
Brannasky, Wolf
Brehm, John J.
Brewer, H. W.
Bridge House Studio
Bridgewater, M.
Briganshaw, Chas. J.
Brightman, Robert
British Columbia Electric
British Empire Exhibition
British Overseas Airways
British Railway Executive
British Railways. Eastern
British Railways. Western
British South American Ai
British South American Ai
British Transport Commiss
British Transport Commiss
Brown Karl F.
Brown, E. H.
Brown, Edythe J.
Brown, Harold Haven
Brown, Harold Haven, 1869
Browne & Nolan Limited
Brtitish Railways
Brusstar, Gordon
Bucher Engraving Company
Buck Printing Co.
Buck, John E.
Buell, D.H.
Bufford, J. H.
Bull, W.H.
Bull, William Howell
Bullock, L.G.
Bullock, L.G. (Leslie Geo
Bullock, L.G.(Leslie Geor
Bullock, Leslie G.
Bullock, Leslie George
Bumstead, Albert H. (Albe
Burbank, Richard H.
Burchard, J.
Burckardt's Nachf
Bureau of Engineering Inc
Bureau of Engraving Inc.
Burke, Forrest M.
Burke, Howard
Burks, William III
Burleigh, R.A.
Bush, M.E.
Butler, Lowell
Butler, Lowell (Bernard L
Byrd, Richard Evelyn
Byron Weston Company
C. Barnes Cartography
C. Berne Grimm
C. C. Petersen, Publishin
c. Kearfott
C. S. Hammond & Co.
C. Smith & Son
C. Tennant, Sons & Co.
C.C. Petersen
C.C. Petersen Advertisin
C.C. Petersen Pub. and Ad
C.C. Petersen Publishing
C.C. Petersen Publishing
C.C. Petersen, Publishing
C.C. Peterson
C.F. Rassweiler & Co.
C.F. Weber & Co.
C.M. Burnett
C.S. Hammond & Co.
C.S. Hammond & Company
C.S. Hammond Co.
CAAC Airlines
Cahoon, Guy F.
Calderini, Emma
California Art & Engravin
California Chinese Pionee
California Club
California Federal
California Lithoplate
California Mission Trail
California Research Corpo
California Rodeo Associat
California State Agricult
California State Automobi
California State Fair
California State Printing
California Transit Co. "Y
California. Emergency Rel
Calkins, W.
Callot, Jacques (1592-163
Calvert Lith. Co.
Calwell, R.A.
Camp Verde Economic Devel
Campbell, William M.
Campbell, Wm. M.
Campbell-Gray Ltd.
Canada Department of Int
Canadian Airways Limited
Canadian National Railway
Canadian Pacific
Canadian Pacific Airlines
Canet, Gerardo
Cape Peninsula Publicity
Cape Times Limited
Cape Times Ltd.
Capon, Charles R. (1884-1
Carey, R.V.
Caricatour Co.
Carl Gerber
Carl Hagenbecks Tierpark
Carlisle & Co.
Carlos Herrmann
Carlos, R.Y.
Carlson, W.
Carlton Smith Associates
Carollo, Tom
Carolyn Galbraith
Carolyn H. Galbraith
Carr, Harry
Carriage Trade Publicatio
Carrie McCanless Hammer
Carrigen, Tom
Carroll, J.C.
Carter, Lee
Carter, Paul
Cartographic Division, Na
Cass Lake Chamber of Comm
Cass Lake Civic And Comme
Cass Lake Civic and Comme
Cassatt, Mary
Cassiers, Henri (1858 - 1
Castello, Gerry
Castle-Pierce Press
Cedric John Hollingsworth
Central Board of Polish S
Central Savings Bank
Centre of Information and
CES ��� Civic Education S
Ceylon Tea Centre
Ceylon Tea Propaganda Boa
Ch. Villain
Chadwick, F. Gordon
Chadwick, Gordon F.
Chamber of Commerce
Chamber of Commerce (Alba
Chamber of Commerce (Tucs
Chamber of Commerce of Hi
Chamber of Commerce of th
Chamber of Commerce. Las
Chamberlin, Wellmin
Chambers of Commerce (of
Chapin, Jr., R.M.
Chapman, Henry T.
Chapman, Lloyd C.
Chapman, Manville
Charles & Edwin Layton Lt
Charles & Read Ltd.
Charles Fisher Snyder
Charles R. Sligh Co.
Charlie Lindsay
Charrier & Dugal, Inc.
Chase National Bank
Chase, Clara K.
Chase, Ernest Dudley
Chase, Ernest Dudley (187
Chase, Ernest Dudley, 187
Chase, Ernest Dudley, 18
Chase, Francis J.
Chatelain Henri, 1684-17
Chaya, Ken
Cheeseman, E.E.
Cheeseman, F.E.
Cheeseman. E.E.
Chespeake Ferry Co.
Chester County Historical
Chevalier, August
Chevron Research Co.
Chiattone, Gabriele
Chicago and North Western
Chicago and North Western
Chicago Convention & Tour
Chicago Convention Bureau
Chicago Daily Tribune
Chicago Sunday Tribune
Chicago Tribune
Chicago Zoological Park
Chichester, Francis
Children's Bookshop
Chilson, B.D.
China Navigation Co. Ltd.
China Navigation Company
Chirpe, W Rodney
Chisholm, I.A.
chmidt Litho., Co.
Christian Science monitor
Christian, Henry B., 1883
Christoph Weigel
Chromoworks Limited
Chromoworks Ltd.
Chromoworks, Inc.
Chromoworks, Limited
Chromoworks, Ltd.
Chun, Ethel
Chuo Nogyokai
Cieslewicz, Roman, 1930 -
Cimino, Harry
Cimino, Harry (1898-
Cincinnati Pictorial Map
Ciofalo, John
Citivues International, I
City Character Print
City Design
City Design Print
City Graphics of America
City Graphics of America
City of Castlegar
City of Palo Alto
Civelli, Giuseppe
Civic Education Service
Civic Education Service I
Civic Education Service,
Civic Pride Inc.
Civilian Conservation Cor
Claes Janszoon Visscher
Clark, Blake
Clark, Estra
Clark, K. Daniel
Clarke, Water F.
Clary, A.D.
Clason Publishing Company
Clegg, Ernes
Clegg, Ernest
Clegg, Ernest, 1876-1954
Cleveland Advertising Clu
Cleveland, Ohio : Harris-
Clifton, Mercedes
Colby & Co.
Colby, Beatrice Adelaide
Cole, J.
Cole, Norman
Coleccion "Billiken"
Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co
Collinet, A.
Colomb, John Charles Read
Colonial Craftsmen
Colonial Sales Corp.
Colorado State Highway De
Colorado. Sportsmen's Hos
Colortext Publications In
Colortext Publications, I
Colt Studio of Commercial
Colton, J. H.
Columbia Broadcasting Sys
Columbia Broadcasting Sys
Columbia University Press
Comitato Nazionale "ITALI
Comite National de Propag
Commercial Litho.
Commercial Press
Commissariat General au T
Commission Romande de la
Compass Maps
Compton & Company
Compton, Richard J.
Comstock, Emma P.
Conde, Edwin G.
Conley, Walter
Connecticut College
Connell, Kate
Consolidated Print. & Sta
Contra Costa County Devel
Contra Costa Times
Cook, Wilbur David, Jr.
Cooper Enterprises
Cooper Graphics
Cooper, Frank A.
Cooper, J.J.
Copeland, Greg
Coplan, Maxwell
Corbetta, F.
Corlet, Charles H.
Cormack, Robert
Cornely, Greda McCormick
Cornish Bros. Limited
Corpus Christi Caller-Tim
Coss, Clay
Coss, Tim
Coulton Waugh
Country Gentlewoman
Country Life Print
Countryman county maps of
Countryman Ltd.
Covarrubias, Luis
Covarrubias, Miguel
Covarrubias, Miguel (190
Covarrubias, Miguel (1904
CPC Corporation
Crabb, Earl
Craig, A.L.
Crampton, George
Crane, Marian
Crane, Walter
Craste, L.
Craste, Leon
Creative Lithograph
Creative Lithograph Co.
Creative Lithography
Creative Merchandisers, I
Creole Petroleum Corporat
Cresp, Jean Honore
Cressy, Mike
Cretineau-Joly, Jacques
Crisp, Arthur
Crisp, Mary Ellen
Crosley Radio and Televis
Crown Print. and Lithogra
Culverwell, Tom
Curtis Pub. Co.
Curtis Publishing Company
Curtis, Nathaniel Cortlan
Curwen Press
Curwen Press Ltd.
Cutter, James
Cymbal, V.
Cypress Lithographics
Cyrus Coffman Map Company
D.W. Paterson Co. PTY. LT
Da Capo Press
Dagosta, Andy
Daily Herald
Daily Telegraph
Daito Shoji (Big East Com
Dale, O.J.
Dalrymple, O.R.
Dangerfield Printing Co.,
Dangerfield Printing Comp
Dangerfield Printing Comp
Daniel K. Wallingford
Dark Age Graphics
Darley, James M.
Datamation Magazine
Daugherty, James Henry
David Allen Printing Co.
David Little
David Mink
Davidson & Licht Jewelry
Dayton Company
De Agostini, Giovanni
De Boer, R.F.
De Grange, Robert Hyde
De Jong & Co.
De Leuw, Cather and Compa
de Reyna, Rudy
Death Valley Hotel Co.
Death Valley Hotel Compan
Debenham, Frank
Deering, Roger
DeFeo, Charles (1892-1978
DeFoy, Francis
Del Monte Properties
Del Monte Properties Comp
Del Monte Properties Comp
Delaye, Theophile-Jean (1
Delkin, James Ladd
DeLong, Sally
Delta Air Lines
Delta Airlines
Dempsey, Diane
Denison University
Dent, Robert K.
Department Engineer Repro
Department of Conservatio
Department of Surveys, M
Dept. of Commerce
Derosiers, Dept of M.T.&G
Derrick, Thomas, 1885-195
des Rosiers, Leon L.
Des Rosiers, Leon L.
Desch, Kurt
Design Studio
Deth p. Sun
Detroit Edison Company
Detroit Times
Detroit United Railway
Deusche Zentrale fuer Fre
Deutsche Lufthansa
Deutsche Zentrale fuer Fr
Deutsche Zentrale fur Fre
DeWitt, Cornelius
Diakoff, John A.
