A' spese dell'autore
A. & S. Arrowsmith
A. Brue
A. Constable & Co.
A. Fullarton
A. Fullarton & Co.
A. Kuehn
A. Reichenbecher
A.J. Johnson
A.J. Johnson & Son.
A.J. Johnson.
Academie Royale des Scien
Accademia cosmografica de
Adam & Charles Black
Adam et Giraldon
Aime Andre.
Aitoff, D.
Akisato, Yamane
Ales, engraver
Allardt, Hugo, -1691
Allen, J.B.
Alt, H.
Ambrosius, E.
American Stationer's Co.
Andree, Richard
Andrews, J.
Andriveau-Goujon, E.
Andriveau-Goujon, J.
Antoine, Louis
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bo
Appleton, D. & Co.
Arbuckle Bros.
Armand Aubree.
Armand Le Chevalier
Arrowsmith, Aaron
Arrowsmith, Aaron Jr.
Arrowsmith, John
Aspin, Jehoshaphat, 18th/
Ausfeld, Johann Carl
B. Dondorf
B. Marzolla
Bagge, G.
Bakgof, Eduard Gustavovic
Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy
Bar, I.C.
Bar, J.C.
Bar, Johann Christoph
Bartholomew, J.
Bartholomew, J. G. (John
Bartholomew, John
Bartholomew, John, 1831-1
Bauerkeller, Georg Leonha
Bayer, Herbert
Behrens, W.
Bembe, W.
Berghaus, H.
Berghaus, Heinrich
Berghaus, Heinrich, 1797
Berthelemier, Jules
Bertuch, Justin
Bevan, G.P.
Bezzera, Paolo
Bibliographischen Institu
Bizet, A.
Black, Adam
Black, Adam & Charles
Black, Charles
Blackie & Son
Blackie, W.G.
Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673
Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1
Bludau, A.
Boreux, J.
Boynton, G.W. & Co.
Bradbury & Evans
Bradford, Thomas G.
Brain, E.
Brockhaus, F.A.
Bröuckner, Isaak, 1686-1
Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786
Burr, David H., 1803-1875
Burroughs, H.N.
C. Barich
C. Flemming
C. Magrini
C. Picquet
C. Poppey jun.
C. Schmidt
C.G. Luderitz
C.S. Hammond & Co.
C.S. Hammond & Company. L
Cadell and Davies
Calcogr. Camerale
Carey and Hart
Carey, Mathew
Carl Flemming
Cassell & Company
Cassini, Gio. Ma. (Giovan
Chambers, W. & R.
Chapman & Hall
Chapman and Hall
Chapman, F.A.
Charles DeSilver
Chesser, Wm.
Chez J. Andriveau-Goujon
Chr. Gruenewald
Civelli, Giuseppe
Colby, Charles A.
Colton, G. Woolworth
Colton, G.W.
Colton, J.H.
Columbian World's Fair At
Container Corporation of
Corbetta, F.
Corbould, H.
Coronelli, Vincenzo (1650
Cowperthwait, Desilver &
Cram, George
Cram, George Franklin
Croome, W.
Cumming, J.
D. Appleton & Co.
D. McLellan & Bros.
D.S. Stone
Davies and Roberts
Dean, T.A.
Debes, Ernst
Debes, Ernst, 1840-1923
Delaune, E.
Desbuissons, L.E.
Dietrich Reimer
Dietrich, G.
Direction & Administratio
Djurberg, Daniel, 1744-18
Doepler, C.E.
Dondorf, B.
Dower, J.
Dower, John
Dower, John Nicaragua
Drioux, Claude-Joseph
Dufour, Auguste-Henri (17
Dufour, F.
Dumas-Vorxet, Er.
Dumas-Vorzet, Er.
Duval, P.S.
Duval, P.S., & Co.
Dyonnet, Charles
E.H. Butler.
Eberhardt, H.
Edler, E.
Edler, E.G.
Edward Stanford
Edward Stanford Ltd.
Endlich, M.
Engelmann & Compagnie, S.
Eugene Belin
Ewald, Ludwig 1813-1881
F. Corbetta
F. Heim
F.A. Brockhaus
F.A. Chapman
Faden, William, 1749-1836
Fenner, Rest.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-172
Finniss, B.T. Esqr.
