Browse All : Images by Finagenov and Frolov and Eremin of Alaska

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Chukotskoi Zemli, Aleutskikh ostrovov i severo-zapadnago berega Ameriki
Piadyshev, Vasilii Petr...
Chukotskoi Zemli, Aleut...
[Regional Atlas, Nation...
Piadyshev, Vasilii Petrovich, 1758-1835
One map folded on 2 sheets, engraved hand colored in outline. Includes an ancillary map of the California coast showing the location of the Russian-American Company's trading post Fort Ross. Showing provincial and district borders, mountains, rivers, roads, postal tracks and stations, landmarks, churches, major cities, towns, villages, etc. Distances are shown in versts. Legend and place names in Russian and French. Relief shown by hachures.
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