Browse All : Images of New York from 1926
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[Farrow, Charles Vernon (1896-1936), Fuessle & Colman]
A cover envelope for Farrow's pictorial map of Manhattan. See our full size versions This appears to be the only major city map that Farrow designed. Published by Fuessle and Colman. The map highlights scores of actual attractions like landmarks and parks. Familiar buildings and streets are labeled, as is the city’s transit system at the time, with elevated tracks running along the avenues. Date estimated.
Date estimated. Two strip maps and one regional map.
Date estimated. Three strip maps.
Arthur Crosby Service
Advertising pictorial map of New York City, 29x95, folded into pictorial stiff card wrapper. created by the Arthur Crosby Service, an advertising firm. Issued in several editions, promoting various New York businesses. This edition filled with small, detailed vignettes of major buildings, landmarks, ships including Paramount Building circled in red at the center. shows streets and avenues in white, subway and elevated lines, Piers are numbered. Key on the map identifies numbered numerous locations "All New York is keyed to Times Square - The cross roads of the world". Key on lower right identifies numerous locations as numbered on the map.
Rand McNally and Company
Shows early Highway symbols and Trail Markings. Map is printed in dark blue, with no other color, and folded into gray card board covers 16x11 printed with "New York. Liberty Auto Road Map 1926. Price 10 Cents. 5 (cents) Liberty, A Weekly for the Whole Family. Auto Dept. 247 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y." On the back cover it reads "This map is issued by Liberty as a special service to its readers..."
Rand McNally and Company
Shows early Highway symbols and Trail Markings. Map is printed in dark blue, with no other color, and folded into gray card board covers 16x11 printed with "New York. Liberty Auto Road Map 1926. Price 10 Cents. 5 (cents) Liberty, A Weekly for the Whole Family. Auto Dept. 247 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y." On the back cover it reads "This map is issued by Liberty as a special service to its readers..."
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