Browse All : Atlas Map by A. Lahure of Ecuador

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Carta geologica de Colombia : Venezuela y Ecuador
Codazzi, Agustín, 1793-...
Carta geologica de Colo...
National Atlas
[Codazzi, Agustín, 1793-1859, Paz, Manuel María, 1820-1902]
Color map. Title surrounded by a decorative cartouche. Geologic formation represented by colors. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridians are Paris, Bogota and Greenwich.
Division politica de Colombia en 1824
Codazzi, Agustín, 1793-...
Division politica de Co...
National Atlas
[Codazzi, Agustín, 1793-1859, Paz, Manuel María, 1820-1902]
Color map. Title surrounded by a decorative cartouche. Shows capitals, capitals of departments, cities, rivers, etc. Includes legend and table listing political divisions. "Rectificacion: Ministerio de Instruccion Publica - Bogota, Enero 15, de 1892 ... El Ministro, Jose I. Trujillo" pasted on the map. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridians are Paris, Bogota and Greenwich.
Mapa que contiene una parte de las Republicas del Ecuador, Peru y Bolivia
Codazzi, Agustín, 1793-...
Mapa que contiene una p...
National Atlas
[Codazzi, Agustín, 1793-1859, Paz, Manuel María, 1820-1902]
Color map. Represent a portion of the Republics of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia to serve the history of the campaigns of the Liberation Army of Colombia in the Upper and Lower Peru, 1823-1826. Shows capitals, cities, rivers, etc. Prime meridian is Bogota.
Carta de la Antigua Colombia, dividida en los departamentos de Cundinamarca, Venezuela y Quito
Codazzi, Agustín, 1793-...
Carta de la Antigua Col...
National Atlas
[Codazzi, Agustín, 1793-1859, Paz, Manuel María, 1820-1902]
Color map. Title surrounded by a decorative cartouche. Includes explanation and legend. Shows capitals, cities, rivers, etc. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridians are Paris, Bogota and Greenwich.
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