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Text: (39) Forest regions.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (39) Forest regio...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (39) Forest regions: This map shows the extent of the forest regions of Canada under natural conditions ...
Text: (41) Ranges of principal commercial trees.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (41) Ranges of pr...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (41) Ranges of principal commercial trees: Tree species native to Canada number 171, but many of these are of little or no commercial importance and also, in many cases, have a very restricted range. This plate shows the ranges of the 35 species of economic importance ...
Text: (40) Forest inventory maps.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (40) Forest inven...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (40) Forest inventory maps: The portions of the four maps appearing on this plate illustrates the kind of forest maps that are being prepared from air photographs ...
Text: (38) Natural vegetation and flora.
Canada. Department of M...
Text: (38) Natural vege...
[National Atlas, Themat...
[Canada. Department of Mines and Technical Surveys, Nicholson, N. L. (Norman Leon), Comtois, Paul]
Descriptive text on verso of (38) Natural vegetation and flora: In addition to a general map of the natural vegetation of Canada, this plate shows 18 elementary types of plant distribution which illustrates the historical background of some of the principal groups or elements in the flora of Canada ...
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