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Title Page: Atlas universel de geographie physique, politique, ancienne & moderne.
Brue, Adrien Hubert, 17...
Title Page: Atlas unive...
World Atlas
[Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832, Picquet, C.]
Maps dated 1822-1842. Shows Texas as Republic. Shows some of the Jedediah Smith information on the N. America and Mexico maps. See Wheat 403 & 404, and 413 & 420. Wheat seems to miss the Picquet Mexico map in his discussion, although he lists it in the cartobibliography. The Mexico atlas map is dated 1840 and is a combination of the J. Arrowsmith British N. America 1837, the larger Brue 1834 Mexico map and the 1833 Brue Map of North America. Phillips shows an 1834 edition and an 1839 edition of the atlas. Both have the Mexico map dated 1825. Bancroft has a Mexico dated 1825 with Picquet's stamp dated 1835 - this map does not have the new Arrowsmith/Smith information. Thus we think this 1840 Mexico is the first to be changed since the original 1825 edition. The Brue Mexico 1834 large map, and U.S. 1836 large map with inset of Oregon both, and especially the Mexico map, have Smith information. Picquet engraved both maps; yet it took him five years or so to put the Smith information on the Mexico map in this atlas. The maps are hand painted with both outline and full color, and bound in half leather marbled paper covered boards with a green paper label printed with the title "Atlas universel de geographie ancienne et moderne ..." The leather spine is embossed with "Brue. Atlas de geographie ancienne et moderne" in gold.
Title Page: Atlas of American history on a novel plan
Holgate, Jerome B., 181...
Title Page: Atlas of Am...
Historical Atlas
Holgate, Jerome B., 1812-1893
Title Page to Holgate,s Atlas of American History.
Title Page: Petit atlas de geographie du moyen age
Michelot, Auguste Jean ...
Title Page: Petit atlas...
School Atlas
[Michelot, Auguste Jean Charles, 1792-1854, Meissas, Achille, 1799-1874]
Title Page: Geografia Statistica
Marmocchi, Francesco Co...
Title Page: Geografia S...
World Atlas
Marmocchi, Francesco Constantino, 1805-1858
Title page to the 4th. part. Statistical geography of Europe.
Title Page: Storia della geografia dai tempi biblici ed omerici
Marmocchi, Francesco Co...
Title Page: Storia dell...
World Atlas
Marmocchi, Francesco Constantino, 1805-1858
Title page to the 3rd. part. Historical geography from Biblical and Homeric times to the discovery of the New Continent.
Title Page: Geografia Fisica
Marmocchi, Francesco Co...
Title Page: Geografia F...
World Atlas
Marmocchi, Francesco Constantino, 1805-1858
Title to the 2nd part: Physical Geography
Title Page: Cosmografia
Marmocchi, Francesco Co...
Title Page: Cosmografia
World Atlas
Marmocchi, Francesco Constantino, 1805-1858
Title to the first part: Cosmografia
Title Page: Atlante di geografia universale
Marmocchi, Francesco Co...
Title Page: Atlante di ...
World Atlas
Marmocchi, Francesco Constantino, 1805-1858
Marmocchi's Atlas of universal geography in 101 pages, consists of vocabulary of the technical terms in geography, statistical geography, political and administrative divisions, Globe Political Scale and Statistical Scale, 58 plates, including maps, views, cross-sections, and diagrams. The first part, Cosmography, The second, Physical Geography, subdivided as follows: Globes mappings, in different projections, different contours of the continents and the comparative height of the mountains and the length of river currents. Rose of the Winds and geography of the burning and extinct volcanoes. Maps are mostly hand colored, some plates folded, dated 1832-1846. Engraved in copper and finished in color. Showing political and administrative divisions, cities, towns, roads, railroads, rivers and mountains. Relief shown by hachures and pictorially. Some maps include title cartouche, the national flags and coat of arms. Bound in half leather, with title "Atlante" on spine in gilt. Marmocchi was an Italian geographer, cartographer and patriot, born in Poggibonsi in 1805, died in 1858. He studied natural sciences, especially geography. In 1829 he published the first of his many works "The animal kingdom described according to the observations of the most famous naturalists". He dedicate himself to his discipline, attending the GS Vieusseux Cabinet in Florence and creating a Universal Geography Course developed in one hundred lessons, reissued several times. In 1847 he directed the weekly Florentine Sabatino and later collaborated with the Florentine newspaper L'Alba. In 1848 he became deputy in the Tuscan Parliament, and then held the office of Secretary of the Interior under Guerrazzi. He was one of the pioneers to design an interesting planisphere with fossils of vertebrates and invertebrates. His works cover all aspects of "sciences": geography, archeology, history, paleontology, economics, public and private law, commerce, finance and merchant science.
Title Page/Frontispiece: Nouvelle Geographie et statistique de la France
Henry, Jacques (1835-18...
Title Page/Frontispiece...