Diamond Crystal Salt Co.
Diamond, Harry
Diamond, Henry O.
Dickinson Brothers, Inc.
Dickman Jones Co. Lith.
Dicus, G. P. (Garner Park
Dicus, Garner Parker , 19
Dicus, Garner Parker, 192
Diego, Julio de
Dier, Frank
Dimension Maps Inc.
Dinsdale, Al O.
Dippolito, Frank
Direccion Nacional de Tur
Disney, Walt
Disney/Amblin Entertainme
Disney/Lucasfilm Ltd.
Dittmann, Karlheinz
Dittmar, W. J.
Division of Information F
Division of State Informa
Dobson, Molle & Co. Ltd.
Dodds, Tom
Dodge, Grace F.
Dohet, C. Pub
Dolph & Stewart
Domino, Blaise
Don Bloodgood
Don D. Obert
Donald McCullough; John W
Doris Riemann
Dorn, Frank
Dorn, Frank (1901-1981)
Double, Lee R.
Doubleday, Page and Compa
Dowling, Colista Murray
Down Town Association
Down Town Association (Sa
Downs, Timothy Edward
Drayton, Michael, 1563-1
Drevenstedt, Amy
Drew, Anna
Dreyer, Ernst Adolf
Driggs, Howard R.
Druck u. Verlag v. C. Bur
Drury, John G.
Dry, Camille N.
Dudley, Katherine
Dudley, Kathrine
Dufauzet, A.G.
Duncan, Geoff
Dunkelberger, Ralph D.
Dunlop Rubber Co, Ltd.
Dunn, Lyndle, 1908-1967
Dunstable & Watford
Durland, H.C.
Duvoisin, Roger
Dyer, Bill
E. Byron Bayne
E. Desfosses Neogravure
E. Sachse & Co.
E.C. Kropp Co.
E.E. Fairchild Corporatio
E.F. Clements
E.V. Paul
E.W. Smith
East African Standard Ltd
Eastwood, H.E.
eath Valley Hotel Co.
Eckhard, Walter
Economic Information Serv
Ed. Blondel la Rougery
Eddelbuttel, Herbert
Eddy, Frederic
Eddy, Gerald
Eddy, Gerald A.
Eddy, Gerald A. (1890-196
Eddy, Geraled A.
Eddy, Isaac
Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc
Edison Institute
Editions Blondel la Rouge
Editions de Champrosay
Editorial Atlantida
Editorial Mexico
Educational Services Divi
Edward A. Luzzie Company
Edward C. Nairn
Edward P. Judd Co.
Edward R. Smith
Edward Vischer
Edwards, E. Nelson
Edwards, Emily
Edwards, Emily, 1888-1980
Edwards, Parker (1911-198
Egypt. Safarah (U.S.)
Egyptien du Tourisme
Eilhard Lubin
Einson-Freeman Co., inc,
Electric Railway House
Elgin Branch of the Ameri
Elias, Arthur Edward
Eliot, George Fielding
Elizabeth Paige May
Elizabeth Shurtleff
Ellis, I. A.
Emery, Don J.
Emett, Rowland
Emory University
Emporium Press
Emslie, John
Emslie, John.
Ensign & Bridgman
Ensign & Thayer
Ensign, Bridgman & Fannin
Ensor, Rettie Kelly
Ente Nazionale Industrie
Ente Provinciale per il T
Ente Provinciale Turismo
Ente Provinciale Turismo
Epson Litho.
Erickson, Arthur
Ernest Clegg
Ernest Dudley Chase
Ertz, Gordon (1891-?)
Eshleman, C. L.
Esso Standard Oil Co.,Tou
Esso Standard Oil Company
Esso Standard Oil Company
Eugenio Fischgrund
Evers, Nadine
Exhibition, Fair and Tour
Exxon Corporation.
Eyre & Spottiswoode Ltd.,
Eyre & Spottiswoode, Ltd.
F. Corbetta
F. E. Wachsmutg
F. Gordon Chadwick
F. Sanchez H. and Co.
F. Sanchez. HyCia.
F.A.P. Fine additional Pr
F.A.R. Company
F.J. Huntington
F.S.H. Y GIA. - MEX D.F.
Faber, Himke
Fagan, James O.
Fagan, James O..
Fairchild Air Views (Firm
Fairmount Park Art Associ
Faller, Leo
Fancher, Louis D. (1884-1
Farmer, Edward M.
Farrell, Jack
Farrow, Charles Vernon (1
Farwest Lithograph & Prin
Farwest Lithograph & Prin
Farwest Lithograph & Prin
Fashion Institute of Tech
Faunce, C. C.
Fawcett-Haynes Printing C
Fay, Bertrand T.
Federal Art Project
Feher, Joseph (1908-1987)
Fidelity-Philadelphia Tru
Fidelity-Philadelphia Tru
Field Museum of Natural H
Filene's Sons Company
Fischgrund Pubishing Co..
Fischgrund Publishing Co.
Fischgrund Publishing Com
Fisher, Betty
Fitch, Lillian McKinstry
Five Cambers of Commerce
Flachmann, Chuck
Fleetway Press Ltd.
Fletcher, Bob
Fletcher, Robert Henry
Flick, Alexander C.
Florida Novelty Map and S
Flying and Popular Aviati
Foges, Wolfgang
Ford Motor Company
Ford, Hunger
Forest Lawn Assn., Inc.
Forest Lawn Memorial-Park
Forest Lawn Memorial-Park
Fort Orange Press
Fosh & Cross Ltd.
Foster and Kleiser
Foster, Eleanore
Foster, Richard
Fowler, Alice E.
Fowler, Ethel B.
Francis Toor Studios
Franckh'sche Verlagsbuchh
Frank Antincich
Frank, Phil
Frankfurt (Main) Verkehrs
Franklin M. Watts
Frantz, E.
Fred Godwin, Hollywood At
Fred Harvey
Frederick A. Stokes Comp
Freedman, Barnett
Freedman, Samuel
Freeman, Fred
French Government
French, Park
Freres Chatelain
Fresno County and City Ch
Fresno County Chamber of
Fried Ostermann Co.
Friedman, Kenneth A,
Friends of the Brandywine
Friendship Press
Friendship Press Inc.
Friendship Press, Inc.
Fritz Busche Druckerriges
Frontier Fidelity Savings
Frost, Isaac
Frye & Smith
Frye-Willaimson Press
Fuessle & Colman
Fujin Minshu Kurabu
Fuller & Smith & Ross, In
Furse, Peter R.
G-2 Section, 2d A.D.
G. Civelli
G. F. Corp.
G. Kraft Bs. As.
G.P. Dicus
G.P. Oicus
G.P.B. (Photos)
G.Q. LeSourd
G.R. Hebard,
Gabriel, Ralph Henry, 189
Gadbois, Robert W.
Gaetano Pirola
Gaffney, Walter M.
Galbraith, Carolyn
Galbraith, Carolyn H.
Galea Prints
Galloway Litho. Co.
Gan & Emek. net
Garcia Cubas, Antonio, 18
Garden Club of the Halifa
Gardner Osborn
Gardner, James
Garfield Langworthy
Garfield, Alva Scott
Garnysh, K. S.
Garst, John D.
Garth, John
Gassdorf, Karl-Otto
Gatechair, Robert
Gattaz, R.
Gatto, Diane
Gayer, Gene
Gebauer, E.
Gebauer-Schwetschke Buchd
Geelkercken, Nicolaes va
Geisel, Theodor Seuss
General Drafting Co.
General Drafting Co. Inc.
General Drafting Co., In
General Drafting Co.,Inc.
General Drafting Company
General Drafting Company,
General Drafting, Inc.
General Dynamics
General Electric Company
General Foods Corporation
General Motors Corporatio
Geo. H. Walker & Co.
Geographia Limited
Geographia Ltd.
Geographical magazine
Geographical Project, Ltd
Geographical Publishing C
George Allen & Unwin Ltd
George Baxter
George C. Miller
George Fielding, Eliot
George J. Nostrand
George Philip & Son
George Philip & Son Ltd.
George Philip & Son, Ltd
George W. Martin
Gerard & Co.
Gerhard Stalling A.G.
German Railways Informati
Gerson Offset Litho Co.,
Gesner, F. Norton, 1875-1
Getmanski, Michael
Gettier-Montanye, Inc.
Giambarba, Paul
Gibney, Mary
Gilbert, Albert
Gill, Leslie MacDonald,
Gill, Norval L.
Gillican, Lucile
Gillican, Lucille
Gilmore Club
Gilmore Oil Company
Gingell, William
Ginn and Company
Girard Bank
Girl Scouts,Inc.
Gist and Erdmann, Inc.
Glaudke, Bob
Glav. red. Armianskoi sov
Glavnoe upravlenie geodez
Gobich, Hanns
Godard, Keith
Godard, Keith / StudioWor
Godfrey Jr., Joe
Godwin, Harrison
Godwin, Harrison, 1899 -
Goebel, Atelier
Goeken, Josef
Goff, Errol W.
Golden Chain Council of t
Golden Chain Council of t
Goldie Ruth
Goldie, James
Gomez de Trasmonte, Juan
Gomez Medina, Miguel
Gonzalez, Amado (1913-200
Goodacre, W.J.
Goodacre, William J.
Goodall, Natalie Prosser
Goodhue-Kitchener Printin
Goodman, Michael Baltekal
Gorham, J.
Gorham, M.
Gosizdat UzSSR
Goupil & Co.
Government Printer (South
Government Printing Offic
Grace H. Sauers
Grace Line Company
Graefe, Heinz A.
Graficas Laborde y Labaye
Graficas Laborde y Labaye
Grafiplas, S.A.
Graham, Joseph
Graham, Ralph
Graham, Tony
Gramercy Graphic
Grand Canyon-Boulder Dam
Grand Rapids
Graphic History Associati
Gray Printing Co.
Gray, Helen E.
Gray, N.V.
Great Britain. Royal Mail
Great Falls Breweries, In
Great Northern Railroad
Great Northern Railway
Great Northern Railway Co
Great Western Railway Com
Greco, Simon
Green, Howard W.
Green, Mildred C.
Green, W.H.
Green, Walter O.
Greens, Inc.
Gregoire Mariette
Greyhound Corp.
Greyhound Corporation
Greyhound Lines
Greyhound Management Comp
Gribbroek, Robert
Grigson, Geoffrey
Grimm, Berne C.
Grinter, John H.
