Berghaus, Hermann
Lithographed geologic map, color, with 19 insets. Small inset maps not given in full title: Honolulu (Sandwich-Inseln) -- Makatea (Tuamotu-Gruppe) -- Bolabola (Gesellschafts-Inseln) -- Totoya (Viti-Inseln) -- Niuafu (Tonga-Inseln) -- Tova Riff (Viti In.) -- Vuata Vatua (Ono In.) -- Nukufetau (der Ellice Gruppe) -- Taiara (Tuamotu In.) -- Washington -- Jervis -- Enderbury (Phoenix In.) -- Roto-Mahana der warme See vor d. 10. Juni 1886 -- Maunga Rei.
[Berghaus, Hermann, Luddecke, Richard, Steinmann, G.]
Lithographed geologic map, color, with 7 insets. Relief shown by spot heights.
Berghaus, Hermann
Lithographed geologic map, color with 12 inset maps. Relief shown by spot heights. Some inset maps are topographic maps showing relief by hachures and spot heights.
Berghaus, Hermann
Lithographed geologic map, color with 11 insets. Relief shown by spot heights.
Berghaus, Hermann
Lithographed geologic map, color with 4 insets. Relief shown by spot heights.
Berghaus, Hermann
Lithographed geologic map, color with inset. Relief shown by spot heights. Includes geologic sections.
Berghaus, Hermann
Lithographed geologic map, color with 7 insets. Relief shown by spot heights. Shows mineral deposits.
[Berghaus, Hermann, Luddecke, Richard, Rohrbach, C.]
Lithographed geologic map, color with 3 insets. Includes statistical tables.
Berghaus, Hermann
21 lithographed maps on 1 sheet, color. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Contents: Inlandeis des Frederickshaab-Gletschers nach J.A.D. Jensen -- Gronlandisches Binnen-Eis -- Justedals Bra -- Jotun Fjeld -- Berner Oberland -- Gletscher des Halbinsel Kenai (Alaska) -- Aus dem sudlichen Gronland n. G. Holm -- Gletscher des Mount Tacoma (nach dem Northern Transcontinental Survey) von Bailey Willis -- Gletscher des Mount Shasta (nach dem U.S. Geological Survey) von J.S. Diller -- Gletscher von Oisans -- Nevado de Chillan nach A. Philippi -- San Rafael Gletscher -- Oetzthaler Gruppe -- Glockner Gruppe -- Ross-Gletscher (Sud-Georgien) -- Gletscher des Adai Choch (Kaukasus) nach M. v. Dechy -- Hohe von Schneegrenzen und Gletscher-Enden -- Gletscher des Kasbek -- Serafschan Gletscher (Turkestan) nach I.W. Muschketow -- Neuseelandische Alpen nach R. v. Lendenfield.
Berghaus, Hermann
Lithographed map, color.
[Berghaus, Hermann, Luddecke, Richard, Rohrbach, C.]
Lithographed map, color. Ancillary maps: Dunen des Nefud -- Sudliche Erdhalfte, Niederschlage im Juli -- Niederschlage im Januar, Nordliche Erdhalfte -- Dunen in Central Australien -- Dunen des Tharr -- Ostliche Areg -- Trockene Niederschlage.
Berghaus, Hermann
Lithographed map, color. Ancillary maps: Jan Mayer, nordlichster Vulkan -- Erdbeben-Gebiete westliche -- Ostliche Erdbeben-Gebiete -- Insel Augustin (Tschernabura) -- Stromboli (Liparische Inseln) thatigster Vulkan -- Santorin (Kykladen) -- Sunda Strasse -- Tengger-Gebirge & Semiru.
Berghaus, Hermann
Lithographed maps, color. Relief shown by altitude tints. Contents: Die Heutigen Niederlande -- Fen District -- El-Ghor oder das Jordan Thal -- Kaspisches Tiefland und Manytsch Niederrung -- Natron-Seen -- El Fajum -- Nordrand der Libyschen Wuste -- Das Todte Thal -- Colorado-Wuste -- Nordrand der Algerischen Sahara -- Goban n. Paulistischke -- Sud-Australische Seen -- Tiefland Asale -- Assal-See. Inset maps at 1:6,000,000: Niederlande in 1. Jahrhundert -- Niederlande in X. Jahrhundert.