Fischer, hans
Fisher, Richard Swainson
Flemming, C.
Flemming, Carl
Francois Buisson
Francois Delarue, Bulla F
Francois Fabri
Fremin, A.R.
Fullarton, A. & Co.
G. Schmidt
G. W & C. B. Colton & Co.
G.F. Cram
G.F. Cruchley
G.R. French
G.W. & C.B. Colton
Garden City Publishing Co
Garnier, F. A., 1803-1863
Gaspari, Adam Christian (
General Drafting Co., Inc
Geographia Map Co.
Geographia Map Company
Geographisches Institut
Georg Joachim Goeschen
George F. Cram
George F. Cram & Co.
George Philip & Son
George Philip & Son, Ltd.
George Russell & Co.
Global Press Corp.
Gordon, T.
Graef, C.
Graf, Carl
Gray, Ormando Willis
Greenleaf, Jeremiah
Gridley, Enoch G.
Gross, Alexander
Guyot, A.
H. Wagner & E. Debes
H.S. Tanner
Haack, H.
Haase, F.
Hall, S.
Hall, S. (Sidney)
Hall, Sidney
Hall, Sydney
Hamilton, John
Hamilton, T.H.
Hammond, C.S.
Handtke, F.
Handtke, Friedrich, 1815
Hart & Mapother.
Hassel, S. G. H., 1779-1
Hassenstein, B.
Hazzard, J.L.
Heath, Chas.
Hebert, L.
Heck, Johann Georg, -1857
Heck, Johann Georg, 1795
Henry Teesdale & Co.
Herzberg, H.
Hewitt, N. R.
Hewitt, N.R.
Heywood, A.
Higgins, W.M.
Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-16
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Hubbe, H.
Hubbe, Heinrich
Hubner, F.
Hughes, William
Humphreys, F.
Humphrys, F.
Huych Allardt
Illman & Pilbrow
Institut Geographique de
Institute of Social and R
Instituto Geografico di A
Instituto Geographico di
Irmgedruth & Riege
Izd. A.F. Marksa
J. & C. Walker
J. & F. Tallis
J. Andriveau-Goujon
J. Claye
J. Conrad
J. David Williams
J. De Cordova
J. Greenleaf.
J. H. Colton.
J.C. Hinrichs
J.C. Hinrichs'sche Buch-
J.H. Colton
J.W. Clement Co.
James MacLeod and Francis
James Wyld
Jattnig, Carl
John Arrowsmith
John Bartholomew & Co.
John Bartholomew & Son LT
John Cumming
John Hamilton
John Smith & Son
John Thomson
Johnson & Browning
Johnson and Browning
Johnson and Ward
Johnson, A.J.
Johnson, Alvin Jewett, 18
Johnston, A. Keith
Johnston, Alexander Keith
Johnston, Alexander Keith
Johnston, W. & A.K.
Jones, C.H.
Jonghaus & Venator's Kart
Joseph Thomas
Jungk, G.
Jungmann, C.
Justus Perthes
Justus Perthus
Keen & Lee
Keen & Lee.
Kehr, O.
Ketterer, W.
Key, T. Hewett
Kiepert, H.
Kiepert, Heinrich, 1818-1
Kininger, Vinzenz Georg
Kirkwood, Robert
Kitchin, Thomas
Klein, H.J.
Knight, J.
Knowles Hare, J.
Kocher, R.
Kohler, A. H.
Kohler, A.H.
Krats, R.
Kratz, C.
Kratz, W.
Kuhn, E.
L. Johnson & Co.
Lacey, W.
Landes Industrie Comptoir
Langhans, Paul
Lapie, Alexandre Emile
Lapie, M. (Pierre), 1779-
Lapie, Pierre
Lapie, Pierre, M. 1779-18
Laurie & Whittle
Leeder, Ehrenfried
Lefevre, F.
Leroy, Charles
Letts, Son & Co.
Leutemann, H.
Leutemann, Heinrich
Levasseur, E.
Lewis, Samuel
Librairie Hachette
Light, Col.
