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Text: (74) Non-ferrous metals - Western Canada.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (74) Non-ferrous ...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (74) Non-ferrous metals - Western Canada: This plate shows the non-ferrous metal mines, refineries, smelters and reduction works that were in production or coming into production in Western Canada in 1955 ...
Text: (39) Forest regions.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (39) Forest regio...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (39) Forest regions: This map shows the extent of the forest regions of Canada under natural conditions ...
Text: (59) East coast fisheries.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (59) East coast f...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (59) East coast fisheries: This plate shows the general distribution of certain species of fish and also indicates, by means of coloured dots, the areas of greatest catch and the amounts taken, based largely on statistics of landings of fish in 1952.
Text: (34) Profiles of major rivers.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (34) Profiles of ...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (34) Profiles of major rivers: This plate shows the profiles of major rivers together with the position of important cultural features connected with them (particularly those relating to hydro-electric power development) as of 1955.
Text: (93) Education.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (93) Education.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
On verso of (93) Education.
Text: (36) Soil survey maps.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (36) Soil survey ...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (36) Soil survey maps: The portions of the 4 maps appearing on this plate illustrate the kinds of soil maps that are being prepared by the Experimental Farms Service of the Federal Department of Agriculture in co-operation with the Provincial Departments of Agriculture and the Departments of Soils at Canadian universities.
Text: (47) Distribution of population, 1951.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (47) Distribution...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Verso of (47) Distribution of population, 1951.
Text: (60) West coast fisheries.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (60) West coast f...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (60) West coast fisheries: This plate shows the general distribution of certain species of fish and also indicates, by means of coloured dots, the areas of greatest catch and the amounts taken, based largely on statistics of landings of fish for the years between 1951 and 1953.
Text: (28) Snow cover.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (28) Snow cover.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (28) Snow cover: Snow cover data refer primarily to the presence and total depth of a snow cover on the surface of the earth ... Snow cover data are mainly based on the ten-year period from 1941 to 1950 inclusive.
Text: (67) Fodder crops and intensive crops.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (67) Fodder crops...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (67) Fodder crops and intensive crops: This plate illustrates the distribution of areas devoted to particular crops in 1951 ...
Text: (79) Fabricated metal industries.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (79) Fabricated m...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (79) Fabricated metal industries: This plate shows the distribution of manufacturing industries which use smelted or refined metal as their primary raw material ...
Text: (80) Textiles, clothing and rubber products.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (80) Textiles, cl...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
On verso of (80) Textiles, clothing and rubber products.
Text: (31) Typical weather situations.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (31) Typical weat...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Verso of (31) Typical weather situations.
Text: (73) Non-ferrous metals - Eastern Canada.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (73) Non-ferrous ...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (73) Non-ferrous metals - Eastern Canada: This plate shows the non-ferrous metal mines, refineries, smelters and reduction works that were in production or coming into production in Eastern Canada in 1955 ...
Text: (57) Rural population.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (57) Rural popula...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (57) Rural population: This plate illustrates the distribution of rural population according to the 1951 census of Canada ...
Text: (22) Temperature ranges.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (22) Temperature ...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (22) Temperature ranges: The mean annual maximum temperature is the mean of the highest temperature recorded each year from 1921 to 1950 inclusive ...
Text: (63) Pulp and paper mills.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (63) Pulp and pap...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (63) Pulp and paper mills: This plate shows the location of pulp mills, paper mills and pulp and paper mills and also gives an indication of their annual capacity, in 1951.
Text: (52) Aboriginal population.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (52) Aboriginal p...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (52) Aboriginal population: The main map is an attempt to depict the aboriginal ethnic and linguistic situation as it existed when the various natives were first met by Europeans. It is based on a similar one which accompanied Bulletin 65 of the National Museum of Canada - The Indians of Canada by Diamond Jenness, which was first published in 1932 and republished in 1934 and 1955.
Text: (87) Air lines.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (87) Air lines.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (87) Air lines: The data for this plate are as of December 1957 ...
Text: (90) Shipping.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (90) Shipping.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (90) Shipping: Foreign shipping includes vessels which (1) arrive from a foreign port as last port of call or depart for a foreign port as first port of call; (2) load cargo for a foreign port; (3) have other than Canadian or United Kingdom registry, even though they may have arrived at a Canadian port from another Canadian port or departed from a Canadian port for another Canadian port ...
Text: (71) Food industries.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (71) Food industr...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Verso of (71) Food industries.
Text: (92) Hospitals.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (92) Hospitals.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (92) Hospitals: This plate shows the location and capacity, in 1951, of hospitals, classified into three categories: General ... Special ... Mental ...
Text: (55) Principal religions.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (55) Principal re...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (55) Principal religions: The 1951 Census of Canada enumerated the religious denomination of which each person was either a member or to which he adhered or favoured.
Text: (35) Soil regions.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (35) Soil regions...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Verso of (35) Soil regions.
Text: (32) Weather stations and forecast regions.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (32) Weather stat...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (32) Weather stations and forecast regions: This plate shows the distribution of various types of weather reporting stations as well as the way in which Canada is divided for the purposes of issuing weather information to the public ...
Text: (46) Distribution of population, 1851-1941.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (46) Distribution...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (46) Distribution of population, 1851-1941: The maps of this plate show the distribution of population in what is now Canada for the years 1851, 1871, 1901, 1921 and 1941 ...
Text: (62) Sawmills.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (62) Sawmills.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Verso of (62) Sawmills.
Text: (27) Seasonal precipitation.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (27) Seasonal pre...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (27) Seasonal precipitation: The total precipitation for any season is the sum of the rainfall and one tenth of the snowfall for that particular three-month period. The mean seasonal precipitation is the mean of the seasonal totals during the period 1921 to 1950 inclusive.