National Atlas
[Henry, Jacques (1835-1842), Corbin, Alexandre, Rivaux, Auguste]
4th. edition, administrative, historical and statistical atlas of France by Jacques Henry, in 2 parts each with lithographed title page, bound in half leather green paper covered boards. 1st part: The history of France: includes text, statistical tables and 72 portraits and summary of the kings of France from Pharamond (Merovingian dynasty) Louis-Philippe I (dynasty Capetienne). Second part: administrative and political divisions, includes lithographed title frontispiece decorated with map of France at the center, text, tables and 91 lithographed maps, including 86 maps of the departments, each map surrounded by ornamental cartouche containing views, representative illustration and descriptive text "Remarques & curiosites". Also includes 1 folding map of France, 2 maps of Algier and Belgium each with descriptive text, and 2 folding map of the world. Maps showing capitals, major cities, towns, rivers, mountains, products, industry with text and explanations. Maps and illustrations by A. Clement, A. Thez, V. Quentin, and A. Rivaux.
Title Page: Nouvelle Geographie et statistique de la France. Alger et la Belgique
Henry, Jacques (1835-18...
Title Page: Nouvelle Ge...
National Atlas
[Henry, Jacques (1835-1842), Corbin, Alexandre, Rivaux, Auguste]
4th. edition, administrative, historical and statistical atlas of France by Jacques Henry, in 2 parts each with lithographed title page, bound in half leather green paper covered boards. 1st part: The history of France: includes text, statistical tables and 72 portraits and summary of the kings of France from Pharamond (Merovingian dynasty) Louis-Philippe I (dynasty Capetienne). Second part: administrative and political divisions, includes lithographed title frontispiece decorated with map of France at the center, text, tables and 91 lithographed maps, including 86 maps of the departments, each map surrounded by ornamental cartouche containing views, representative illustration and descriptive text "Remarques & curiosites". Also includes 1 folding map of France, 2 maps of Algier and Belgium each with descriptive text, and 2 folding map of the world. Maps showing capitals, major cities, towns, rivers, mountains, products, industry with text and explanations. Maps and illustrations by A. Clement, A. Thez, V. Quentin, and A. Rivaux.
Title Page: Atlas de la France
Henry, Jacques (1835-18...
Title Page: Atlas de la...
National Atlas
[Henry, Jacques (1835-1842), Corbin, Alexandre, Rivaux, Auguste]
4th. edition, administrative, historical and statistical atlas of France by Jacques Henry, in 2 parts each with lithographed title page, bound in half leather green paper covered boards. 1st part: The history of France: includes text, statistical tables and 72 portraits and summary of the kings of France from Pharamond (Merovingian dynasty) Louis-Philippe I (dynasty Capetienne). Second part: administrative and political divisions, includes lithographed title frontispiece decorated with map of France at the center, text, tables and 91 lithographed maps, including 86 maps of the departments, each map surrounded by ornamental cartouche containing views, representative illustration and descriptive text "Remarques & curiosites". Also includes 1 folding map of France, 2 maps of Algiers and Belgium each with descriptive text, and 2 folding map of the world. Maps showing capitals, major cities, towns, rivers, mountains, products, industry with text and explanations. Maps and illustrations by A. Clement, A. Thez, V. Quentin, and A. Rivaux.
Title: Allgemeiner Hand Atlas der Ganzen Erde. General Hand Atlas,
Geographisches Institut...
Title: Allgemeiner Hand...
World Atlas
[Geographisches Institut (Weimar, Germany), Weiland, Carl Ferdinand, 1782 -1847]
Title: New Universal Atlas.
Tanner, Henry S.
Title: New Universal At...
World Atlas
Tanner, Henry S.
Includes vignette, "First Landing of Columbus in the New World."
Title Page: Guide Through The United States
Tanner, Henry S.
Title Page: Guide Throu...
Guide Book
Tanner, Henry S.
8th edition, published by H. Tanner Jr. in Philadelphia and T.R. Tanner in New York, both presumably H. Tanner senior's sons. The large map appears unchanged from the 1840 edition. Large outline color map bound in back entitled, "The Travellers Guide or Map of the Roads, Canals & Rail Roads of the United States, With the distances from place to place by H.S. Tanner." At bottom of map, "Entered ... 1834, by H.S. Tanner ... Pennsylvania." Book bound with linen and with title embossed on cover, "Tanner's American Traveller or Guide through the United States with Maps, Plans &c. 1842."
Title Page: New-York State Guide
Disturnell, John; Smith...
Title Page: New-York St...
Guide Book
[Disturnell, John, Smith, J. Calvin]
1st edition of guide and map. It is a beautiful map in the best Smith style, with three inset maps: New York City, the Vicinity of New York showing the line of the Croton Aqueduct, and the St. Lawrence River. With 72 page State Guide. Folded into brown leather covers 15.5x10 with "New-York State Guide" stamped in gilt; black leather spine stamped with "State Guide". Prime meridians are Greenwich and Washington D.C.
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