Grinter, Sallie C.
Griswold Press
Gropper, William
Grosvenor, Gilbert
Grosvenor, Gilbert Hovey
Groth, John
Grout, Gayle
Guenther, Lambert
Gueudeville, Nicolas
Gugler Lithographic Co .
Gugler Lithographic Co.
Gunther Brewing Co.
Guozi Shudian
Gus Schneider
H. Iriarte y Ca.
H. J. "Heinie"Lawrence
H. Patsis
H. Phelps
H. Richardson
H. Wellge
H.J. Heinz
H.K. McCann Company Limi
H.M. Gousha Co.
H.M. Gousha Company
H.M. Gousha Company.
H.M. Gousha' Co.
H.M. Stationery Office
H.S. Crocker Co.
H.S. Crocker Co., Inc.
H.S. Crocker Company
H.S. Crocker Company, Inc
Haase, F.
Hader, Berta Hoerner (18
Hader, Elmer Stanley (18
Hadol, Paul, 1835-1875
Hafen, LeRoy R.
Hagg, Harold
Hagstrom Co.
Hagstrom Co. Inc.
Hagstrom Company
Hagstrom Company Incorpor
Hagstrom Company, Inc.
Haislip, Martha
Hales, J. Rulon
Haley, John W.
Hall, James
Hallwyler Printing Co.
Hamilton Sales Corp.
Hamilton, Harold Webb
Hamlin, P.
Hammack, E.S.
Hammer, Carrie McCanless
Hammon, A.C.
Handy, R.D.
Hanna, Phil Townsend, 189
Hans Luzius Balzer
Hans Rohrer
Hansell, Nils (1909-1989)
Harbin : Northern Trading
Harbold, Darby
Hardie, Martin
Hargreaves, M. Henry
Harold Club
Harolds Club
Harper & Bros.
Harper & Brothers Publis
Harper, E. L.
Harper, E.L.
Harris Offset Press
Harris, G.J.
Harris-Intertype Corporat
Harris-Seybold Co.
Harris-Seybold Company
Harrison & Sons Ltd.
Harrison & Sons, Ltd.
Harrison Godwin
Harrison, Godwin
Harrison, Lucas
Harrison, Richard Edes
Harrison, Tom
Hart, J.R.
Harumoto, Ogawa
Harvey, William (pseudon
Harveycar Motor Cruises
Harwich Chamber of Commer
Hass, Derrick
Hastings, Robert
Hathaway House
Haverford College
Haverty, Helen
Hawaii Tourist Bureau
Hawaiian Airlines
Hawaiian Pineapple Co., L
Hawaiian Service
Hawthorne, Lawrence
Hayden Map Co.
Hayes, H.
Hayes, H.J.
Haykakan Sovetakan Hanrag
Haywood, Leslie S.
Headquarters 6th Air Forc
Healy, Lauren H.
Hearst, William Randolph
Hebard, Grace Raymond
Helck, Clarence Peter , 1
Held Jr., John
Held Jr., John 1888-1931
Held Jr., John 1889-1958
Held, John
Held, John, Jr., 1889-195
Held, Jr., John
Helen F. McMillin
Helena Chamber of Commerc
Helguera, L.
Heller & Treitel
Helstrom, Cliff
Hendrik Willem Van Loom
Henricks, Mrs. Walter
Henrion, Frederic Henri K
Henry A. Rowland
Henry B. Christian
Henry Ford Museum and Gre
Henry M. Snyder
Henry, Edward Everett
Henry, Everett
Herald Square Hotel
Herault, Pierre
Herbert L. Cornish Co.
Herman, John F.
Hermann's Erben
Herrmann, Carlos
Hesemeyer, Oto
Hesemeyer, Otto
Hesketh, R.
Hess, Jaro
Hessische Druck-und Verla
Hester & Smith
Hetherington, H.W.
Hetreau, Remy
Hetreau, Remy, 1913-2001
Higginson, Clark
Hilda E. Rees
Hill, Joseph J.
Hillam, Corbin
Hilton, Fritz
Hinton, Henry
Historic and Prophetic Pu
Historic Society of South
Historical Map Bureau
Historical Map Society
Historical Society of Mic
Hitchcock Publishing Comp
Hix, John
Hoburg, Maryanne Regal
Hodder and Stoughton
Hoerning, J.
Hoffman, Malvina
Hoffman, Spencer G.
Hogate, Don.
Hogner, Nils (1893-1969)
Holdstock, A. E.
Holliday, C.W.
Holling Press Inc.
Holling, H.C.
Hollywood Canteen
Holm, Geoffrey
Holmes, Nigel
Holzel , Fritz
Holzhauser & Mulhause
Hombrados Onativia, Grego
Home Arts Needlecraft Mag
Home Arts Needlecraft Mag
Home Federal
Home Federal Savings and
Home Needlecraft Creation
Honolulu Star Bulletin
Honolulu Star Bullletin
Honolulu Star-Bulletin,
Horace King
Horine, John S,
Horsey, David
Hoskyn, E.L.
Hoss, Della Taylor
Hotel Del Monte (Monterey
Hotel Taft New York
Hotz, Mary B.
Hough, Edith A.
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Houghton Mifflin Company
Houghton Mifflin Compay
Houghton, Mifflin Co.
House & Garden
Howard Johnson's Company
Howell, Edwin N.
Hoxie, Jerome S.
Hoxie, s. Jerome
Hubbard Advertising Agenc
Hubert Baille
Hudson River Historical M
Hudson's Bay Co.
Hugh Robertson
Hughes, Harry
Hukkala, G.
Humbead Enterprises
Humble Oil & Refining Com
Hutter, Harvey
Huze, Guy
I.L. Maduro Jr.,
I.S. Seidman
Ibidean Company
Ichisaburo Sawai
Ilium Octopus Inc.
Illinois State
Imhof, Eduard
Imp. Reunies
Imperial Airways Ltd,
Imperial Airways Ltd.
Imperial Airways, Ltd.
Imperial County Board of
Impink, Keith
Imprenta de Jose Mariano
Indiana Department of Con
Information Architects
Information Architects Ja
Information Architects, i
Infosystems Magazine
Inn, A.
Institute of Ethnic Affai
Instituto Geografico Mili
Insurance Company of Nort
International Business Ma
International Circulation
International Circulation
International Data Corpor
International News Photos
International News Pictur
International Railway Com
International Tea Market
Intourist, Inc.
Irish Tourist Board
Irwin-Hodson Company
Isaac Eddy
Ishida Eisuke
Ishihara, Tadashi
Isles of Shoals Summer Me
ITALGEO., Soc. Cartografi
Ivanov, IU. M.
Ivar Haeggstroms boktryck
Izdatelstvo "Moskovskii r
Izdatelstvo Moskovskii ra
J. Bartholomew & Son
J. Burchard. D. Mitchell
J. C. Eno, Ltd.
J. H. Bufford
J. Howitt & Son Ltd
J. Howitt & Son Ltd.
J. Riegel, Jr.
J.. Augustin
J.A. Luii & Co.
J.B. Nolin
J.C. Hall Company
J.C. Mueller A.G.
J.C. Nichols Companies
J.H. Colton
J.H. Waser
J.J. Augustin
J.J. Augustin, Inc.
J.L. Smith
J.L. Smith Co.
J.L. Smith Company
J.R. Silva
J.W. Wilkinson & Co.
Jack Pearl
Jackson, Howard W.
Jackson, William Henry
Jacobson, Egbert, G.
Jacqueline, Hudson
Jacques Callot
Jaeger, Ralph
Jak Smyrl
James Haworth & Brothers
James Jones & Company
James Ladd Delkin
James Reynolds
James River Bridge Corpor
James Wilson Bradford
Jannot, J.B.
Janny, Hans
Japan Travel Bureau
Japan Travel Bureau, Hiro
Jas. Wyld
Jean, Sally
Jean-Louis Rheault; Paul
Jefferson, Louise E.
Jefferson, Louise E. (193
Jennings, Rix
Jenny, Hans
Jer. Andre Martigonoi
Jerrine Wells Kinton
Jessie Horton Koessler
Jo Mora
Jo Mora Publications
Jo Mora Trust
Jo Mora, Jr.
Joe Godfrey, Jr.
Johannesburg Publicity As
John Bartholomew & Son Li
John Bartholomew & Son L
John Bartholomew and Son
John Bartholomew and Son
John Day Company
John E. Buck
John Gilbert Craig, Inc.
John Groth
John Hancock Mutual Life
John Held, Jr.
John L Farrell
John McKenzie
John Power Studios
John Randolph
John Tallis & Co.
John Waddington
John Waddington Limited
John Waddington Ltd.
Johns, Ethel L.
Johnson Printing Inc.
Johnson Riddle & Co. Ltd.
Johnson Riddle & Company
Johnson, Riddle & Co. Lt
Johnstone, E. McD.
Johst, Paul Spener
Jones, Amy
Jones, Denis M.
Jones, Lowell E.
Jones, Mary Sherwood Wrig
Jones, Richard M.
Jones, Rupert Frank
Jones, Willis E.
Jordison & Co. Ltd.
Jorleif Uthaug
Jos. Smith
Judd & Detweiler Inc.
Judy Publishing Company (
K.C. Bartholomew & D.G. S
K.G. Lohse
Kahn, Fritz
Kaiser, August
Kaj Klitgaard
Kalantaryan, A.
Kalihan, Steve
Kalimedia (Firm)
Kalmbach Publishing Co.
Kansas Coronado Cuarto Ce
Karasz, Ilonka
Karl Smith
Karl smith
Karl Smith Cartographer
Karl Wenchow G.M.B.H.
Karl Wenschow
Karl-Otto Gassdorf
Kates, Herbert
Kates, Jerome
Kaufman Fabry Co.
Kearfott, Clarence Baker
Keely, Patrick Cokayne
Keep Oregon Green Associa
Keith Impink
Kellogg & Bulkeley Co.
Kellogg Company
Ken Chaya and Edward S. B
Ken Magazine
Kentucky Lith. & Printing
Kentucky. Progress Commis
Kerr, Charles Peck
Kester, Frank
Kilbourne, Elizabeth Alwa
Kilham Stationary & Print
Kilham Stationary and Pri
Kilham Stationery and Pri
Kilman Stationary & Print
King, Horace
King, Samuel A.
Kinran Sha
Kinton, Jerrine Wells
Kirkpatrick, D.M.
