A. & C. Black
A. Fullarton & Co.
A.C. Shewey and Co.
A.J. Johnson
A.J. Johnson & Son.
A.J. Johnson.
Abbot, Henry L.
Adam & Charles Black
Aitchison, R. T.
Allen, Charles J.
Alt, H.
Ambrosius, E.
American Hotel register C
American Photo-Lithograph
American Stationer's Co.
Anderson, Allen
Anderson, Patton
Andree, Richard
Andrews, Christopher C.
Andrews, J.
Anstey, E. G.
Anthony Finley
Antonio Zatta
Appleton, D. & Co.
Arbuckle Bros.
Arrowsmith, Aaron
Asher & Adams
Asher & Adams.
Asher and Adams
Asmussen, Charles W.
B.T.Welch & Co.
Bache, A. D.
Bachmann, John
Baker, Harriet E.
Baker, Oliver Edwin
Banks, Nathaniel P.
Barker, W.
Barker, William
Bartholomew, J.
Bartholomew, John
Bates, Ernest Sutherland,
Bayer, Herbert
Belcher, Grace
Bell, L.
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas,
Bennett, Samuel A.
Berghaus, Heinrich
Berghaus, Heinrich, 1797-
Biblical Recorder Print
Bibliographischen Institu
Birney, David B.
Black, Adam
Black, Adam & Charles
Black, Charles
Blackford, B. Lewis
Blackie & Son
Blackie, W.G.
Blair, Frank P.
Blenker, Louis
Bludau, A.
Bolitho, Edwin
Bonne, R.
Bonne, Rigobert, 1727-179
Bourquin, Frederick
Bowen, Emanuel
Bower, J.
Boyd, C. H.
Boynton, G.W. & Co.
Boynton, George W.
Bradford, Thomas G.
Bradstreet Co.
Bradstreet Company
Bragg, Braxton
Branson, Farrar & Co.
Breese, S.
Breese, Samuel
Breese, Samuel, 1802-1873
Briscoe, James. C.
Brooks, A. F.
Brooks, Thomas B.
Brown, S. Howell
Browne, O. L. F.
Buache, J.N.
Buchon, J. A. C.
Bull, surgeon.
Burnham, A. H.
Burr, David H., 1803-1875
Burroughs, H.N.
Bush, H. M.
Butler, Benjamin F.
C. Flemming
C. Schmidt
C.D. Strong
C.G. Luderitz
C.P. Wayne
Calcogr. Camerale
Campbell, Albert H.
Campbell, R.A.
Carey and Hart
Carey, H. C.
Carey, Henry Charles
Carey, Mathew
Carez, J.
Carl Flemming
Carleton, James H.
Cassell & Company
Cassell, Charles E.
Cassini, Gio. Ma. (Giovan
Chalaron, J. Adolphus
Champlin, Stephen G.
Chapman and Hall
Chapman, F.A.
Chapman, R.B.
Charles DeSilver
Charles Desilver
Charles Desilver.
Chatelain Henri, 1684-174
Chez Nicolas Langlois
Chez Piere Du Val
Clason Map Company
Claypoole, W.
Cleburne, Patrick R.
Cloistre de S Nicolas du
Coffman, Levi
Colby, Charles A.
Colton, G.W.
Colton, J.H.
Columbian World's Fair At
Comstock, Cyrus B.
Confederate States of Ame
Confederate States of Ame
Confederate States of Ame
Container Corporation of
Cornelis Claes
Cowles, Calvin D.
Cowperthwait, Desilver &
Cram Atlas Company
Cram, George
Cram, George Franklin
Croome, W.
Cullum, George W.
D. Appleton & Co.
D. McLellan & Bros.
D.H. Vance
D.S. Stone
Davies and Roberts
Davis, Ellis Arthur
Davis, George B.
Davis, S.
Delamarche, Felix.
Dentu, Imprimeur-Libraire
DeSilver, Robert
Dimmock, Charles H.
Dodge, Grenville M.
Dodge, J.T.
Doepler, C.E.
Doolittle, A.
Dower, John
Drury, C. W.
Du Val, Pierre, 1619-1683
Duane, James C.
Dunning, S. W.
Duval, P.S.
Duval, P.S., & Co.
E.A. Davis
Early, Eleazer
Early, Jubal A.
Eberhardt, H.
Echols, William H.
Edward Molitor, Lith.