Text: (13) Physiographic regions.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (13) Physiographi...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
On verso of (13) Physiographic regions.
Text: (25) Annual precipitation.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (25) Annual preci...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (25) Annual precipitation: The official Canadian rain gauge is a small cylinder with a cross sectional area of ten square inches, mounted with the gauge rim one foot above level ground ... The man annual total precipitation and snowfall maps are primarily based on thirty-year data during the period 1921 to 1950 inclusive.
Text: (69) Agricultural regions.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (69) Agricultural...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (69) Agricultural regions: This plate shows the division of Canada into Agriculture Regions according to the percentage of total gross farm revenue obtained from a particular source in 1951 ...
Text: (75) Industrial minerals.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (75) Industrial m...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (75) Industrial minerals: The term "Industrial Minerals" is used here to describe the wide variety of non-metallic minerals which were produced in Canada in 1955 ...
Text: (54) Other origins and citizenship.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (54) Other origin...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (54) Other origins and citizenship: After those of French and British origin, the next most numerous groups in 1951 were those of German (619,995) ...
Text: (64) Farm livestock.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (64) Farm livesto...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (64) Farm livestock: This plate illustrates the distribution of the main farm animals in 1951 ...
Text: (70) Agricultural labour force and services.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (70) Agricultural...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (70) Agricultural labour force and services: The Labour Force engaged in agriculture includes the farmers, stock-raisers, farm managers and foreman, farm labourers, the personnel of establishments primarily engaged in custom threshing, ploughing, silo filling ... 1951 ...
Text: (21) Seasonal temperatures.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (21) Seasonal tem...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (21) Seasonal temperatures: Temperatures are observed two or more times each day at most observing stations using thermometers mounted in a thermometer shelter which protects them from the weather and direction solar radiation ... This plate shows the mean daily temperatures for January, April, July and October averaged over the 30 year period from 1921 to 1950.
Text: (51) Age and sex ratios.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (51) Age and sex ...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (51) Age and sex ratios: The maps on this plate illustrate the distribution of age-group ratios and sex ratios by census divisions in 1951.
Text: (76) Mineral fuels, pipelines and refineries.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (76) Mineral fuel...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (76) Mineral fuels, pipelines and refineries: For the purposes of this plate, "Mineral Fuels" means coal, petroleum and natural gas. The coal fields shown are the major ones which were being worked in 1955 and the oil and gas fields shown were proven fields by the end of 1955. The data for refineries are also fro the end of 1955 but pipeline data are for the end of 1957.
Text: (68) Farms.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (68) Farms.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Verso of (68) Farms.
Text: (61) Forestry and woodworking.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (61) Forestry and...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (61) Forestry and woodworking: The Wood Using Industries in Canada comprise the Sash, Door and Planning Mills Industry, the Veneer and Plywood Industry, the Hardwood Flooring Industry, and the Miscellaneous Woodworking Industries ...
Text: (78) Hydro and fuel electric power - Western Canada.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (78) Hydro and fu...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (78) Hydro and fuel electric power - Western Canada: This plate shows the location of developed and undeveloped electric power plants or sites in Western Canada according to their actual or anticipated installed capacity in 1954 ...
Text: (26) Precipitation days and precipitation variability.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (26) Precipitatio...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (26) Precipitation days and precipitation variability: A "precipitation day" is considered to be a day on which the rainfall recorded amounts to one hundredth of an inch or more, or the snowfall measured is one tenth of an inch or more ...
Text: (66) Other grains and oil seeds.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (66) Other grains...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (66) Other grains and oil seeds: This plate illustrates the distribution of the areas seeded in oil seeds and grains other than wheat and barley for harvesting in 1951 ...
Text: (86) Civil airports, aerodromes and time zones.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (86) Civil airpor...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (86) Civil airports, aerodromes and time zones: This plate shows the location of Civil Airports and Aerodromes up to September 1957, together with the Time Zones into which Canada is divided ...
Text: (30) Climatic regions.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (30) Climatic reg...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (30) Climatic regions: The map on this plate shows the division of Canada into climatic regions according to the classification of climates of the world developed by W. Koppen ... For this map, the temperature and precipitation criteria established by Koppen have been applied to Canadian data for the standard thirty year period, 1921 to 1950 inclusive.
Text: (72) Primary iron and steel.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (72) Primary iron...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (72) Primary iron and steel: This plate deals with the group of mining and metallurgical industries which, in 1955, supplied basic iron and steel products for further manufacture or assembly ...
Text: (53) French and British origins.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (53) French and B...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (53) French and British origins: This plate illustrates the distribution of population of French and British origin according to the 1951 census of Canada ...
Text: (88) Air passenger traffic.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (88) Air passenge...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (88) Air passenger traffic: The flow lines on this map do not necessarily follow actual routes and should, therefore, be considered as diagrammatic only. The data used was for 1953 ...
Text: (77) Hydro and fuel electric power - Eastern Canada.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (77) Hydro and fu...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (77) Hydro and fuel electric power - Eastern Canada: This plate shows the location of developed and undeveloped electric power plants or sites in Eastern Canada according to their actual or anticipated installed capacity in 1954 ...
Text: (58) Furs, whaling and fish processing.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (58) Furs, whalin...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (58) Furs, whaling and fish processing: As trapping is carried on in nearly all parts of Canada, establishments licensed to buy furs are found throughout the country. However, only those outside the main generally settled areas have been shown individually on this map, as they correspond most closely to what are traditionally thought of as "fur trading posts" ...
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