Lit. Giordana e Sabussoli
Lizars, Daniel
Lizars, W.H.
Lizars, William Home, 178
London Geographical Insti
London Geographical Insti
Longman & Compy
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orm
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brow
Lothian, John
Loven, C.E.
Lowry, J.W.
Lowry, Joseph Wilson
Lubbock, John
Lueddecke, Dr. R.
M. Carey and Son
Madel II
Magimel, Anselin, et Poch
Magini, Giovanni Antonio
Malte-Brun, Conrad, 1775-
Marchant, J.
Marks, A. F. (Firm)
Marmocchi, Francesco C.
Marmocchi, Francesco Cons
Martin, R.M.
Marzolla, Benedetto
Mathew Carey
Matthews-Northrup Co.
Matthews-Northrup Divisio
McGraw-Hill Book Company
McLellan, D. & Bros.
Mea, P.
Meyer, Herrmann Julius, 1
Meyer, Joseph, 1796-1856
Michaelis, L.
Migeon, J.
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus
Monin, C.V.
Montemont, A.
Morse, Charles W.
Muhlert, K.F.
Muller, C.
Murchison, I.
Murray-Aaron, Eugene, 185
N. De Fer
Neele, Samuel John, 1758-
Nicolai Visscher
O.W. Gray & Son
Ode, Henri
Orr & Smith
P. C. Lehuby
P. Hill
P.-A. Bourdier et Cie.
Palmer, William, 1766-180
Paolo Rivara
Pergamon Press
Perthes, J.
Peter, B.
Petermann, A.
Petermann, Augustus
Petri, Eduard Iulevic, 18
Petri, Girolamo
Ph. Vandermaelen
Philco Radio & Television
Philip, George
Philip, Son & Nephew
Philip, Son & Nephew, Ltd
Pickersgill, H.W.
Picquet, C.
Picquet, Chles.
Pinkerton, John, 1758-182
Playfair, James
Polish Army Topography Se
Ponheimer, Kilian
Poppey, C.
R. Schmidt
R. Wilkerson
Radefeld, Carl Christian
Radefeld, Carl Christian
Raisz, Erwin
Rand McNally
Rand McNally and Company
Rand, McNally & Co.
Rand, McNally & Co.'s
Rapkin, J.
Ravenstein, August
Ravenstein, Ernst Georg
Ravenstein, Ludwig
Reichard, C. G.
Reichard, C.G.
Reichard, Christian Gottl
Reilly'sches Landkarten u
Reilly, Franz Johann Jose
Reinecke, I.C.
Reyher, E.
Riedel, C.T.
Riege, F.
Robert Jennings
Robert Kirkwood
Robert Laurie & James Whi
Robert Wilkinson
Roberts, Henry Lieut.
Robt. Kirkwood
Roe, John Septimus
Rogers, H.D.
Rogers, J.
Rudolph Garrigue
Ruhle von Lilienstern, Au
Russell (Firm)
S. Highley; W. Curry, Jun
S.A. Mitchell
Sarazin (Firm)
Schlieben, Wilhelm Ernst
Schmettau, Samuel
Schonberg & Co.
Schrift , I
Schutz, Karl
Scobel, Albert
Sharpe, J.
Shokalskago,Iu. M.
Simon, O.
Simpkin, Marshall & Co.
Smith, L.
Smith, Philip
Society for the Diffusion
Sohr, Karl
Sonnenschein & Allen
Sonnenschein, W. Swan
Sonnet, L.
Soulier, E.
Stabilimento Civelli
Stanford, Edward
Stanford, Edward, 1827-19
Steffen, F.
Stein, C.G.D.
Stein, Christ. Gottfr. Da
Stichart, H.
Stieler, Adolf
Stier, C.
Stockley, S.
Streit, F.W.
Streit, Friedrich Wilhelm
Stulpnagel von, F.
Stulpnagel, F.v.
Swanston, G.H.
T. Underwood
Tait, William
Tallis, J. & F.
Tanner, H.S.
Tanner, Henry S.
Tardieu, J.B.
Tardieu, Pierre
Tassin, Christophe Nicola
Teesdale, Henry
Testard, A.