Klein, Rudolf
Klemm, Josef
Kleng Rude Studio
Kleng Rude Studios
Klep, Rolf
Kliks, R.
Klitgaard, Kaj (1883-1953
KLM (Airline)
KLZ Broadcasting Station
Knapp, Walter
Knight, Leonard & Co.
Knight, Mrs. Grant C.
Knigoizdatelstvo "Utro"
Koehn & Zoon
Koen Book Distributors In
Koessler, Jessie Horton
Kokusai Jouhou Sha
Koller, L.
Konecky Associates
Kponton, Hubert
Kremers, Laura
Kristen, Helene
Krohn, Elmer
Kroll Map Company, Inc.
Krushevsky, F.A.
Kuehn & Zoon
Kuon en Zoon
Kurth, O.
Kustannusosakeyhtio Kivi
Kynoch Press
Kyoya Co.
L'Agence de la France D'O
L'Honore & Chatelai
L'Honore & Chatelain
L'Illustration. Journal U
L. Bamberger & Co.
L. I. P. & B. A. Union la
L. S. Phillips
L.& W. Land Company
L.C.B. Co.
La Croix-Rouge
La Maison Descartes
La Vie Parisienne
Laba, Maurice
Laban, Maurice
Laboulais, Frans (1903 -
Lacey, H.
Lachman, S.
Ladislas Segoe and Associ
Lake Tahoe Sierra Associa
Lake Vermilion Resort Ass
Lakeland Color Press
Lakeside Map Committee
Lakeside Press
Lamb Studio
Lamm, Waren
Lamm, Warren
Lancaster (Tennant), Lil
Lancaster, E.
Lancster, E.
Landelle, W.
Landes verkehrsverband Rh
Landesverkehrsamt fuer Ti
Lane, John J.
Lane, John, J.
Langer, Howard J.
Langworthy, Garfield
Lanterman, Ray
Las Vegas, Nev. Chamber o
Lathrop Taylor
Lau Fallaust
Lauk and Company
Laurelius, O.
Laurence, Dorthea Dix (18
Lauritzen, Dillon
Lawrence, H. J. "Heinie"
Le Baron Bonney Co.
Le Baron-Bonney Company
League of Women Voters (M
League of Women Voters (T
Leblanc, J.
Lecomte, Georges (1867-19
Ledger Press
Lee Printing Co.
Lee, Kerry
Lee, Kerry (1903-1988)
Legrand, Edy, 1892-1970
Leland Stanford Junior Un
Leon Beyaert-Sioen
Leonard, Melanie Elisabet
Leong, Ting
Lepisto, G.
Lepper, Ruth Rhoads
Leuschner, K.M.
Levy, Gus
Lewis, Susan
Lichtdruck A.G.
Lievin Danel
Light, Mary
Light, Richard U.
Lillian McKinstry Fitch
Lindbergh, Charles A.
Lindgren - Turner Co.
Lindgren Brothers
Lindgren, Jolly
Lindgren, Jolly (1895-195
Lindgren-Turner Co.
Lindren Brothers
Lindsay, Charlie
Linea Aerea Nacional Chil
Lintner Maps Inc
Lintner Maps Inc.
Lintner, Henrietta
Linweave Paper Company
Lion the printer
Liozu, Jacque
Liozu, Jacques
Lites, Arthur
Litho Craft
Litho. Lismo s.a.
Lithogr. C.A. Contogoni
Lithographic Arts, Inc.
Litografia Grenada
Little, Brown & Co.
Little, Brown, and Comp
Little, David
Lloyd C. Chapman
Locator Publishing Co.
Lockheed Corporation
Lockwood, Ward
Logan, Herschel C., 1901-
Loge, Lucien
Lomax, E.L.
London Electric Railway
London Geographical Insti
London Geographical Inst
London Transport
London Underground Limite
London Underground Railwa
London United Tramways Co
Long Beach Engravers, Ltd
Long Beach Printery
Long, E.B.
Longview Chamber of Comme
Longview Company
Longview Daily News
Lord Baltimore Press
Los Angeles Evening Heral
Los Angeles Examiner
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles times
Louis Scheiner
Love, Charles W.
Love, Waldo
Lowell E. Jones
Lowenstein, I.
Lowery, Jo.
Lowman & Hanford Co.
Lowry, Timothy L.
Lubin, Eilhard (1565-162
Lucas, E.V.
Lucas, Harrrison
Lucile Gillican
Lucille Gillican
Ludkins, Fred
Lufkin, Raymond
Lufkin, Richard
Lundy, Fred
Lutcke, Willy
Lutz & Sheinkman
L’Association Nationale d
M'Farlane & Erskine
M. Dechaux
M. E. B.
M. Henry Hargreaves
MacDonald Gill
Mack, Greg
Mackinzie Air Service Ltd
Maclean's Magazine
Maclean, Fitzroy
Maclean-Hunter Publishing
Maclean-Hunter Publishing
Macleod, A.S (1888-1956)
MacMillan, Henry J.
MacPhee, A.
MacPherson, Byron
Maduro Jr., I.L.
Magill-Weinsheimer Co.
Mais, S.P.B.
Mais, Stuart Petre Brodie
Manhattan Map Company
Manila Hotel
Manning, F.E.
Manning, Reginald W. (190
Manshūkoku Kokumuin Koku
Map Makers
Mapformation. Paul Carter
Mardon, Son & Hall Ltd.
Marietta Chamber of Comme
Mariette, Gregoire, 1646-
Marion County Board of Co
Martens, Earl
Martignoni, Jerome Andre
Martin, George W.
Martinez, Gregorio Cayuel
Martinez, Judith
Maslakov, O.I.
Master, Oliver
Mathis, George
Mathis, George (1909-1977
Matson Line
Matthey Erben, Ernest
Maurus, Edmond
Maw, Samuel Herbert
Maw, Samuel Herbert (1881
May B. y Ca.
May, Elizabeth Paige
Mazuyer, Gabriel
McAllister, Parker
Mcardle-Nakoma, Michael
McAvoy, Everard A.
McBean, K.
McCall Co.
McCall, Robert
McCandlish, Edward
McComb, John
McCormick & Co
McCormick & Co.
McCormick & Co., Inc.
McCormick & Company, Inc.
McCormick-Armstrong Co.
McCorquodale & Co. Ld.
McCorquodale & Co. Ltd.
McCorquodale & co. ltd.
McCorquodale & Co., Ltd.
McCullough, Donald
McGill-Warner Co.
McGuire, H.E.
McIlwraith, W.F.
McIlwraith, William Forsy
McKee, John Dukes
McKenzie, John
McKim, Sam
McLain,Raymond S.
McMahan, Chas. H.
McMechen, Edgar C.
McMillin, Helen F.
McNicoll, L.
McNicoll, L..
Means, Elliott Anderson
Meaulle, Fortune Louis (1
Medina, Miguel Gomez
Mei Kuang Art Company
Melanie Elisabeth Leonard
Melara, Oscar
Mem-o-Map Co.
Mem-O-Map Co.
Mentholatum Co.
Mentholatum Company
Merida, Carlos
Merrill Lynch
Merrymount Press
Metroguide Publications
Metropolitan Surveys
Mexican Light & Power Co.
Mexico Tramways Company
Meyer, Cecil
Meynell, Gerard (1877-194
Mezoly, Tomas
Miahle, Pierre Toussaint
Miami Beach Chamber of Co
Miami Herald
Michael Mcardle-Nakoma
Michaelson, G.
Michigan Lithographing
Mid. Continent Engraving
Middlebury College
Mikkelsen and Associates
Millard, C.E.
Miller Printing Company
Miller, Paul Eduard
Miller, R.G
Millroy & Hayes
Millsap, Darrel
Milton Bradley Company
Milverne Publishers
Milwaukee Journal Tour Cl
Ministere de la France d'
Ministere de la France d'
Ministre de la France Out
Ministry of Public Works
Mink, David
Minneapolis Branch of the
Minneapolis Morning Tribu
Minnesota Historical Soci
Minnesota Historical Soci
Minnesota Long Pine Playg
Mirabeau, vicomte de
Mississippi Shipping Comp
Mitchell, Alva Scott
Mitchell, D.
Mitchell, H.R.
Mobil Oil Company of Vene
Mobile Gas Company
Mobile Oil Co.
Mobile Oil Company
Modern Educational Aids
Moffett, Jack H.
Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo
Mohr, Charles E.
Monin, C.V.
Montana State Highway Dep
Montenegro, Roberto
Montenegro, Roberto (1885
Monterey Museum of Art
Monterey Peninsula Countr
Montgomery Ward Co., Inc.
Moore, Anne Carroll, 1910
Moore, Thurston
Moore-McCormack Cruise Li
Mora, Jo (1876-1947)
Morale Services Division
Moritz Schauenburg
Morning Oregonian
Morrell, G. F.
Mortimer, Carina Eaglesfi
Mosgorgeotrest (R.S.F.S.R
Moss, Ira
Mother Lode Enterprise
Moulder, Bruce
Mount Hope Bridge Corpora
Mountain Media
Mountcastle Map Company
Mrs. Walter A Henricks
Mt. McKinley Tourist & Tr
Mt. Tamalpais Ridgecrest
Muehlebach-Papier AG
Mueller, Harold M.
Muhlmeister & Johler
Mulford, John C.
Mulholland Dry goods Co.
Mulholland Dry goods Comp
Muller, Otto M.
Mullin, Millard
Municipality of Metropoli
Municipality of Metropoli
Munozguren, J. M.
Murphy, Phil H.
Musical America
Musée Air France
N. Lloyd & Co.
N.P. Bank Note Co.
N.P.: Gilmore Oil Company
Nadine Evers
Nagel, Fishbourne & Kuche
Nahl Studios
Nash, Chalres Edgar
Nathaniel Cortlandt Curti
National Aeronautical and
National Brewing Co.
National Child Welfare As
National City Bank of New
National Geographic Soci
National Geographic Socie
National Geographic Socie
National Geographical Soc
National Highways Associa
National Park Service
National Savings Committe
National Survey
National Survey Center
National Survey Co.
National Trailways Bus Sy
National Wholesale Druggi
Navajo Tribal Council
Navy Educational Services
Nebraska Advertising Comm
Neira, J.
Nelson, Bruce N.
Nerety, R.