[Berghaus, Hermann, Luddecke, Richard]
Lithographed double hemisphere map, color. Relief and depths shown by altitude and depth tints. Ancillary maps and charts: Kubikinhalt der Kontinente (nach Heiderich) -- Flacheninhalt der Kontinente -- Erdprofile, im gleichen Langen- und Hohenmaassstab (aus Ferdinand Lingg's Erdprofil) -- Grosste u. mittlere Hohen und Tiefen der westlichen Erdhalfte -- Grosste u. mittlere Hohen und Tiefen der ostlichen Erdhalfte.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Risch, M.]
Color lithograph hydrographic map of West Indies. With 7 inset maps and 2 depth gradient diagram. Showing tides, current system, river basins, canals, delta, etc. Includes explanation and abbreviation tables. Depth shown by isolines, bathymetric tints and soundings. Prime meridian is Greenwich.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Barich, C.]
Color lithograph hydrographic map of Southeast Asia. With 9 inset maps and 1 depth gradient diagram. Showing tides, current system, canals, etc. Includes table. Depth shown by isolines, bathymetric tints and soundings. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Prime meridian is Greenwich.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann]
Color lithograph hydrographic map of Mediterranean Sea and Black sea. With 21 inset maps, profile showing Gibraltar Strait and depth gradient diagram. Showing tides, current system, canals, river basin, harbors, ports, delta, lagoon, etc. Includes explanation table. Depth shown by isolines, bathymetric tints and soundings. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Prime meridian is Greenwich.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann]
Outline color lithograph map. With 5 depth gradient diagrams, and 11 inset maps. Showing physical characteristics, tides and current system of the North Sea and Baltic Sea. Includes map explanation table . Depth shown by isolines, bathymetric tints and soundings. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Prime meridian is Greenwich.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Hess, O.]
4 color lithograph meteorological maps of the world on 2 sheets. With 4 inset maps and 4 gradient diagrams. Shows the global surface current system and global mean surface temperature in February and August. Depth shown by gradient tints and soundings. Includes explanation table.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Kogel, F.]
Outline color lithograph hydrological map of the world. Includes tidal graph. Shows tidal lines and ocean currents. Depth shown by gradient tints, isolines and soundings. Includes explanation table.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann]
Outline color lithograph hydrological map of the world. Includes 7 tidal charts and 1 graph. Shows tides, currents and shorelines. Depth shown by gradient tints, isolines and soundings. Includes explanation table.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann]
Outline color lithograph map of the world. Includes 9 inset maps and 1 profile. Shows lakes, tides and currents, shorelines and coastal operations. Relief shown by hachures. Depth shown by gradient tints, isolines and soundings. Includes explanation table. Prime meridian is Greenwich.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Luddecke, R., Geyer, F.]
27 color lithograph hydrological maps on 1 sheet. Shows watersheds, canals, lakes and wetlands. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Includes explanation table and depth gradient diagram.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Schmidt, C., Hess, O.]
30 color lithograph hydrological maps on 1 sheet. Shows river basins, watersheds, canals, principal rivers and streams. Relief shown by hachures, gradient tints and spot heights. Depth shown by isolines and soundings. Includes explanation table.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann]
Color lithograph double hemisphere hydrological map, with inset maps and cross section. Shows ocean currents, drainage basins, watersheds, principal rivers and streams. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Insets: Zwiefache Quellen Hallingdal -- Gabelung des Orinoco -- Wasserteilung zwischen Severn -- Gabelung der Hasse -- Wasserteilung in Hardanger -- Quelle des Rauma & Logen -- Gabelung ded Tornea Elf -- Zeitweise wasserteilung des Manytsch -- Zeitweise gabelung des Serbewel -- Gabelung des Bahr el Dshebi and profile: Grosse des Landes. Includes explanation table.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Luddecke, R., Geyer, F.]
Color lithograph map. Insets: Victoria -- Tasmanien -- Landenge von Auckland -- Maunga Rei -- Das Seenland -- Hawaii-Vulkane -- Roto-Mahana -- Honolulu -- Makatea -- Bolabola -- Totoya -- Niuafu -- Tova Riff -- Vuata Vatua -- Nukufetau -- Taiara -- Washington -- Jervis -- Enderbury.Showing majorrivers and river basins. Principal geological features are shown by color or symbols. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Depth shown by isolines and soundings. Includes table of geologic formations. Prime meridian is Greenwich.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Steinmann, G., Luddecke, R., Geyer, F.]
