Browse All : Images by Dietrich Reimer of Russia and Hungary
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Kiepert, Heinrich
Case map of the Ottoman Empire. Colored lithograph on paper, sectioned and mounted on linen, which is folded and inserted within a case made of black board. Shows political boundaries, railroads and water routes, as well as ethnic divisions. Includes legend and three bar scales. Features a table: Erklärung häufiger geographischer Benennungen in den vier Hauptsprachen des Orients: Türkisch, Arabisch, Persisch, Ost-Slawisch, Russisch ... (= Explanation of common geographical names in the four main languages of the Orient: Turkish, Arabic, Persian, East Slavic, Russian.) Map 84 x 119 cm, on sheet 88 x 123 cm, folded to 31 x 22 cm, inside case 33 x 24 cm.
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