Neumaus, Eugene
Neumont, Maurice
Nevada. Department of Hig
New City Laundry and Dry
New Directions Publishing
New Directions Publishing
New England Street Railwa
New England Telephone and
New Goldfields of Venezue
New Grand Hotel
New Hampshire Aerial Tram
New Hampshire State Plann
New Jersey Bell Telephone
New Mexico State Tourist
New Mexico State Tourist
New Mexico State Tourist
New Mexico. State Tourist
New Wilson European Hotel
New Wilson European Hotel
New York City Transit Aut
New York Historical Socie
New York State Department
New York State Hotel Asso
New York State Hotel Asso
New York World
New York: G.P. Putnam Son
New Yorker Magazine
New Yorker magazine, Inc.
New Zealand Government To
New Zealand Government To
Newbro, William H.
Newcomb, Edwin
Newman, Ralph G.
Newman, William
Newport Harbor Chamber of
News Chronicle
News Map of the Week, In
Niagara Gorge Railroad Co
Nicholls, Denys
Nichols, Bobbie
Nicouline, Vsevolod Petr
Nielsen, E.O.
Nieo & Sabel
Nihon Kotsu Kosha
Nikolais, Alwin T.
Niller, Jr., Harry
Nils Hansell
Nina Zanzi
Nirenstein's National Rea
Nirenstein, Nathan
Nitsche, Erik, 1908-1998
No Published
No Publisher
No publisher
No Publisher.
No. Publisher
Nolin, Jean-Baptiste,1657
Nordd. Lloyd
Norddeutscher Lloyd Breme
Noriai Jidosha Co., Ltd.
Norman Cole
North American Reinsuranc
North American Rockwell C
North, Kennedy, 1887-1942
Northeastern Iowa Press A
Northern Pacific Railway
Northern Trust Co.
Northern Trust Company
Northland Press
Northwest Airlines, Inc.
Northwest Orient Airlines
Northwest Territory Celeb
Nostrand, George J.
Np Publisher
O'Keefe, Mary A.
O.E. Stelzer
O.J. Dale
Oakland, Calif.
Oauss, Edward
Obert, Don D.
Ode Paris
Office Marocain Du Touris
Oglebay, Norton & Co.
Ohio Commission to A Cent
Ohio Department of Highwa
Oicus, G.P.
Okanagan Map Guides
Okanogan Cariboo Trail As
Oklahoma Department of Hi
Old Fort Niagara Associat
Oliver K. Whiting
Oliver, Frank
Ollie Hammond's Steak Hou
Olmsted, David
Olsen, Edwin
Oregon Council
Oregon Historical Society
Oregon Journal
Oregon Railroad & Navigat
Oregon Railway and Naviga
Oregon Recreational Servi
Oriole Cafeterias, Inc.
Osaka Mainichi Pub. Co.
Osaka Mainichi Shinbunsha
Oshkosh Museum Auxiliary
Outdoor Advertising Assoc
Owens, Charles
Owens, Charles H.
P.C. Computing
Pace Press, Inc.
Pacific Electric Railway
Pacific Electric Railway
Pacific Gas & Electric Co
Pacific Gas and Electric
Pacific Greyhound Lines
Pacific Hotel News Co., I
Pacific House
Pacific Northwest Tourist
Pacific Stars and Stripes
Pacific Ventures
Page, Peter Hugh
Pahaska Tepee
Paige, Paul
Paine, H. Charles
Paine, Paul M.
Painter, Clara Searle
Pajaronian Press
Pan American
Pan American Airways Corp
Pan American Airways Syst
Pan American World Airwa
Pan American World Airway
Pan American World Airwa
Panair do Brasil
Panorama News
Paolo Petrini
Papesian, Yovhannes G.
Paramount Press
Pargeter, Richard A.
Parham, Sally
Parish, Marguerite Hess
Parker Brothers Inc.
Parker, Arthur Caswell
Parker, L.
Parlane, Harris
Parlane, William
Parry, George Henry
Parsch, R.
Partington & Company Ltd.
Partington Advertising Co
Patri, Angelo
Patsis, H.
Patten, Lawton M.
Patterson, Frank E. III
Patterson, Russell
Paul Bunyan Playground As
Paul L.H. Heine
Paul Paige
Paul Rhymer
Paul Sample
Pauselly, P.
PC Computing
Peacock y Calegari
Peacock, Jerry
Pearce, T.M.
Pearl, Jack (1894-1982)
Pearson, Charles
Peele, Cecily
Peiner, Werner
Peiyang Press, Ltd.
Peiying Press
Penfield, Tom
Penn Yan Print. Co.
Pennacca, J.
Pennell, Joseph
Pennsylvania Department o
Pennsylvania-Central Airl
Perceval S.A.
Perin Gift Company
Perkins, Bill
Perkins, Blll
Perman, E.G.
Perpillou, A.
Perrin, Doug
Petain, Philippe
Peter, C. Merriman
Peters, L.
Petersen, C.C.
Petersfield Bookshop
Peterson, Albert
Petit Jean
Petley Studios, Inc.
Petner, Werner
Petrini, Paolo
Petrucelli, A.
Pflum, Harry F.
Phelps, Humphrey
Phelps, N. Jane
Phi, P. Bach
Philadelphia Electric Co.
Philadelphia Electric Com
Philadelphia Sugar Co.
Philatelic Institute
Philip, George
Philip, Son & Nephew
Philips Radio
Phillips Brooks House Ass
Phillips, Joe
Phillips, Luther S.
Phoenix Chamber of Commer
Pick, Beverley
Pickwick Greyhound Lines
Pictograph Corp.
Pictograph Corporation
Pictorial Maaps Inc.
Pictorial Map Co.
Pictorial Map Ltd.
Pictorial Maps Ltd.
Pictorial Maps, Inc.
Pictorial Maps, Ltd.
Picture Map Co.
Picture Map Company
Pieper, Karl
Pierce, Don
Pinchon, J.P.
Pinchon, Joseph-Porphyre
Pirola, Gaetano
Pisani Printing Company
Pizzi & Pizio
Plaisted, Charles Maxwell
Plampin Litho Co., Inc.
Plampin Litho. Co. Inc.
Planeta, Haarlem
Platt, Joseph B.
Poisson, O.
Poivell, James D.
Poole Bros. Inc.
Poole Bros., Inc.
Pope Studio
Port of San Francisco
Portland Baby Hygiene & C
Portland Chamber of Comme
Portland Chamber of Comme
Portland Chambers of Comm
Postermap, Inc.
Pottsmith, Charles
Powel, Dorothy K.
Prairie Pub. Co.
Prairie Publishing Co.
Pran & Torgersen,
Prescott Chamber of Comme
Prescott Courier, Inc.
Press Lewis & Dryden
Primakoff, G.
Princeton University
Profili, Francesco
Progress Lithographing Co
Proprieta Artistica e Let
Prov. Tourism Catania
Provincial Tourist Bureau
Pruett, Curtis
Pryse, Spencer
PTY Ltd.
Public Service Co. of Nor
Pugh, Mabel
Pullman Company
Punch Magazine
Punnett Brothers
Purdy, Earl
Pure Oil Company
Putnam, Claude G.
Putnam, Claude George
Putnam, Clause G.
Pyle, K.
Qantas Empire Airways, lt
Quaker Oat Company
Quaker Oats Company
Quarrie Corp.
Quarrie Corporation
Quebec -Gaspe Peninsula H
Quebec-Gaspe Peninsula Ho
Quinn, N.F.
Quinn, Vernon
R. Waldmire
R.B. Davis Co.
R.C. Danon/Poster Publica
R.C. Rambeau
R.D. Handy
R.G. McLean
R.G. McLean Limited
R.R. Bowker
R.R. Bowker Co
R.R. Bowker Co.
R.R. Bowker Company
R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co.
R.R. Lepper
Rabong, Joao
Ragan, Leslie
Railway Executive
Railway Executive (Easter
Railway Executive (Wester
Railway Express Agency In
Railway Express Agency In
Raisz, Erwin
Raisz, Erwin, 1893-1968
Rambo, F. Ralph
Ramirez, Jose Fernando, 1
Ramsey, George
Ramus, M.
Rand McNally
Rand McNally & Co.
Rand McNally & Company
Rand McNally and Company
Rand McNally Company
Randall, Ida Schmid
Randall, Neil
Randolph, John
Random House
Randy Cooper
Rankin, S.
Rapkin, J.
Ray Helbig's Hawaiian Ser
Ray, Don
Raymond Lufkin
RCA Radiotron Company, In
Recreation Publishing Co.
Reese & Sis Hart
Reeves, Norman
Reginald W. Manning
Reichsbahnzentrale fuer d
Reichsbahnzentrale fur de
Reinhold Groeger
Remington Rand Inc..
Reno, Chamber of Commerce
Rentschler, F.
Reserve Lithographic Prin
Reserve Lithography
Reuben H. Donnelley Corp.
Reynold's Printing Co.
Reynold, D.W.
Reynolds, James
Rhea, J.J.
Rheault, Jean Louis
Rheault, Jean-Louis
Richard F. Guggenheim
Richard Q. Yardley
Richardson Rome
Richardson, H.
Richfield Oil Company of
Richfield Oil Corporation
Riddiford, Charles E.
Ridgway Litho. Co.
Ridgway Lithograph Co.
Riegel, J. Jr.
Riegel, Jacob
Riggs, James G.
Ritter, Theodore J.
Riverside Press
Roads To Romance Assn, In
Roads to Romance Associat
Robert MacLehose & Co. Lt
Robert MacLehose & Compan
Robertson, Hugh
Robertson, Nancy Lee
Robinson, William W.
Rochester Museum of Arts
Rocky Mountain Motor Co.
Rocky Mountain Motor Comp
Rodi, Egon Huber
Roger H. Selchow
Roger Marsens
Rogers, Mary G.
Rogers, Wm. L.
Rohde, Heinz
Rojankovsky, F.
Roland, M. Rivier
Roller, Evelyn
Rolling Stone Magazine
Romance Map of Finger Lak
Romance Map of New Jersey
Rome Creation
Rose, Carl
Rosner, Charles
Ross Anzalone
Routledge, Fred A.
Routledge, Fred A. (1873-
Routledge, Fred A., 1873
Rowland, David J.
Roxali Seabury
Royal Egyptian Embassy
Royal Mail
Royal National Life-Boat
Royal National Life-Boat
Royal National Life-Boat
Ruben, George G.
Rubincam, Barclay
Rude, Kleng
Rude, Klengston
Rudge, W.E.