The Office of The Times
The Times
Theinert, A.
Thomas & Andrews
Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co
Thomas, Joseph, publisher
Thomson & Hall.
Thomson, John
Times (London, England)
Tipografia della Reverend
Tisdale, E.
Touring club italiano
Umbreit, E.
USSR (Union of Soviet Soc
V. Batelli e Compagni
Vandermaelen, Philippe,
Velhagen & Klasing
Vertage des Geographische
Veuve Jules Renouard, Lib
Vilpou, A.
Visscher, Claes Jansz
Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-
Vivien de St Martin, L.
Vivien St Martin, L.
Vogel, C.
Vuillemin, Alexandre
W. & A.K. Johnston
W. & A.K. Johnston Limite
W. Curry, Jun. & Co.
W. Kratz I
W.& A.K. Johnston
W.H. Lizars
W.S. Orr
Wagner, A.
Wagner, K. Th.
Wagner, Karl Theodor
Walter, T.U.
Warr, J. & W.W.
Warren, A.
Warren, H.
Weiland, C. F. (Carl Ferd
Weiland, Carl Ferdinand,
Weimar Geo Inst.
Weimar Geographisches Ins
Weller, Edward.
Weller, Edwd.
Western Publishing Compan
Whittaker, Treacher & Co.
Whittaker, Treacher, & Co
Wiley & Long
Wilkinson, Robert
William Blackwood & Sons
William Clowes & Son Ltd.
William D. Ticknor
Williams, C.S.
Williams, J.David
Wise, C.
Wissler, J.
Wm. Faden
Wojskowe Zaklady Kartogra
Wood Brothers
Woodward, S.P.
World Publishing Company
Wray, A.H.
Wyld, James, 1790-1836
Wyld, James, 1812-1887
Wytfliet, Corneille
Young, J.H.
Browse All
World Atlas of Australia
USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).
USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).
USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).
USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).
USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).
USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics).
[Gray, Ormando Willis, Colton, G. Woolworth]
Prime meridians Washington D.C. and Greenwich. Relief shown by hachures.
In outline color. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridian London.
In full color. Relief shown by hachures. Meridians Greenwich and Washington D.C.
Australia map at scale 1:15,791,000.
Set of two black and white maps titled separately. No scales.
Polish Army Topography Service
Detailed physical and political map.
Polish Army Topography Service
Two maps showing: agriculture and mineral resources, and industry and power. Three localized maps: Australia Southwest at 1:5,000,000, and vicinities of Melbourne and Sydney at 1:250,000.
Polish Army Topography Service
Detailed political and physical map.
Polish Army Topography Service
Eight maps and thirteen graphics showing agriculture, population, geology, vegetation, soils, climate, groundwater, relief types, land use, employment, electricity, coal, industry, and foreign trade.
Polish Army Topography Service
Detailed political and physical map.
[Colton, G.W., Fisher, Richard Swainson]
Two maps on one sheet. Australia and New Zealand map at scale 29,213,000. Topographic profiles included.
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus
In full color by territorial ownership.
[Andriveau-Goujon, J., Soulier, E.]
Relief shown by hachures. Paris prime meridian. Diagram of mountains across bottom of map.
Rand McNally and Company
Col. map. Relief shown by hachures. Includes 4 insets. Covers eastern half of country excluding Tasmania, plus 1 inset entitled "S.W. corner of Western Australia on same scale." Title in margin: "Australasia, Rand, McNally & Company's indexed atlas of the world."
[Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832, Levasseur, E.]
Relief shown by hachures. Railroads. Prime meridian Paris. Two scales. Possession shown for England, France, Holland, and Portugal. Electric telegraph lines shown.
In full color by states. Lists around the map name the counties within state. Discoveries of different "Lands" also given.
Berghaus, Heinrich
Full color map of Africa by ethnography. With an inset map of Australia, Polynesia, and the Pacific Islands.
Berghaus, Heinrich
Map of the Indian Ocean showing sea temperatures, trade routes, and air currents in outline color.
Berghaus, Heinrich
The Pacific Ocean shown with currents, sea temperatures, and trade routes. Observations based up the voyages from Magellan to Preuss. In outline color.