Color lithograph map. Insets: Vulcan Descabezado --Cordillere von Copiapo -- Durchschnitt des Westabhanges der Cordillere von Copiapo -- Minen von Callao -- Laguna de San Rafael -- Sierra Nevada de Cocui -- Durchschnitt des Sergipe-Alagoas Beckens. Showing lakes, rivers and river basins. Principal geological features are shown by color or symbols. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Depth shown by isolines and soundings. Includes table and text. Prime meridian is Greenwich.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Risch, M.]
Color lithograph map. Insets: Virginia-Silber-Minen -- Das Yosemite-Thal -- Landenge von Tehuantepec -- Landenge von Nicaragua -- Die Krater des Turrialba -- Landenge von Panama -- Seeboden der New-York-Bay -- Popocatepetl -- Citlaltepetl -- Canons des Colorado --Yellowstone-National -Park -- Reykjanes und Geyser. Showing major cities, towns, rivers and river basins. Principal geological features are shown by color or symbols. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Depth shown by isolines and soundings. Includes table. Prime meridian is Greenwich.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Risch, M., Reichenbecher, A., Kogel, F.]
Color lithograph map. Insets: Pic von Tenerife -- Bu-Chail-Gebirge (Algerien) -- Kamerun-Gebirge -- Gebirgslauf des Congo -- Atlas-Lander -- Capland -- Kilima-Ndsharo -- Oase Chargeh nach K. v. Zittel -- Abyssinien -- Amba-Landschaft -- Magdala. Showing major cities, ports, canals and river basins. Principal geological features are shown by color or symbols. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Depth shown by isolines and soundings. Includes table of geologic formations. Prime meridian is Greenwich.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Poppey, K., Grabhein, P.]
Color lithograph map. Showing major cities, towns, rivers, lakes and river basins. Principal geological features are shown by color or symbols. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Depth shown by isolines and soundings. Includes table of geologic formations. Prime meridian is Greenwich.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann]
Color lithograph map. Showing major cities, towns, rivers and river basins. Principal geological features are shown by color or symbols. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Depth shown by isolines and soundings. Includes table of geologic formations and abbreviations. Prime meridian is Greenwich.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Luddecke, R., Rohrbach, C.]
Color lithograph map with 7 insets: Laki (Island) -- Vulcano -- Die Pyrenaeen -- Spitzbergen -- Schonen -- Der Kaukasus -- Gletscher des Adai-Choch. Showing major cities, towns, rivers and river basins. Principal geological features are shown by color or symbols. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Depth shown by isolines and soundings. Includes table of geologic formations and abbreviations.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Luddecke, R., Rohrbach, C.]
Color lithograph map of the world with 3 insets. Includes statistical tables and colors explanation.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Risch, M., Hess, O., Kogel, F.]
21 color lithograph maps on 1 sheet. Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Insets: Inlandeis des Frederickshaab-Glets chers nach J.A.D. Jensen -- Gronlandisches Binnen-Eis -- Justedals Bra -- Jotun Fjeld -- Berner Oberland -- Gletscher des Halbinsel Kenai (Alaska) -- Aus dem sudlichen Gronland n. G. Holm -- Gletscher des Mount Tacoma (nach dem Northern Transcontinental Survey) von Bailey Willis -- Gletscher des Mount Shasta (nach dem U.S. Geological Survey) von J.S. Diller -- Gletscher von Oisans -- Nevado de Chillan nach A. Philippi -- San Rafael Gletscher -- Oetzthaler Gruppe -- Glockner Gruppe -- Ross-Gletscher (Sud-Georgien) -- Gletscher des Adai Choch (Kaukasus) nach M. v. Dechy -- Hohe von Schneegrenzen und Gletscher-Enden -- Gletscher des Kasbek -- Serafschan Gletscher (Turkestan) nach I.W. Muschketow -- Neuseelandische Alpen nach R. v. Lendenfield.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann]
Color lithograph double hemisphere map with 7 insets. Depth shown by gradient tints, isoline and soundings. Relief shown by hachures. Insets: Der Rhein-Gletscher nach A. Favre -- Der Rhone Gletscher nach A. Falsan -- Seen-Gebiet in Nord-Amerika nach Chamberlin und Wright -- Die Europaischen Alpen -- Iseo-Gletscher nach Stroppani -- Der Loisach- und Inn-Gletscher n. Penck & Bayberger -- Die Sudlichen Alpen (Neu-Seeland) nach J. v. Haast. Includes legend and explanation.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Rohrbach, C., Luddecke, R.]