Edward Stanford
Edwin Bolitho, Engineerin
Eleazer Early
Emory University
Endlich, M.
Engelmann & Compagnie, S.
Engineer Bureau War Dept
Ewell, Richard S.
F. & R. Bailey
F. Delamarche
F. Lamb
F.A. Chapman
Fairman, David
Faleleev, I.
Fenner, Sears & Co.
Fielding Lucas
Fielding Lucas Jr.
Finley, Anthony
Fisher, Richard Swainson
Flemming, C.
Flemming, Carl
Floyd, J. B.
Forrest, Nathan Bedford
Foster, Charles
Foster, John G.
Francois Buisson
Franklin Type Foundry
Frederick A. Stokes Compa
French, Samuel G.
Freres Chatelain
Fullarton, A. & Co.
Fuller, John W.
Fullerton, Joseph S.
G. W & C. B. Colton & Co.
G.F. Cram
G.R. French
G.W. & C.B. Colton
Gallimard, J. V.
Gamble, W.H.
Gannett, Henry, 1846-1914
Garden City Publishing Co
Garrard, Kenner
Gaspari, Adam Christian (
Gautier d'Agoty, J.F. (Je
Geary, John W.
Geographischen Instituts
Geographisches Institut (
George F. Cram
George F. Cram & Co.
George Russell & Co.
George Washington Bicente
George Westermann.
Gibson, John
Gillespie, George L.
Gillmore, Quincy A.
Gilmer, Jeremy F.
Giuseppe Rodini
Glumer, J. von
Goodrich, S.G.
Goodspeed & Co.
Gordon, T.
Granger, Gordon
Grant, L. P.
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysse
Gray, Frank A.
Gray, O.W.
Gray, Ormando Willis
Greenleaf, Jeremiah
Gridley, Enoch G.
Grigg, John
Gueudeville, Nicolas
Gutherz, F. G.
Guyot, A.
H. Alt
H.C. Carey & I. Lea
H.H. Bancroft
H.S. Tanner
Haack, H.
Habenicht, H.
Hader, Berta Hoerner (189
Hader, Elmer Stanley (188
Hall, S.
Hamilton, T.H.
Hammond, C.S.
Handtke, F.
Handtke, Friedrich H.
Handtke, Friedrich, 1815-
Harper & Brothers
Harper & Brothers Publish
Harper and Brothers
Hart & Mapother.
Hassel, Georg, 1770-1829
Hassel, S. G. H., 1779-18
Hazen, William B.
Hazzard, J.L.
Heck, Johann Georg, 1795
Helferich, P.
Helmle, L.
Henry Tanner
Henshaw, Frances A.
Hergesheimer, E.
Heywood, H. S.
Hickenlooper, Andrew
Hillebrands, A.J.
Hinton, Isaac Taylor, 179
Hinton, John Howard
Hoelcke, William
Hoffmann, Ernest F.
Homann, Johann Baptist (1
Homann, Johann Baptist, 1
Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-16
Hood, J. B.
Hood, John B.
Hooker, Joseph
Hotchkiss, Jed.
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Hovey, Alvin P.
Howard, Oliver O.
Howe, Samuel Gridley
Howell, Charles W.
Hughes, Andrew
Humphreys, Andrew A.
Humphreys, F.
Humphrys, F.
Illman, Thos
Instituto Geografico di A
Instituto Geographico di
Ivanov, M.
J. & C. Walker
J. Arrivet
J. Carez
J. Conrad
J. David Williams
J. De Cordova
J. Greenleaf.
J. H. Colton.
J. Knight
J. Newberry
J. Oomkens
J. Zoon
J.H. Colton
J.H. Young
J.N. Bellin
J.W. Martin and W.K. Bode
Jackson, Thomas J.
Jackson, William L.
James, William H.
Jean-Leonard Pellet
John Arrowsmith
John Bachmann
John Bartholomew & Son LT
John Grigg
John Reid
John Wiley & Sons Inc.
John Y. Huber & Co.
John Y. Huber Company
Johnson & Browning
Johnson and Browning
Johnson and Ward
Johnson, A.J.
Johnson, Alvin Jewett, 18
Johnson, Charles G.
Johnson, John, Lt.
Johnston, A. Keith
Johnston, Alexander Keith
Johnston, Alexander Keith
Johnston, J. E.
Johnston, Joseph E.
Johnston, W. & A.K.