Runge, G.
Runyan & Whitman
Russell Patterson
Russell, Bertrand
Russell, Stephanie
Russian War Relief
Rust Craft
Rust Craft Greeting Cards
Rutgers University
Ruth Haviland Sutton
Ruth Rhoads Lepper
Ruth, C.H.
S. Augustus Mitchell
S.H . Maw
S.L.M. t��risma noda��a
S.M. Stanley Co.
S.P. Co.
S.S.S.R. Glavnoe Kurortno
S.W. Straus & Co.
Sacramento Lithograph Co.
Sahab Geographic & Drafti
Sahab, Abbas,1921-2000
Saint Paul Association of
Saint-Ogan, Alain
Sako, Shishido (1888-1969
Salem Chamber of Commerce
Sales Management Magazine
Salloch, Henry E.
Saltzmann y Cia
Salvation Army
Sam Winkler
Sample, Paul
Sampson, Cornelius
San Antonio Conservation
San Diego Transit System
San Francisco (Calif.). B
San Francisco Bay Exposit
San Francisco Dept. of Ci
San Francisco Examiner
San Leandro Chamber of Co
San Mon Insatsu
Sandefur, John Courtney
Sanderson, Christian C.
Sanford, Warner
Santa Barbara Chamber of
Santa Fe (Railway).
Santa Fe (Railways)
Santos, George
Sarg, Anthony Frederick
Sarg, Tony (1880-1942)
Sargent, Bernard
Sather Gate Book Shop,
Sauers, Grace H.
Savings Bank of Baltimore
Savitt, Paul
Sawyer, Ken
Sayed, Moufid
Sayer, Derrick
Sayer, J.P.
Sayer, John Pearson
Scandinavian Airlines Sy
Scheiner, Louis
Schelling, Karl-Heinz
Schenkofsky, Milt
Scheuerle, Joe (1873-1948
Schick., L.E.
Schiff, Herman S.
Schiller, David
Schiwetz, E.M.
Schliller, David
Schmidt Litho. Co.
Schmidt Litho., Co.
Schmidt, Ray
Schmitt, Paul A.
Schneider, Gus
Schneidereith and Sons (B
Schools-at-War program
Schruers, Edwin Judson
Schwabacher-Frey Company
Schwadacher-Frey Co.
Schwartz, Henry
Schweizerische Bundesbahn
Scott, Foresman and Co.
Scott, Greg
Scott, M.M.
Scott, Nils
Scudder, Kirby
Sea Chest
Seabury, Roxoli
Seagram-Distillers Corpor
Seattle Post Intelligence
Seattle Post-Intelligence
Seattle Times
Secretary of State, Rhode
Seibundo Shinkosha
Selchow, Roger H.
Semans, Nadine Evers
Sequoia and Kings Nationa
Sergeeff, P.
Service Accumulateurs Ful
Service Hydrographique de
Sewah Studios
Sewall, John Kirk
Seymour, E.O.
Seymour, Ralph Fletcher
Sha Kinran
Shacklett, Juanita Purvis
Shafer, Claude (1878-1962
Shanghai People's Fine Ar
Shanly Typographers
Shannon, Betty
Shaw-Barton, Inc.
Shea, George D.
Shearman, Warren C.
Sheets, Millard
Shell Company of Australi
Shell Oil Company
Shell-Mex Ltd.
Sherburne, Beulah Locke
Sherrill Press
Shieldway Pub. Co.
Shiller, David
Shilling, Bill
Shimada, Keizo
Shope, Irvin
Shorewood Press
Shubb, Rick
Shurtleff, Elizabeth
Sidgwick & Jackson
Siege Social
Sierra Art and Engineerin
Sigla Effe
Signed but illegible.
Silicon Maps Inc. - City
Silicon Maps, Inc.
Silicon Valley, Inc.
Silva, J.R.
Simon and Schuster
Simon and Schuster, Inc.
Simpson, Fred
Simpson, Lucille
Sims, Harold H, 1912-2002
Sims, Harold H., 1912-200
Sims, Joseph P.
Sinclair Oil
Sink, John
Sir Francis Meynell
Skacel, Bill
Skarr, Sven
Skeen Chart Co. Limited
Skeen, Jacob
Skelly Oil Co.
Skelly Oil Company
Skelly Oil Company.
Skidmore College
Slaughter, Nathaniel Garn
Sleigh, Bernard
Sleigh, Bernard, 1872-195
Smiley, J. McA.
Smith News Company
Smith, Charles
Smith, Courtland
Smith, Edward R.
Smith, J.L.
Smith, Jos.
Smith, Karl
smith, Karl
Smith, M.
Smith, Michael O.
Smith, Robert E.
Smith. G.E.
Smyrl, Jak
Smyrl, Jak, 1923-2007
Snell, Jason
Snyder, Charles Fisher
Societa Anonima Editrice
Societe Parisienne d'Expa
Society of American Milit
South Africa Railways and
South African Airways
South African Railways
South African Railways an
South African Tourist Cor
Southard, Frank Randolph
Southern California Ediso
Southern California Ediso
Southern California Touri
Southern Pacific
Southern Pacific Company
Southern Pacific Company.
Southern Pacific Lines
Southern Pacific Lines.
Southern Pacific Railroad
Southern Pacific Railroad
Southern Railway
Southgate Press
Soviet Union. Glavnoe upr
Space Division, North Ame
Spalding, D.G.
Spangenberg, O.
Sparks, Jenni
Sparks, John B.
Sparta Graphics
Special Service Division
Speed, John
Spellman, Coreen Mary (19
Spilhaus, M. Whiting (Mar
Spokane, Portland and Sea
Spokane, Portland and Sea
Sprague, William B. Jr.
Stab Richter & Co.
Stab. Richter & Co.
Stacy, John
Stan Ramsey Co. Inc.
Standard Oil
Standard Oil Company
Standard Oil Company of C
Standard Oil Company of N
Standard Oil Company. Tou
Stanford University Press
Stanford University. Boar
Star Weekly
State Historical Society
State News Bureau
State of Illinois
State of Illinois, Divisi
State Planning Board
State Publishers for Fore
Stedman, Wilfred
Stedman, Wilfred (1892 –
Steinberg, Saul
Steinke, Bettina
Steirischer Gebirgsverein
Stelzer, O.E.
Stern, Friedel
Stevens, Hugo
Stichting 1940-1945
Stiles, Ezra C.
Stiles, Ezra G.
Stokes, Percy
Stone, Lawrence
Storch & Kramer
Storm, Alfrida
Storm, Mark
Strand Magazine
Strass, Friedrich
Straus Investors Magazine
Strickler, Gertrude A.
Stuart, Walter
Studio Osborne & De Karte
Sturges, Rosalind
Sturges, Rosalind Howe (1
Success Printing and Lith
Suchy, Arthur B.
Suchy, Arthur B. (1901-19
Suchy, Arthur B. (1901-19
Sullivan, Ray
Sun, Deth P.
Sunday News
Sunday News.
Sundberg, Edwin L.
Sunset Press
Suomalaisen Kirjallisuude
Supervue Map and Guide Or
Suttley & Silverlock, Lt
Sutton, Ruth Haviland (18
Swedish Institute
Swedish Tourist Traffic A
Swenningsen, Jack
Swiss Federal Railroads
Swiss National Tourist Of
Szczech, William J.
T. Eaton Co.
T.N.T. Co.
T.W.A. Inc.
Tadashi Ishihara
Tahoe Art Maps
Taiwan CPC Corporation
Tanner Motor Tours
Taos Chamber of Commerce
Task Force Times
Tatum, Guy
Taylor, A.E.
Taylor, Alfred
Taylor, Alfred E.
Taylor, Alfred E., 1925-1
Taylor, Bill
Taylor, E. G. R.
Taylor, Frank J.
Taylor, Fred
Taylor, Ruth
Taylowe Ltd.
Teddy Inc.
Teegarden, Clark
Tennessee Department of H
Territorial Centennial Co
Terry, T. Philip
Tewfic Habesch
Texaco Oil Company
Texas Historic Foundation
Texoak Flooring Company
The "Graphic"
The American Book and Pri
The Associated Press
The Automobile Club of Am
The Bank of Bermuda Limit
The Baynard Press
The Billboard Barn
The Boston Five Cents Sav
The British Travel Associ
The Chicago Association o
The Christian Science Mon
The College
The Commission
The Committee
The Council Against Intol
The Countryman Ltd.
The Crocker Company
The Curtis Publishing Co.
The Dangerfield Printing
The Department
The Dept.
The Du Bois Press
The East Village Other
The First National Bank o
The Garden Club of North
The Glason Map Co.
The Graphic
The Graphic History Assoc
The Great Atlantic and Pa
The Greater Chicago Hotel
The Greyhound Lines
The Grolier Society Limit
The Hawaiian Pineapple Co
The Historical Map Bureau
The House of Goodacre
The Huddersfield and Dis
The Illustrated London Ne
The Islander Company
The Jo Mora Maps
The Jo Mora Trust
The London Geographical I
The Malibu Rendezvous
The Marston Company
The Marston Copany
The Mentholatum Company
The Morton Arboretum
The New England Council
The New England Traveler
The New Haven Railroad
The New York Herald Tribu
The New Yorker
The Niagara Gorge Railroa
The Original Silicon Vall
The Peiyang Press, Ltd.
The Pittsburgh Press
The Print Connoisseur
The Publicity and Travel
The Railway Executive (Br
The Recorder Printing an
The Reserve Lithographic
The Reuben H. Donnelley C
The Saturday Review
The Star Magazine
The Studio
The Travel Association of
The Tudor Press
The Tudor Press, Inc.
The Union Trust Company o
The United States Printin
The Villager
The W.C. Eubank Co.
The Whitney Graham Co.
The Whitney-Graham Co., I
The Whitney-Graham Compan
The World Magazine
Theodore J. Ritter and Ro
Thiel, Richard H.
Thiriar, James
Thiriar, James (1889-1965
Thomas Bowles, John Bowle
Thomas Cook and Son
Thomas Forman and Sons Lt
Thomas Y. Crowell & Compa
Thomas, W.
Thompson, Ed.
Thompson, Kenneth W.
Thompson, Kenneth, W.
Thompson, Lorin
Thornhill, J.B.
Thos. Forman & Sons Ltd.
Thrift, Tim
Tiebout, C.
Tilghman Packing Company
Time and Tide Publishing
Time Inc.
