Browse All : Railroad and Data Visualization of Europe

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Railway guide to European Galaxy
Zero Per Zero
Railway guide to Europe...
Pocket Map
Zero Per Zero
2 maps on 1 sheet 53x38, both sides folded into slip cover with slots inside for passport ticket and pass card. Including 2 inset maps: Northern Europe and European Railway System. Maps showing political boundaries, major cities, capitals, high speed, train routes, main lines, ports, night trains, public transit, waterways, major stations, airports, train stations, etc. Include legend, list of countries and notes.
European Railway System. March 2014
Zero Per Zero
European Railway System...
Pocket Map
Zero Per Zero
2 maps on 1 sheet 53x38, both sides folded into slip cover with slots inside for passport ticket and pass card. Including 2 inset maps: Northern Europe and European Railway System. Maps showing political boundaries, major cities, capitals, high speed, train routes, main lines, ports, night trains, public transit, waterways, major stations, airports, train stations, etc. Include legend, list of countries and notes.
Resultats D'Exploitation des Chemins de Fer du Monde Pendant L'Annee 1883.
Ministere des Travaux P...
Resultats D'Exploitatio...
National Atlas
[Ministere des Travaux Publics, Cheysson, Émile]
Graph type: divided concentric circle.
Mouvement Sur les Chemins de Fer du Monde Pendant L'Annee 1883.
Ministere des Travaux P...
Mouvement Sur les Chemi...
National Atlas
[Ministere des Travaux Publics, Cheysson, Émile]
Graph type: concentric circle.
Carte Figurative du Developpement des Chemins de Fer Dans les Principaux Etats de 1830 a 1878.
Ministere des Travaux P...
Carte Figurative du Dev...
National Atlas
[Ministere des Travaux Publics, Cheysson, Émile]
multi-circle, planetary design; includes Canada
Skhema zhelieznykh dorog : Evropeiskoi Rossii
Zauer, Ivan Fyodorovich
Skhema zhelieznykh doro...
Separate Map
[Zauer, Ivan Fyodorovich, Ilyin, A.]
Map of railway system of the European part of the Russian Empire on sheet 98x133.5. backed with linen, dissected into 16 sections folded to 24.5x33. the publication of I.F. Zauera. Printed in St. Petersburg, A. Ilyin cartographic institution. Showing railway tracks, roads, cities, passenger and commodity stations and lines under construction. Includes alphabetical list of railways there are more than 40 items and distances between settlements. Map includes numerous insets showing the plans of railway junctions and terminals in the cities. Ivan Fyodorovich Sauer was the compiler of various railway directories, in particular, "Compilations of freight distance distances", as well as diagrams of railways.
European railway system
Zero per Zero
European railway system
Separate Map
Zero per Zero
Updated large color circular map Europe railway network of 30 European countries, with railway system of Scandinavia. Designed in the image of the earth seen from the space by Zero per Zero. Map showing political divisions, capitals, major cities, ports, landmarks, high speed lines, main lines and other lines. Includes legend and list of European countries at the lower margin. Relief shown pictorially. For copies of this map see
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