Johst, Paul Spener
Jones, C.H.
Julius Bien
Julius Bien & Co.
Jungk, G.
Justus Perthes
Justus Perthus
Keen & Lee
Kehnert, H.
Kehr, O.
Kellogg, Sanford Cobb, 18
Ketterer, W.
Key, John R.
Kilpatrick, Judson
King, William R.
Kirkley, JAW.
Kneass, William
Kneass, Wm.
Knight, J.
knight, J.
Knowles Hare, J.
Koch, Henry C.
Kocher, R.
Koerber, Vincent E. von
Kraatz, Leopold
Kuhn, E.
Kuntze, John P.
L'Honore & Chatelai
L. Wuhrer
Lang and Ustick
Langdon, Loomis L.
Lange, Henry
Lange, Henry, 1821-1893.
Lapie, Pierre
Lawrence, Martin
Le Comte de Paris
Lea, I.
Lea, Isaac
Leadbetter, Danville
Leahy, J.F.
Lee, Robert E.
Letts, Son & Co.
Lewis, S.
Lewis, Samuel
Liddell, St. John Richard
Linton, S. B.
Little, Brown, and Compan
Lloyd, H.H.
Logan, John A.
Loven, C.E.
Lucas, F. Jr.
Lucas, Fielding Jr.
M. Carey
M. Carey and B. Warner
M. Carey and Son
Mackey, Thomas J.
Maffitt, J. N.
Malte-Brun, Conrad, 1775-
Marbut, Curtis F.
Marshall, John
Martenet, Simon J.
Mathew Carey
Matthaeus Seutter
Matthews-Northrup Co.
McCook, Daniel
McCormack, J.C.
McGregory, Samuel E.
McLellan, D. & Bros.
McMaster, John B.
McPherson, James B.
Meade, George G.
Melish, J.
Melish, J.G.
Melish, John
Mentholatum Company
Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1
Mergell, C. S.
Merrill, Col. W.E.
Merrill, William E.
Meyer, Joseph, 1796-1856
Michel Levy Freres
Michel Levy, freres
Michie, Peter S.
Michler, Nathaniel
Mitchell, John
Mitchell, Samuel Augustu
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus
Moll, Herman, d. 1732
Montanus, Arnoldus, 1625?
Moore, M. B. (Marinda Bra
Morgan, James D.
Morris, Walter J.
Morse, Charles W.
Morse, Sidney E. (Sidney
Mount and Davidson
Mower, Joseph A.
Moxon, James
Muller, C.
Murray-Aaron, Eugene, 185
N. & S.S. Jocelyn
N. & S.S. Jocelyn (Firm)
National Map Company
New England Institution f
New-York Observer
No publisher.
Noyes, Henry E.
O'Brien, Emmett J
O.W. Gray & Son
Ode, Henri
Ogilby, John
Ogilby, John, 1600-1676
Osterhaus, Peter J.
Oswell, L.C.
Page, Richard L.
Palfrey, John C.
Parham, Charles
Pergamon Press
Perkins, Joseph
Perkins, Joseph.
Perry, Leslie J.
Peseux, Charles
Peseux, M.
Peter, B.
Petermann, A.
Petri, Charles
Ph. Vandermaelen
Philip H. Nicklin.
Piadyshev, Vasilii Petrov
Pirî Reis, d. 1554?
Poe, Capt. O.M.
Poe, O.M.
Poe, Orlando M.
Polish Army Topography Se
Porter, David D.
Presso Antonio Zatta, e F
Price, Sterling
Quinn, Vernon
R. White
R.A. Campbell
Radford, R. M.
Ralph, W.
Rand McNally
Rand McNally & Co.
Rand McNally and Company
Rand, McNally & Co.
Rand, McNally & Co.'s
Random House
Ransom, Thomas E. G.
Raynal, G.T.
Reese, Chauncey B.
Reeves, Norman
Reid, John
Reid, Wayland & Smith
Reinecke, I.C.
Riemann, H.
Robert DeSilver
Rockwell, Cleveland
Rodini, Giuseppe
Rogers, H.D.
Rogers, Henry Darwin
Romans, Bernard
Rosecrans, William S.
RR Donnelley
Ruger, Edward
Ruger, H.H.
Ruggles, Samuel P.
Ruhle von Lilienstern, Au
Russell (Firm)
Ryan, Abraham H.