Time, Inc.
Time-Life Books
Time-Life Books (Time Inc
Tine iNC.
Title Insurance and Trust
Title Insurance and Trust
Title Insurance and Trust
Title Insurance and Trust
Toddy, Inc.
Tolf, Albert
Tolkien, C.J.R.
Tolkien, J.R.R.
Tom Culverwell
Tom Lamb Maps
Tomlinson, John
Tomlinson, John, 1946-
Tony Graham
Tony Sarg
Tony Sarg Publications
Tony' New York Production
Tooby, Ray
Topika Business Machines
Topographical Auto Road M
Toronto Star
Torres, Teodoro
Tourist Bureau and Guide
Tourist Development Burea
Town Crier Shop
Town Development Committe
Townsend Hanna, Phil
Townsend, B.
Trailways Bus System
Training Department, U.S.
Trains Magazine
Tranchant, Maurice
Trans Australia Airlines
Trans World Airline, Inc.
Trans World Airlines
Trans World Airlines. TWA
Transcontinental Air Tran
Travel Association of Gre
Travel Association of Gre
Treasure Map
Treasure Maps Inc.
Treitel, F.T.
Trend Graphics
Trestria, Inc.
Tribune Litho.
Tribune Pub. Co.
Trip Teaser
Tripp, B. Ashburton, 188
Troedel & Cooper Pty. Ltd
True, the men's magazine
TSylov, Nikolai Ivanovich
Tucson (Ariz.). Engineeri
Tucson Chamber of Commerc
Tudor Press
Tull, Roberto
Tunis, Edwin, 1897-1973
Tunnell, Edith
Tunnelll, Edith
Turner, S.J.
Turner, Stanley
Turner, Stanley F.
Turner, Stanley Francis
Turner, Stanley, F.
Turpin, Edward A.
Turquoise Triangle Associ
Turzak, Charles
Turzak, Charles (1899-198
Tyng, Griswold
Tyng, Griswold (1883-1960
T͡Sukerman, M. P.
U.S. Army
U.S. Army 62nd Engineer T
U.S. Army Exchange Servic
U.S. Army, Engineer Repro
U.S. Bureau of Reclamatio
U.S. Forest Service
U.S. Geological Survey
U.S. Government Printing
U.S. Grant Hotel
U.S. Grant Hotel Printery
U.S. National Park Servic
U.S. Persian Gulf Command
Ullrich, Marjorie J.
Underground Electric Rail
Underground Electric Rail
Underground Railway Compa
Underground Railways
Union Geographique Europe
Union Litho.
Union Oil Company
Union Pacific R.R.
Union Pacific Railroad
Union Pacific Railroad Co
Union Pacific Railway Com
Union Pacific Railway Com
Union Pacific System
Union Trust Co.
Union Trust Company of Pi
Unique Media Inc.
United Air Lines
United Airlines
United Airlines Inc.
United Airlines, Inc.
United Daughters of the C
United Daughters of the C
United Electric Railways
United Fruit Company
United Press
United States Flower Map
United States Flower Map
United States National Ba
United States Printing &
United States. Air Force.
United States. Army, Cari
United States. Army. 62d
United States. Army. Infa
United States. Constituti
United States. Forest Ser
United States. Office of
United States. Public Wor
Universal Printing & Lith
University of Chicago Alu
University Press
Upper Peninsula Developm
USS Caloosahatchee (AO 98
Ustimenko, I. L.
Uthaug, Jorleif
Utley, Clifton
Utter Company
V Tip. Shtaba Otdelʹnogo
Vale Studios, Ltd.
Valentine & Son Ltd.
Valentine & Sons Ltd.
Valley National Bank of A
Valley Natonal Bank
Van Doren, Carl
Van Evern, Jay
Van Leer
Van Leer, Ella Wall
Van Lengerke & Antoine
Van Loon, Hendrik Willem,
Varvatis Bros.
Vassar College
Vaughn, Nina Rae
Verein Globus
Verkehrs-und Wirtschaftsa
Verkehrsverein Innsbruck-
Verlag Wolfgang Weidlich
Vernon, Leo
Vierge, Daniel
Vignelli, Massimo (1931-2
Villaveces, A.
Vimercati, Cesare
Vischer, Edward
Visitors' Map Guides Inc.
Visscher, Claes Jansz
Visscher, Claes Janszoon
Vogelear., W.E.
Vsevolod Niculin Cosmogra
VSKhV (U.S.S.R. Agricultu
W. & A.K. Johnston Ltd.
W. Griggs & Sons
W. P. Chubb & Son
W.A. Fisher Co.
W.A. Fisher Company
W.C.Eubank Co.
W.J. Goodacre
W.T. Peck & Co.
Wabash College
Wagner, Carl
Wagner, N.
Wagstaff, Hester (1892-19
Waldmire, Robert
Waldorf Astoria
Walker Lith. & Pub. Co.
Walker, A
Wallingford, Daniel
Wallingford, Daniel K.
Walner Lith. & Pub. Co.
Walt Disney Company
Walt Disney company
Walt Disney Productions
Walt Disney Productions.
Walter Conley
Walter Knapp
Walter M. Gaffney
Wander Press
Ward, R. Jr.
Wardell, Ray
Washington Cathedral
Washington Novelty Compan
Washington Sq. Book Shop
Washington Square Book Sh
Washington Square Booksho
Waterlow & Sons Limited
Waterlow & Sons Ltd.
Watrin, Benno
Watson, Carol Stuart
Watsonville Press
Watts, M.T.
Waugh, Coulton
Waugh, Coulton, 1896-1973
Wayfarer Maps
Wayne State University
Weaver Bird Studio
Webb, A.C.
Webb, Bruce
Webb, William
Webster Printing Co.
Weigel, Christoph
Weiss, Pierre
Wellesley National Bank
Wellge, Henry
Wells Fargo Bank
Wenschow, Karl
Werbeamt of the DB
West Michigan Tourist and
Westcott, Linn
Westerly Chamber of Comme
Western Air Express
Western Air Express Corpo
Western Air Lines
Western Airlines, Inc.
Western Engraving Co.
Western Litho. Co.
Western Publishing Compan
Western Publishing House
Westminster Press
Westways Magazine
Wethersfield Business Men
Wheary Trunk Company
Wheaton College
Wherry, Edgar T.
White Bear Map Co.
White, Harry D.
White, Ruth Taylor
Whitehill, Clayton
Whiting, Oliver K.
Whitney Graham Co. Inc.
Whitney Studio Club
Whitney, Marjorie
Whitney-Graham Co.
Whitney-Graham Co.,
Whitney-Graham Company, I
Wickser, Josephine W.
Wickser, Josephine Wilhel
Wide World Photos, Inc.
Wijga, Jan, 1912-1978
Willaham, Ray
Willard, Emma
Willard, Stephen H.
William & Heintz Map Corp
William Byrd Press
William C. Ewing
William Clowes & Sons, Lt
William E. Rowland
William Gropper
William Haigh
William N. Cann Inc.
William Parlane Studio
Williams College
Williams, Christopher
Williams, Robert
Williamsburg Restoration
Willis, B.
Willworth, Ken Jr.
Willy Nilly Map
Willy Nilly Map Co.
Wilson, James
Wilson, Oliver Whitwell
Wilson, Robert D.
Windham County league of
Wine Advisory Board
Winston Printing Co.
Winston Ptg. Co.
Winters, Raymond
Wintle, william
Wiseman, Alvin R., 1918-1
Witta, Jr. Fred
Wittner, Ruth
Wm. J. Giniewier
Wm. J. Szczech
Wm. L. Newman
Woman's Christian Tempera
Woman's Day Magazine
Women's City Club of Bost
Women's Land Army Benevol
Women's Land Army Benevol
Women's University Club o
Wonder Maps (Aust.).
Wood, Lee H.
Wood, Stacy H.
Woodbridge, William C.
Woodward, Arthur
Woodward, Elwin J.
Works Progress Administra
Wren, F.
Writer, Herbert
www.bookand wheel.org.
Wyawnictwo Artstyczno - G
Wyckoff, R.F.
Wyeth, Andrew
Wyeth, N.C.
Wylie, Ethel Earle
Wyoming Commerce & Indust
Wyoming Motor Court Assoc
Wyoming Motor Court Assoc
Yacht Chandlery, Brokerag
Yaggy, Levi Walter
Yale University Press
Yank Down Under
Yardley, Peggy
Yardley, Richard Q.
Yardley, Richard Quincy,
Yaron, Alexander
Yasutarou Sato
Yavapai County Board of S
Yoran & Koke
York, Alice.
Yosemite Park and Curry C
Young America
Young William Mark
Young, Arthur S.
Young, Irene H.
Young, Irene Harsha
Young, J.H.
Young, Pauline Adams
Young, William Mark
Young, Wm Mark
Zaidenberg, Arthur
Zaltsman, I.
Zanzi, Nina
Zeleznik, John
Zero Per Zero
Ziff-Davis Publishing Com
Zig-Zag, S.A.
Zimelli, Umberto
Zucoli, Leone
Zurich Tourist Office
Browse All
Pictorial map
News Map of the Week, Inc.
Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from February 27 to March 5, 1942. Relief illustrated with hachures. Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Where U. S. Destroyer was sunk by sub. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With two inset maps: Island of Java -- Twelve strategic steps in the Japanese drive. Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Pictorial map of Wyoming, showing political boundaries with bordering states. Features significant sites (Shoshone Indian Res.), as well as natural resources and manufactured items (including coal fields, sheep, wheat and lumber). Includes a compass rose and a scroll listing notable places - such as Yellowstone National Park - which are pictured in vignettes to the right of map, in order of listing. Map is 22 x 24 cm, on sheet 23 x 29 cm. Accompanied by historical text on facing page.
[Silicon Maps, Inc., Trestria, Bettius, Basil]
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Pictorial map of Utah, showing political boundaries with bordering states and major rivers. Features significant sites (Great Salt Lake), as well as natural resources and manufactured items (including precious stones, copper, strawberries and salt). Includes a compass rose and a scroll listing notable places - such as Brice Canyon - which are pictured in vignettes to the right of map, in order of listing. Map is 22 x 24 cm, on sheet 23 x 29 cm. Accompanied by historical text on facing page.
Coleccion "Billiken"
Color pictorial maps, showing railroads, rivers, lakes, cities and towns, agricultural, industrial and recreational areas. Relief shown pictorially.