Color lithograph double hemisphere map with 7 insets. Depth shown by gradient tints and soundings. Insets: Dunen des Nefud -- Sudliche Erdhalfte, Niederschlage im Juli -- Niederschlage im Januar, Nordliche Erdhalfte -- Dunen in Central Australien -- Dunen des Tharr -- Ostliche Areg -- Trockene Niederschlage. Includes legend and explanation.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Schmidt, C., Risch, M.]
Color lithograph maps with 8 insets and 1 profile view. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Depth shown by gradient tints and soundings. Prime meridian is Greenwich. Insets: Jan Mayer, nordlichster Vulkan -- Erdbeben-Gebiete westliche -- Ostliche Erdbeben-Gebiete -- Insel Augustin (Tschernabura) -- Stromboli (Liparische Inseln) thatigster Vulkan -- Santorin (Kykladen) -- Sunda Strasse -- Tengger-Gebirge & Semiru. Includes legend and explanation.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Schmidt, C., Risch, M.]
14 color lithograph maps with insets on 1 sheet. Includes: Die Heutigen Niederlande, with insets: Niederlande in 1. Jahrhundert -- Niederlande in X. Jahrhundert, at scale of 1: 6,000,000. Fen District -- El-Ghor oder das Jordan Thal -- Kaspisches Tiefland und Manytsch Niederrung -- Natron-Seen -- El Fajum -- Nordrand der Libyschen Wuste -- Das Todte Thal -- Colorado-Wuste -- Nordrand der Algerischen Sahara -- Goban n. Paulistischke -- Sud-Australische Seen -- Tiefland Asale -- Assal-See. Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Depth shown by gradient tints and soundings. Prime meridian is Greenwich.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Berghaus, Hermann, Luddecke, R., Hess, O.]
Color lithograph double hemisphere map, with inset maps and charts. Includes Comparative View of the Heights of the Principal Mountains in the World. Relief shown by contours. Depth shown by gradient tints.
[Stieler, Adolf, Berghaus, Hermann]
The West Indies and Central America in outline color with inset maps of the Isthmuses of Nicaragua and Panama. Small drawings show the elevations of the Isthmuses of Panama, Tehuantepec and Nicaragua.
[Stieler, Adolf, Berghaus, Hermann]
In outline color with line elevation chart for cities shown on the map.
[Stieler, Adolf, Berghaus, Hermann]
Outline color map with cross section elevation chart of the local mountains.
[Stieler, Adolf, Berghaus, Hermann]
Political map in outline color of Germany, Austria, Switzerland, parts of Poland and Hungary. German States are numbered with an accompanying key.
[Stieler, Adolf, Berghaus, Hermann]
Map of rivers and mountains in Germany and surrouding lands in full color. Shades of green and brown are used to show elevation ranges. Map is surrounded by elevation cross sections for the Alps.
[Stieler, Adolf, Berghaus, Hermann]
Full color map of the Atlantic Ocean showing telegraph lines overland and on the ocean floor. Three small inset maps show the western (Newfoundland), eastern (Ireland), and Brazilian routes of the lines. Soundings and sea routes are included.
[Stieler, Adolf, Berghaus, Hermann]
A world map showing sea currents and transportation routes via land and sea. With three inset maps, two polar projections showing sea currents and transportation and one map showing sea surface temperatures in the coldest month.
[Stieler, Adolf, Berghaus, Hermann]
A map of the world with wind directions and sea routes. Two small inset maps of the world show temperature zones and a recent climate map of the world. In outline color.
[Stieler, Adolf, Berghaus, Hermann]
A chart of the solar system with the inset map of the phases of the moon. Drawings of the planets and explanatory text included.
[Berghaus, Heinrich, Gerland, Georg, Hess, O.]
Full color map of Europe with 4 insets. Showing the ethnographic distribution of people in Europe to 100-150 after Christ. Includes explanatory tables. Prime meridian is Greenwich.