S. Augustus Mitchell
S. Augustus Mitchell.
S.A. Mitchell
S.A. Mitchell Jr.
S.A. Mitchell, Jr.
S.A. Mitchell.
Sanson, Guillaume (1633-1
Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-166
Santini, Paolo
Scheda, Joseph Ritter (18
Schiff, Herman S.
Schofield, John M.
Schonberg & Co.
Scobel, Albert
Scott, Joseph
Scovel, James L.
Seutter, C. V.
Seutter, Matthaeus, 1678-
Seymour, Truman
Shallus, Francis
Shell Oil Company
Sheridan, Philip H.
Sherman, William T.
Sherwood, Adiel
Shubert, Fedor Fedorovich
Sidney E. Morse & Co.
Simon, O.
Simpkin & Marshall
Skinner, C. W.
Slocum, Henry W.
Smith, Giles A.
Smith, J. Calvin
Smith, Robert E.
Smith, W.F.
Smith, William F.
Society for the Diffusion
Sohr, Karl
Southern Pacific Company
Speed, John, 1542-1629
Stanford, Edward
State Farm Insurance Comp
Stedman & Brown
Stedman, Brown & Lyon
Steele, F.
Stevens, Walter H.
Stieler, Adolf
Strasser, J.
Strauch, George B.
Sturges, Daniel
Swanston, G.H.
Taintor Brothers & Merril
Talcott, R. H.
Talfor, R. B.
Tanner's Geographical Est
Tanner, Benjamin, 1775-18
Tanner, H.S.
Tanner, Henry S.
Tardieu, J.B.
Taylor, Frank J.
The Times
Theilkuhl, F.
Theodor Fischer
Thomas & Andrews
Thomas Bassett and Richar
Thomas Wardle
Thomas, Cowperthwait & Co
Thomas, George H.
Thompson, Gilbert
Thos. Bowles and John Bow
Times (London, England)
Tisdale, E.
Tobias Conrad Lotter, 171
Topl. Engr. Office, Dept.
Touring club italiano
Tower, Zealous B.
Treasure Map
Tunica, Francis
U.S. Census Office
U.S. Department of Agricu
U.S. General Land Office
U.S. Geological Survey
U.S. Government Printing
U.S. War Department, Chie
U.S.C.S. Dept.
Ulffers, Herman. A.
Ullfers, Herman. A.
Umbreit, E.
Unidentified (GA)
United States Coast Surve
United States Military Ac
United States Military Ac
United States Post Office
United States. Army. Corp
United States. Census Off
United States. Constituti
United States. Post Offic
United States. War Depar
USSR (Union of Soviet Soc
Vandermaelen, Philippe, 1
Velhagen & Klasing
Vertage des Geographische
Voenno-topograficheskoe D
Vogel, C.
Vorzet, Ed.Dumas
W. & A.K. Johnston
W. & A.K. Johnston Limite
W.& A.K. Johnston
Wagner, A.
Walker, Tipton
Walker, W. H. T.
Walker, William A.
Walling, H. F.
Walter, T.U.
War Dept.
Wardle, Thomas
Warner, Benjamin
Warr, Wm. W.
Washington, George
Webster, Joseph D.
Weeks, Jordan & Co.
Weiland, Carl Ferdinand,
Weitzel, Godfrey
Welch, B.T.
Weller, Edward.
Weller, Edwd.
Wellman, David W.
Weyss, John E.
Wheeler, Henry L.
White, Ruth Taylor
Whiting, William H. C.
Wiley & Long
Wiley and Putnam.
Willett, James R.
Willett, John H.
William Clowes & Son Ltd.
William D. Ticknor
Williams W.
Williams, Alpheus S.
Williams, C.S.
Williams, J.David
Williams, W.
Wilson, James H.
Wilson, Sergeant
Winterbotham, W.
Wise, C.
Wissler, J.
Wm. M. Bradley & Bro.
Wm. M. Bradley & Bros.
Wojskowe Zaklady Kartogra
Wood Brothers
Yeager, J.
Young & Delleker
Young, J. H. (James Hamil
Young, J.H.
Zatta, Antonio
Zatta, Antonio, active 17
Ziegler & McCurdy
Browse All
Images of Georgia
Greenleaf, Jeremiah
[Weiland, Carl Ferdinand, 1782 -1847, Hassel, Georg, 1770-1829]
[Stieler, Adolf, Kehnert, H., Habenicht, H.]