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Pictorial map of Idaho, showing political boundaries with bordering states and major rivers. Features natural resources and manufactured items (including Idaho potatoes, mountain goats, forest and dam). Includes a compass rose and a scroll listing notable places - such as Shoshone Falls - which are pictured in vignettes to the right of map, in order of listing. Map is 22 x 21 cm, on sheet 23 x 29 cm. Accompanied by historical text on facing page.
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Pictorial map of South Dakota, showing political boundaries with bordering states and major rivers. Features significant sites (Badlands), as well as natural resources and manufactured items (including silver, flax, hogs and honey). Includes a compass rose and a scroll listing notable places and people - such as Pioneer Spaniards - which are pictured in vignettes below map, in order of listing. Map is 17 x 29 cm, on sheet 23 x 29 cm. Accompanied by historical text on facing page.
News Map of the Week, Inc.
Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from February 20 to 26, 1942. Relief illustrated with hachures. Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Where Truxton, Pollux crashed against coast. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With two inset maps: Oil squeeze on the Allies -- Island of Java. Also, with diagram: Oil sources in the Far East. Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Pictorial map of Montana, showing political boundaries with bordering states. Features significant sites (Rocky Mts.), as well as natural resources and manufactured items (including sapphires, sheep, timber and dude ranches). Includes a compass rose and a scroll listing notable places and events - such as Lewis and Clark Expedition - which are pictured in vignettes below map, in order of listing. Map is 17 x 29 cm, on sheet 23 x 29 cm. Accompanied by historical text on facing page.
United Electric Railways
Pocket pictorial map of Baltimore, in color. Shows street car and bus routes, as well as significant sites, throughout map and in vignettes in the margins. Includes a legend and a compass rose. With directions to sites in the vicinity but not included within area represented by map. Indexed to indicate historical sketches on verso of map. Map is 38 x 50 cm, on sheet 41 x 53 cm, folded to 21 x 9 cm.
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Pictorial map of Washington, showing political boundaries with bordering states, coastline and major rivers. Features significant sites (Mt. Rainier) as well as natural resources and manufactured items (including salmon, apples, lumber and boat building). Includes a compass rose and a scroll listing notable places - such as The Caves - which are pictured in vignettes below map, in order of listing. Map is 17 x 29 cm, on sheet 23 x 29 cm. Accompanied by historical text on facing page.
Coleccion "Billiken"
Color pictorial maps, showing railroads, rivers, lakes, cities and towns, agricultural, and industrial areas. Relief shown pictorially.
Derosiers, Dept of M.T.&G.
Pictorial map of West Point, on the Hudson River, New York, in bird's-eye view. Printed in black, on beige paper. Relief illustrated pictorially. Includes a compass rose and decorative cartouche, as well as banners throughout, locating sites. Portraits of historical figures and historical notes in the margins, e.g.: The Hudson River has been known as the - San Germano, Rio San Antonio, Noord Riviere ... Map is 33 x 29 cm, on sheet 47 x 44 cm.
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Engraved panoramic view of the city of Lovango in Congo, with ten vignettes of the people and ceremonies of the Kingdom of Congo. Includes descriptive text.
Coleccion "Billiken"
Color pictorial maps, showing railroads, rivers, lakes, cities and towns, agricultural, and industrial areas. Relief shown pictorially.
Mikkelsen and Associates
Silicon Maps Inc. - City Design
News Map of the Week, Inc.
Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from April 17 to 23, 1942. Relief illustrated with hachures. Includes a legend indicating locations of bombings, as well as American troops stationed outside the continental United States. Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Russians launch drives here. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With inset map: Stronghold of the enemy. Also, with two diagrams: Farm workers in the United States -- Airplane production in U. S. Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.
News Map of the Week, Inc.
Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from February 13 to 19, 1942. Relief illustrated with hachures. Includes legend indicating average February temperatures. Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Four Italian ships torpedoed. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With four inset maps: Thailand -- (China) -- (Texas, New Mexico and Arizona) -- Blueprint for building Army of 700,000. Also, with diagram: Construction in U. S. Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Pictorial map of Nevada, showing political boundaries with bordering states and shoreline. Features significant sites (Black Rock Desert), as well as natural resources and manufactured items (including lead, silver, quail and prospecting). Includes a compass rose and a scroll listing notable places - such as Carson City Silver Mines - which are pictured in vignettes to the right of map, in order of listing. Map is 22 x 21 cm, on sheet 23 x 29 cm. Accompanied by historical text on facing page.
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Pictorial map of Nebraska, showing political boundaries with bordering states. Features natural resources and manufactured items (including pumpkins, potash, butter and railroad). Includes a compass rose and a scroll listing notable places and people - such as Spanish explorers - which are pictured in vignettes below map, in order of listing. Map is 17 x 29 cm, on sheet 23 x 29 cm. Accompanied by historical text on facing page.
Coleccion "Billiken"
Color pictorial maps, showing railroads, rivers, lakes, cities and towns, agricultural, industrial and recreational areas. Relief shown pictorially.
United Electric Railways
Verso of pocket pictorial map of Baltimore, in color. Includes "twenty-one brief sketches suggest[ing] the wealth of Baltimore's historic interest". Sketches illustrated. Folded sections have page numbers 1-12. Map indexed to indicate the locations of these historical sites.
News Map of the Week, Inc.
Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from April 11 to 16, 1942. Relief illustrated with hachures. Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Where some United Nations' ships were sunk. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With two inset maps: (Philippines) -- Vichy and the Axis - in Africa. Also, with two diagrams: Money in circulation in the United States -- Airplane production in U. S. Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.
W.A. Fisher Company
Coleccion "Billiken"
Color pictorial maps, showing railroads, rivers, lakes, cities and towns, agricultural, and industrial areas. Relief shown pictorially.
Coleccion "Billiken"
Color pictorial maps, showing railroads, rivers, lakes, cities and towns, agricultural, industrial and recreational areas. Relief shown pictorially.
News Map of the Week, Inc.
Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from April 3 to 9, 1942. Relief illustrated with hachures. Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Where Reds claim to have slain 40,000 Nazis. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With inset map: (Bataan Peninsula). Also, with diagram: U. S. steel output. Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Pictorial map of Colorado, showing political boundaries with bordering states. Features significant sites (Rocky Mts.), as well as natural resources and manufactured items (including gold, melons, sugar beets and radium). Includes a compass rose and a scroll listing notable places and people - such as Pueblo Cliff Dwellers - which are pictured in vignettes to the right of map, in order of listing. Map is 22 x 24 cm, on sheet 23 x 29 cm. Accompanied by historical text on facing page.
[BOAC British Overseas Airways, Seymour, E.O.]
Pictorial map of the Western Hemisphere, in color. Shows air routes and features illustrations of significant sites and figures representing peoples. Includes a legend. With compass rose and attached slogan: Linking the old world and the news. 72 x 47 cm, on sheet 78 x 53 cm. Verso shows Eastern Hemisphere. For other copy in Collection, see Pub List No. 8740.000. (Date estimated.)
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Pictorial map of North Dakota, showing political boundaries with bordering states. Features significant sites (Badlands), as well as natural resources and manufactured items (including alfalfa, bees, bricks and tile). Includes a compass rose and a scroll listing notable places and people - such as Pioneer Spaniards - which are pictured in vignettes below map, in order of listing. Map is 17 x 29 cm, on sheet 23 x 29 cm. Accompanied by historical text on facing page.
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
Eight engraved views of the native plants, animals, sugar processing and the houses of the workers on the Antillean islands. Includes descriptive text.
Pictorial map of a part of the Japanese coast, showing railroads and travel sites, including temples. Features photographic vignettes of certain sites. Map 36 x 51 cm, on sheet 39 x 54 cm, folded to 19 x 10 cm. "1936" in pencil at bottom right. (Title supplied based upon imagery.)
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
6 Engraved views of St. Christopher( St. Kitts) , landscape of the province of Bemarin in the kingdom of Apalache, and native plants, animals, reptiles, fish, crustaceans and insects. Includes descriptive text.
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Pictorial map of West Virginia, showing political boundaries with bordering states. Features natural resources and manufactured items (including apples, gas, glass and golf). Includes a compass rose and a scroll listing notable places and people - such as German settlers - which are pictured in vignettes to the right of map, in order of listing. Map is 22 x 24 cm, on sheet 23 x 29 cm. Accompanied by historical text on facing page.
Coleccion "Billiken"
Color pictorial maps, showing railroads, rivers, lakes, cities and towns, agricultural, and industrial areas. Relief shown pictorially.
[Chatelain Henri, 1684-1743, Gueudeville, Nicolas]
7 engraved maps on 1 sheet, Including: Carte de la Jamaique, with inset: Partie de la Mer de Sud. Ile des Barbades. Nouvelle Angreterre et Nouvel. York. Barmudes. Nouvelle Carte de la Caroline. Nouvelle carte de la Pensylvanie. Maryland, Virginie et Nouvelle Jarsey. Partie de l'Amerique Septentrionale. Includes descriptive text. Relief shown pictorially.
Verso of map, containing text. Laid flat, verso of sheet also shows the covers, which are red and feature floral decoration and a pig.
[Bates, Ernest Sutherland, 1879-1939, Schiff, Herman S., Reeves, Norman, Smith, Robert E.]
Pictorial map of Kansas, showing political boundaries with bordering states and major rivers. Features natural resources and manufactured items (including wheat, cheese, oil and private planes). Includes a compass rose and a scroll listing notable places and events - such as Pioneer Days, Leavenworth - which are pictured in vignettes below map, in order of listing. Map is 17 x 29 cm, on sheet 23 x 29 cm. Accompanied by historical text on facing page.
Pottsmith, Charles
News Map of the Week, Inc.
Lithographed world map, in color. Shows political boundaries and military events of World War II, from March 27 to April 2, 1942. Relief illustrated with hachures. Descriptive text throughout, e.g.: Scene of Arctic Sea Battle. Map indexed according to historical notes beneath map. Features photographs, illustrations, and international time zones. With two inset maps: (North to the realm of Japan?) -- (Thailand). Also, with three diagrams: Principal regions of India (census of 1931) -- (Submarine plan) -- (Submarine sights ship). Map is 56 x 115 cm, on sheet 89 x 120 cm, folded to 31 x 23 cm.
Lockheed Corporation
Date estimated. There is another version of the map that includes the Western Hemisphere and shows routes of Qantas Airlines, with the Qantas logo.