Browse All : Thematic Atlas and National Atlas of Canada from 1957 and 1958

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Text: (12) Bathy-orography - Northern Canada.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (12) Bathy-orogra...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (12) Bathy-orography - Northern Canada: This plate shows the depths, or bathymetry, of the waters in and around Northern Canada, together with the relief or orography, of the land in this area as it is known in 1957 ...
Text: (10) Bathy-orography - Eastern Canada.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (10) Bathy-orogra...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (10) Bathy-orography - Eastern Canada: This plate shows the depths, or bathymetry, of the waters in and around Eastern Canada, together with the relief or orography, of the land in this area as it is known in 1957 ...
(87) Air lines.
Canada. Department of M...
(87) Air lines.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Map shows airlines in Canada. Includes legend. Features distance table: Scheduled air line mileage. Scale 1:10,000,000 or one inch to 157.8 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. Descriptive text on verso: The data for this plate are as of December 1957 ...
Text: (87) Air lines.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (87) Air lines.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (87) Air lines: The data for this plate are as of December 1957 ...
(83) Railways.
Canada. Department of M...
(83) Railways.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
2 maps showing railways in Canada. Each 23 x 64 cm. Includes key and legend. Features distance table: Railway mileage. With 3 insets: Railway in the Whitehorse vicinity (5 x 5 cm) -- Railway in the Churchill vicinity (7 x 5 cm) -- Railway in the Schefferville to the Sept-Iles vicinities (12 x 5 cm). Scale 1:5,000,000 or one inch to 78.91 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. Descriptive text on verso: This plate shows the location of Canadian railways as of 1957 ...
(12) Bathy-orography - Northern Canada.
Canada. Department of M...
(12) Bathy-orography - ...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Map shows depths of waters and topography in Canada. Includes a legend indicating depths and heights. Scale 1:5,000,000 or one inch to 78.91 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. Descriptive text on verso: This plate shows the depths, or bathymetry, of the waters in and around Northern Canada, together with the relief or orography, of the land in this area as it is known in 1957 ...
Text: (9) Bathy-orography - Canada.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (9) Bathy-orograp...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (9) Bathy-orography - Canada: This plate shows the depths, or bathymetry, of the waters in and around Canada, together with the relief, or orography, of the land as it is known in 1957 ...
(9) Bathy-orography - Canada.
Canada. Department of M...
(9) Bathy-orography - C...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Map shows depths of waters and topography in Canada. Includes a legend indicating depths and heights. Features a diagram: Profiles along meridians and parallels. Scale 1:10,000,000 or one inch to 157.8 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. Descriptive text on verso: This plate shows the depths, or bathymetry, of the waters in and around Canada, together with the relief, or orography, of the land as it is known in 1957 ...
(86) Civil airports, aerodromes and time zones.
Canada. Department of M...
(86) Civil airports, ae...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
2 maps showing civil airports, aerodromes and time zones in Canada. 1 map 50 x 64 cm (scale 1:10,000,000), 1 map 19 x 29 cm (1:20,000,000). Each includes a legend. Descriptive text on verso: This plate shows the location of Civil Airports and Aerodromes up to September 1957, together with the Time Zones into which Canada is divided ...
(18) Earthquakes, magnetism and tides.
Canada. Department of M...
(18) Earthquakes, magne...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
4 maps showing earthquake, magnetic and tidal data in Canada. 2 maps 27 x 32 cm, 1 map 19 x 32 cm, 1 map 27 x 17 cm. Each includes a scale statement. 2 of the maps include a legend. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. With 3 insets (each include a legend): Earthquake probability (9 x 13 cm) -- Diurnal co-tidal and co-range lines east coast (11 x 15 cm) -- Diurnal co-tidal and co-range lines west coast (8 x 15 cm). Descriptive text on verso: Since the North Magnetic Pole is in a different position from the Geographical North Pole, and since the lines of the earth's magnetic forces are deflected by various agencies, the compass needle does not point toward the Geographical North Pole in most locations. The deflection of the compass needle from True North is called magnetic variation or declination ... [Date of map inferred based upon atlas data.]
Text: (76) Mineral fuels, pipelines and refineries.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (76) Mineral fuel...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (76) Mineral fuels, pipelines and refineries: For the purposes of this plate, "Mineral Fuels" means coal, petroleum and natural gas. The coal fields shown are the major ones which were being worked in 1955 and the oil and gas fields shown were proven fields by the end of 1955. The data for refineries are also fro the end of 1955 but pipeline data are for the end of 1957.
Text: (83) Railways.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (83) Railways.
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (83) Railways: This plate shows the location of Canadian railways as of 1957 ...
Text: (86) Civil airports, aerodromes and time zones.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (86) Civil airpor...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (86) Civil airports, aerodromes and time zones: This plate shows the location of Civil Airports and Aerodromes up to September 1957, together with the Time Zones into which Canada is divided ...
(11) Bathy-orography - Western Canada.
Canada. Department of M...
(11) Bathy-orography - ...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Map shows depths of waters and topography in Canada. Includes a legend indicating depths and heights. Scale 1:5,000,000 or one inch to 78.91 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. Descriptive text on verso: This plate shows the depths, or bathymetry, of the waters in and around Western Canada, together with the relief or orography, of the land in this area as it is known in 1957 ...
Text: (18) Earthquakes, magnetism and tides.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (18) Earthquakes,...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (18) Earthquakes, magnetism and tides: Since the North Magnetic Pole is in a different position from the Geographical North Pole, and since the lines of the earth's magnetic forces are deflected by various agencies, the compass needle does not point toward the Geographical North Pole in most locations. The deflection of the compass needle from True North is called magnetic variation or declination ...
(10) Bathy-orography - Eastern Canada.
Canada. Department of M...
(10) Bathy-orography - ...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Map shows depths of waters and topography in Canada. Includes a legend indicating depths and heights. Scale 1:5,000,000 or one inch to 78.91 miles. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. Descriptive text on verso: This plate shows the depths, or bathymetry, of the waters in and around Eastern Canada, together with the relief or orography, of the land in this area as it is known in 1957 ...
(76) Mineral fuels, pipelines and refineries.
Canada. Department of M...
(76) Mineral fuels, pip...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
2 maps showing mineral fuels, pipelines and refineries. 1 map 50 x 64 cm (scale 1:10,000,000), 1 map 22 x 28 cm (1:5,000,000). Each includes a legend. Features 3 diagrams indicating percentage production of crude oil, natural gas and coal, by province, in 1955. Lambert Conformal Conic Projection Standard Parallels 49˚N and 77˚N. With 2 insets: Mineral fuels, pipelines and refineries in Great Lakes Region (6 x 9 cm, scale 1:5,000,000) -- Mineral fuels, pipelines and refineries in Prince Edward Island vicinity (6 x 11 cm, 1:5,000,000). Descriptive text on verso: For the purposes of this plate, "Mineral Fuels" means coal, petroleum and natural gas. The coal fields shown are the major ones which were being worked in 1955 and the oil and gas fields shown were proven fields by the end of 1955. The data for refineries are also fro the end of 1955 but pipeline data are for the end of 1957.
Text: (11) Bathy-orography - Western Canada.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (11) Bathy-orogra...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (11) Bathy-orography - Western Canada: This plate shows the depths, or bathymetry, of the waters in and around Western Canada, together with the relief or orography, of the land in this area as it is known in 1957 ...
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