Browse All : Images by Dietrich Reimer of Hungary

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Türkischen Reiches.
Kiepert, Heinrich
Türkischen Reiches.
Case Map
Kiepert, Heinrich
Case map of the Ottoman Empire. Colored lithograph on paper, sectioned and mounted on linen, which is folded and inserted within a case made of black board. Shows political boundaries, railroads and water routes, as well as ethnic divisions. Includes legend and three bar scales. Features a table: Erklärung häufiger geographischer Benennungen in den vier Hauptsprachen des Orients: Türkisch, Arabisch, Persisch, Ost-Slawisch, Russisch ... (= Explanation of common geographical names in the four main languages of the Orient: Turkish, Arabic, Persian, East Slavic, Russian.) Map 84 x 119 cm, on sheet 88 x 123 cm, folded to 31 x 22 cm, inside case 33 x 24 cm.
Monarchie Osterreich - Ungern
Kiepert, Heinrich, 1818...
Monarchie Osterreich - ...
World Atlas
Kiepert, Heinrich, 1818-1899
Double page hand colored in outline map. Color coded by administrative boundaries. Includes legend and abbreviations. Relief shown by hachures. Prime meridians are Ferro and Paris.
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