Full color map on sheet 35x27. Relief shown pictorially. Prime meridians are Washington and Greenwich. Shows counties, major cities, roads and rivers.
Zatta, Antonio, active 1757-1797
Engraved hand-colored in outline, double-page map. The first edition of Zatta's twelve sheet version of Mitchell's Map of North America, plus three other maps: Il Canada, La Baja D' Hudson, and Le Isole di Terra Nuova e Capo Breton. Zatta's version of Mitchell is not an exact copy: many geographical changes are introduced, and Bermuda is depicted as well as Jamaica, neither of which are shown by Mitchell. Maps showing administrative divisions, settlements, cities, towns, forts, Indian settlements, bridges, canals, mountains and rivers. Relief shown pictorially and by hacures. Includes notations.
Engraved map with inset and facing index page. Outline hand color. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridians: Washington and Greenwich.
[Ogilby, John, 1600-1676, Montanus, Arnoldus, 1625?-1683]
Inserted in this copy, present in the first issue 1671 but not published in this second issue 1671, replaced by the Lord Proprietors' map.
[Ogilby, John, 1600-1676, Montanus, Arnoldus, 1625?-1683, Moxon, James]
North to the right. Foldout.
[Emory University, Wrigley]
Colored pictorial map of the University of Emory campus. Covered with buildings and facilities. Shows various games in progress. Shows roads, railroads and wooded areas. Includes decorative title carthouche and compass rose.
Heck, Johann Georg, 1795 -1857
Black and white map. Shows state boundaries, settlements, railroads, etc.
Piadyshev, Vasilii Petrovich, 1758-1835
Engraved hand colored in outline map. Showing provincial and district borders, rivers, roads, postal tracks and stations, landmarks, churches, major cities, towns, villages, etc. Distances are shown in versts. Legend and place names in Russian and French. Relief shown by hachures.
Taintor Brothers & Merrill
Hand col. lithographed map. Counties in full color.
[Santini, Paolo, d'Anville]
Speed, John, 1542-1629
Seutter, Matthaeus, 1678-1756
Composite of Plan von Neu Ebenezer and the adjoining (Coasts of South Carolina, Georgia, Florida. Savannah mills). Ruderman: "Important early town plan of New Ebenezer on the Savannah River, accompanied by a large map of the region from Charleston and Augusta, GA in the north to Saint Augustine, Florida, with a smaller inset map of St. Simons River, and Great St. Simon's Island and Jekyl Isle. The map was prepared for Samuel Urlsperger's Ausfürhliche Nachrichten von den saltzburgischen emigranten, published by Matthaeus Seutter, 1747. The map illustrates one of the most interesting early colonies in the southeast. The Salzburgers were a group of Lutherans who were exiled from their homeland in Salzburg, Austria. In 1734, the English Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge sponsored the sea passage of a small group of them to America. Their first settlement, on the Ebenezer River, proved inhospitable, so in 1736 they moved to the banks of the Savannah River, where they founded New Ebenezer. With Savannah, founded only three years earlier, as a model, New Ebenezer was laid out on a grid pattern, punctuated by open squares and became a thriving locale known for its silk trade. It is now an archaeological site listed on the National Register of Historic Places; only the brick Jerusalem Lutheran Church and a few other buildings survive."
Seutter, Matthaeus, 1678-1756
This map is part of the following map, Plan von Neu Ebenezer. Ruderman: "Important early town plan of New Ebenezer on the Savannah River, accompanied by a large map of the region from Charleston and Augusta, GA in the north to Saint Augustine, Florida, with a smaller inset map of St. Simons River, and Great St. Simon's Island and Jekyl Isle. The map was prepared for Samuel Urlsperger's Ausfürhliche Nachrichten von den saltzburgischen emigranten, published by Matthaeus Seutter, 1747. The map illustrates one of the most interesting early colonies in the southeast. The Salzburgers were a group of Lutherans who were exiled from their homeland in Salzburg, Austria. In 1734, the English Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge sponsored the sea passage of a small group of them to America. Their first settlement, on the Ebenezer River, proved inhospitable, so in 1736 they moved to the banks of the Savannah River, where they founded New Ebenezer. With Savannah, founded only three years earlier, as a model, New Ebenezer was laid out on a grid pattern, punctuated by open squares and became a thriving locale known for its silk trade. It is now an archaeological site listed on the National Register of Historic Places; only the brick Jerusalem Lutheran Church and a few other buildings survive."
Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724
Based on four maps from Herman Moll's Atlas Minor (see our copy).
Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724
[State Farm Insurance Companies Travel Bureau, Rand McNally and Company]
Color map. U.S. interstate highways shown in red. Shows roads, capitals, population of cities and towns, etc. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. On the lower corner: v.3620.
Engraved map. Full hand color. Relief shown pictorially. Prime meridians: Greenwich and Washington.
[Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667, Sanson, Guillaume (1633-1703)]
[Gaspari, Adam Christian (1752-1830), Reinecke, I.C.]
[Cram, George Franklin, Murray-Aaron, Eugene, 1852-1941.]
In full color on 2 pages. Shows administrative divisions, cities and towns, railroads, roads, rivers, etc. Prime meridian is Greenwich.
[Hinton, Isaac Taylor, 1799-1847, Simpkin & Marshall]
Hand col. engraved map. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridians: Washington and Greenwich. "70."
[Bradford, Thomas G., Goodrich, S.G.]
In full color by county with railroads shown.
Outline color map. Showing county lines. Relief shown by hachures.
[Julius Bien & Co., United States. War Department]
Col. map. Relief shown by hachures. Shows settlements, railroads, roads, ferries, etc.
[Julius Bien & Co., United States. War Department]
Col. map. Relief shown by hachures. Shows settlements, railroads, roads, ferries, etc.
[Julius Bien & Co., United States. War Department]
Col. map. Shows settlements, railroads, roads, etc.
[Julius Bien & Co., United States. War Department]
Col. map. Shows settlements, railroads, roads, ferries, etc.
[Julius Bien & Co., United States. War Department]
Col. map. Shows settlements, railroads, roads, ferries, etc.
[Julius Bien & Co., United States. War Department]
Col. map. Relief shown by hachures. Shows settlements, railroads, roads, ferries, etc.
[Confederate States of America. Army, Confederate States of America. Army. Corps of Engineers, United States. War Department]
Two col. maps, with 4 ancillary maps. Relief shown by hachures.
[Hoffman, Hoffmann, Ernest F., United States. War Department]
Col. map with 3 ancillary maps. Relief shown by hachures.
United States. War Department
Four col. maps with 4 ancillary maps.
[Confederate States of America. Army, Confederate States of America. Army. Corps of Engineers, Walker, William A.]
Col. map with 2 ancillary maps. Depths shown by soundings. "The harbor, James Id, Folly Id, Morris Id., Sullivan's Id. and Long Id. from United States Coast Survey. John's Id. from Mills' atlas." "Copied for his excellency M.I. Bonham, Governor of the state of South Carolina." Ancillary maps from reports of Peter S. Michie and Giles A. Smith.
United States. War Department
Ten sepia-toned lithographs. Some accompany report of Capt. O.M. Poe. U.S. Rolling Mill from original photograph in Office of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army. Iron clads from original in archives of the U.S. Coast Survey. Ships shown: Minnesota, Wabash, Mahopac, Canonicus, Iron Sides, Monadnock, Saugus, Malvern and Brooklyn.
United States. War Department
Twelve sepia-toned lithographs. Accompany report of Capt. O.M. Poe.
United States. War Department
Twelve sepia-toned lithographs. Accompany report of Capt. O.M. Poe.
United States. War Department
Eleven sepia-toned lithographs. Three views have "Accompanying report of Lieut. P.S. Michie, U.S. Engrs." Signal station view has "Accompanying report of Big. Gen. G. Weitzel, U.S. Army."
[Cram, George, Wood Brothers]
Outline hand color map. Shows state and county boundaries, cities and towns. Prime meridians are Greenwich and Washington.
United States. War Department
Col. map with ancillary map. Relief shown by hachures. Covers present-day Utah and Nevada and parts of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho and Oregon.
United States. War Department
Two col. maps with 7 ancillary maps. Relief shown by hachures or contours. "Accompanying inspection report of Brig. Gen. Z.B. Tower."
[Hotchkiss, Jed., United States. War Department]
Three col. maps with 12 ancillary maps and plans (5 col.). Relief shown by hachures or form lines. Some maps and plans accompany inspection report of Brig. Gen. Z.B. Tower.
[Poe, Orlando M., Ullfers, Herman. A., United States. War Department]
Col. map with 20 ancillary maps.